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61. Yankee Magazine - Gardening Reference Room: Cooperative Extension Services Knowledge and KnowHow cooperative extension Services. Alabama www.aces.edu.Alaska www.uaf.edu/coop-ext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.yankeemagazine.com/garden/knowledge/cooperativeextension.php | |
62. OSBA Annual Convention Vendor Directory Address PO Box 56104 Portland, oregon 97238 Phone (425) 5760201 ext. Risk management insurance services to oregon schools and community colleges. http://www.osba.org/leadrshp/ac/directry.htm | |
63. Purdue Sustainable Agriculture Resources And Links Farmland Preservation and Land Use, Purdue Cooperative ext. service Purdue University Cooperative extension service. back to top http://www.ces.purdue.edu/sa/saglinks.html | |
64. Salute To Volunteers Richard D. Cartwright, Univ of Arkansas coop ext Svc Nora J. Catlin, Univ ofMassachusetts Wendy McFaddenSmith, McSmith Agricultural Research Services http://www.apsnet.org/members/salute.asp | |
65. Purchasing Net Based in oregon, coop owned ElectricParts offers a wide range of water Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative, Talladega, AL (256)362-4180 ext 224 http://www.marathonheaters.com/purchasing.html | |
66. CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS FOR FORESTERS ext. 9/24/04 6.5 9/25/04 2.0 NH-VT Christmas Tree Assoc. Newton FD 4/2/053.0 4/6/05 2.0 - TSP Work Session for Foresters-UNH coop ext-Newport 4/4/05 http://www.state.nh.us/jtboard/ceus.htm | |
67. Energy Services, Energy Solutions - Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Infor Free searches Jobs, Training, News, Newsletters, Energy Services Bulletin, Colorado State Univ coop ext factsheet on anaerobic digestion http://www.energyexperts.org/energy_solutions/res_list.cfm?category=Agricultural |
68. Energy Services, Energy Solutions - Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Infor Free searches Jobs, Training, News, Newsletters, Energy Services Bulletin, Development by the Washington State University coop. ext. Energy Program. http://www.energyexperts.org/energy_solutions/res_list.cfm?category=Environment& |
69. DISYS - Digital Intelligence oregon State Contract. Contract Price Agreement Number 4141 Sales Team Leader,Pankaj Sharma, ext 145, pankaj.sharma@disys.com http://www.disys.com/government/or.htm | |
70. Parental Stress Center University of Alaska Cooperative extension service is an outreach educationaldelivery Virginia Cooperative extension. Contact http//www.ext.vt.edu/ http://pscfamily.net/resources/national_resources.php | |
71. Archived:Oregon students involved in community service tuitionfree cooperative educationcredits. In addition to the co-op credits, mericaReads tutors are also awarded http://www.ed.gov/inits/americareads/ARC_FWS/oregon.html |
72. Ongoing Community-based Program Implementation, Successes, And Obstacles: The Na Blacksburg, VA Virginia Cooperative extension service. http//www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/family/350800/350-800.html. Marek, LI , Mancini, JA Brock, DP (1999). http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/family/350-804/350-804.html | |
73. Leadership Development Within Groups - Managing Conflict oregon Cooperative Extension. Paige, Raygene. (1991, June). NDSU ExtensionService, North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/yf/leaddev/he500w.htm | |
74. Leadership Development Within Groups - Leadership For Effective Groups oregon Cooperative Extension. Hackman, J. Richard. (Ed.). (1990). NDSU ExtensionService, North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/yf/leaddev/he497w.htm | |
75. FSCPE Contacts Mr. William Tillman, Jr. (E,P) (919) 7337061 ext. 279 Office of State Budgetand Management Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
76. Mbox-36: Re: Sanet-mg-digest V1 #1233 Missoula Co ext service* $22483 Master Gardener Program* University of NevadaCoop ext* $80400 Teaching Small Acreage Owners* http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/36-html/0440.html | |
77. National Ag Risk Education Library Search Results Cooperative Extension service, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Jul 2001, oregon State FSA Office, March 1998, Media Type Presentation, (36 pages). http://www.agrisk.umn.edu/Library/Results_Topics.asp?Keywords=FSA Farm Loans; FS |
78. CSREES - USDA - Urban Program Resources CSREES, Cooperative State Research, Education, and extension service Mississippi State University extension service virgilc@ext.msstate.edu. Missouri http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/part/urban_part_contacts.html | |
79. NEMO: Nonpoint Education For Municipal National Network - Previous Workshops March 2001, South Carolina, NOAA Coastal service Center, Meeting April 1998,oregon, oregon Sea Grant; oregon Cooperative Extension; EPA Region 10; http://nemo.uconn.edu/national/workshops_1.htm | |
80. Oregon Blue Book Special Education oregon began implementing a stateoperated program for infants and preschoolers Early childhood special education services are available to eligible http://bluebook.state.or.us/education/specialed/specialed.htm | |
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