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21. 2004 LSTA GRANT SUMMARY Multnomah County Library InformACTion Pioneering a New Oregon Model on the The aim is to improve oregon libraries Web presence to become the Web http://www.osl.state.or.us/home/libdev/LSTA/2004OregonLSTAGrantsFunded.htm | |
22. Central Oregon Visitors Association - A Visitors Guide To Lodging, Dining, Golf, Central oregon libraries. Central Oregon Community College Library 2600 NW College Way, Bend 541383-7560, This library on the COCC campus is open to http://www.visitcentraloregon.com/arts_culture/arts-culture-libraries.htm | |
23. Oregon Libraries Goes 24/7 With Free Online Information Service oregon libraries Goes 24/7 With Free Online Information Service. Lnet, a free online information service offered by oregon libraries, is now available 24/7 http://www.researchbuzz.org/oregon_libraries_goes_247_with_free_online_informati |
24. ResearchBuzz US-Oregon Archives oregon libraries Goes 24/7 With Free Online Information Service Lnet, a free online information service offered by oregon libraries, is now available http://www.researchbuzz.org/usoregon.shtml |
25. Library Jobs In The Pacific NW The University of oregon libraries invites applications and nominations for the newly defined position of Electronic Resources Librarian. Applicants http://www.pnla.org/jobs/j11.htm | |
26. Many Oregon Libraries, Archives, And Museums Offer Valuable Genealogical Holding Oregon State Library. 250 Winter St NE, Salem OR 973013950. University of Oregon Knight Library. Eugene, OR 97403. http://www.orednet.org/~clenzen/oresyllabus.html | |
27. Jackson County Library Services - SOLIC The Southern oregon libraries Information Cooperative (SOLIC), based at Jackson County Library Librarians from twentyone libraries throughout Oregon, http://www.jcls.org/solic/ | |
28. SocialGrid's Oregon Library Guide: Find Libraries In Oregon Social Spots Libraries Oregon Library Guide, submit site. Oregon Library Guide oregon libraries. Do you know a great library? Do you own or run one? http://www.socialgrid.com/libraries/oregon-library.html | |
29. WebStation: Other Libraries Links to other Academic and Public libraries in Oregon. ORULS A list of periodical holdings for all oregon libraries. Return to top of page http://library.willamette.edu/webstation/o_lib/ | |
30. GREAT SERVICE WITHOUT GREAT LIBRARIES Compared to other states, oregon libraries have relatively modest levels of resources. Jim Scheppke is state librarian, Oregon State Library, Salem, http://library.willamette.edu/publications/movtyp/spring1996/scheppke.html | |
31. Online Library Services In addition, the Oregon Library Association maintains a comprehensive listing of oregon libraries on the Web. Other extensive virtual libraries include http://www.ous.edu/dist-learn/DElibraries.htm |
32. Category:Oregon Libraries - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This category is to contain articles on libraries in the American state of Oregon. Articles in category oregon libraries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Oregon_libraries | |
33. Libraries Directory Of Oregon oregon libraries Directory Internet Business Directory for the United States Link Your Business in the oregon libraries Directory http://oregon.uscity.net/Libraries/ |
34. Other Library Catalogs Bullet oregon libraries on the Web A collection of oregon libraries on the Web. Includes both academic and public libraries. Hosted by the Oregon Library http://newterra.chemeketa.edu/library/information/cat.htm | |
35. Infothought: N2H2 Censorware Blacklists Oregon Libraries Network As Pornography N2H2 censorware blacklists oregon libraries network as Pornography. According to the the oregon libraries network s staff information blog, the censorware http://www.sethf.com/infothought/blog/archives/000758.html | |
36. The Genealogy Forum: Resource Center: Oregon Libraries And Archives oregon libraries AND ARCHIVES. Oregon State Archives 1005 Broadway, NE Salem, OR 97310 Oregon State Library State Library Building Salem, OR 973100640 http://www.genealogyforum.com/gfaol/resource/OR/LA.htm | |
37. Curriculum Vitae Presentation on digitization project to Oregon Library Association, Eugene, Oregon, March, 2004 Microforms Coordinator, University of oregon libraries. http://epud.net/~bears/resume.html | |
38. George Fox University: Offices And Services: Library: Eugene And Corvallis Area The University of oregon libraries house the largest collection of research materials in Oregon with over 2.3 million volumes. The University of Oregon is http://www.georgefox.edu/offices/murdock/dceeugene.html | |
39. Oregon Librarians Answer Questions Through Online Chat - Government Technology The impetus for this particular service came from the Oregon Library Association s We are also using volunteered staff time from oregon libraries, http://www.govtech.net/magazine/channel_story.php?channel=17&id=92073 |
40. Library Services K12 students will find additional library resources here. Oregon Library Association maintains a comprehensive listing of oregon libraries on the Web. http://oregonone.org/libraries.htm | |
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