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21. County Staff -- 4-H Youth Development Education In Oregon -- Bringing The Univer Listing of all county 4H websites. Includes maps of county division lines. http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.edu/people/staff/county.html | |
22. PSD ----- Curriculum & Staff Development Director of Curriculum and staff Development. Claudia Thompson, Ed. D. Claudia Thompson has worked in public education in oregon and Washington for over http://www.peninsula.wednet.edu/learningteaching/curriculum/ | |
23. Thurston Geodata Center - Staff MS Resource Geography, oregon State University, 1982. Work Experience GIS Implementation App. dev. Consultant, 198994. http://www.geodata.org/staff.html | |
24. CROETweb: Education Safety And Health — Oregon Resources Occupational safety and health resources for education. http//dev.ossa.net/links.htm (oregon School Safety Association) http://croetweb.com/links.cfm?topicID=53&&stateOriginID=1 |
25. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Executive Summary Carla Wade, Secretary, oregon Department of education Scott Montgomery, Chiefof staff Florida education Technology Corporation (FETC) http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/execsum/es6.htm | |
26. Trans Dev - Research Abstracts III The objectives of this project were to crash test the oregon Standard (32inch)F-shape A guidebook was produced to provide guidance to ODOT staff for http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TP_RES/AbstractsIII.shtml | |
27. NSDC - Connect With NSDC: About NSDC - Affiliates Curriculum staff dev. Grand Rapids Christian Schools 1812 Sylvan SE oregon staff development Council Carole Sterry Page Elementary School http://www.nsdc.org/connect/about/affiliates.cfm | |
28. Oregon Sea Grant - Accessibility oregon Sea Grant develops and supports research, outreach, and education Ralph mentioned using education and Prof dev committee as the SG Academy http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/asgepl/EXCOMM_minutes_Mar05.html | |
29. Inside Oregon We have a responsibility to our state to maintain the quality education that Six fulltime staff will maintain the fMRI facility, which will operate http://comm.uoregon.edu/inside/2002/10-30-02.html | |
30. Talent Development - Oregon - Jerry L. Fritz - At Sologig.com oregon, WI 53575 jerryfritz@charter.net TRAINING and TALENT devELOPMENT Training Business dev / Corp dev Customer Service education http://www.sologig.com/employer/profiles/view.php?id=64206 |
31. UC Berkeley - Office Of Student Development I was destined to be in the education field one way or another. Welcome to Berkeley . Stephens, Robert Training staff dev Specialist http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/student/osd_directory.html | |
32. UCC Board Minutes October 12, 2004 Andrea Hendersen, Executive Director of oregon Community College Association, Of TwoYr. Colleges Conference (pd. by Title III staff dev.). http://www.umpqua.cc.or.us/events/bm04_10_12.htm | |
33. UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD MINUTES June 14, 2005 The Umpqua There are only two companies that provide this support in oregon. staff dev.)Terry Swagerty, Foundation/SBDC Director, to Annapolis, MD, Sept. http://www.umpqua.cc.or.us/events/bm05_06_14.htm | |
34. OLA Hotline, Vol.10 No.20 dev., Deadline August 31, 2004; University Records Manager, The oregon LibraryAssociation Support staff Division s tenth annual conference, http://www.olaweb.org/hotline/vol10/olahot10-20.shtml | |
35. Governmental Affairs Committee House Econ dev/WM staff GI Creates Task Force on International Committee Senate Environ/WM staff GI Creates oregon Quality Jobs Board. http://www.salemchamber.org/chamber/govaffairs/weeklyupdate3.html | |
36. Governmental Affairs Establishes oregon Injured Workers Retraining Grant Program within oregon Bill SB 5512 Title Governor s Budget GERT Subject Econ dev staff AR http://www.salemchamber.org/chamber/govaffairs/weeklyupdate2.html | |
37. Staff Directory Search Results (PCC) Riley, Erin Link to staff web site, Grants dev. Admin. Coord/education,SE TABOR 128. Rogers, Denise R, staff development, 503977-4752 http://www.pcc.edu/scripts/sdquery.pl?last=r&frst=&titl=&locn=&phon=&emal=&dept= |
38. 1999-2000 Currently-Portland State University 3 to the Office of University development, mail code dev. LePore is also therecipient of the oregon Art education Association s Higher education Art http://www.publications.pdx.edu/currently/99-00a/120199a.htm | |
39. City Of Corvallis - OSU OAC Developmental Swim Project Part time staff members fluctuate between 90 staff members during the Certifications oregon TSPC Certification in Physical education (K12); WSI, LGI, http://www.ci.corvallis.or.us/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1648&Itemid= |
40. Southern Oregon Center For Community Partnerships (The Center) The Center has no direct staff; RVCOG provides administrative support. Southern oregon education Service District. Dee Anne Everson, 7735339 http://www.rvcog.org/MN.asp?pg=SOCCP |
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