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41. Science, Biology, Botany, Plants, Orchids, WebRing Ring directory of Science, Biology, botany, Plants, orchids, . Lists WebRings by topic. Allows searching WebRing database of WebRings and Forums. http://dir.webring.com/rw?d=Science/Biology/Botany/Plants/Orchids |
42. Orchids Of Wisconsin - Www.botany.wisc.edu Botany Includes photos, taxonomic descriptive information, description of similar species to aid in identification, habitat information, blooming dates, http://www.joeant.com/DIR/info/get/4912/35997 | |
43. Botanical Image Databases botany. Thousands of images arranged into four major categories General botany, Wild orchids of Alberta, Canada. See also Ray s Web Pages for more. http://www.science.siu.edu/plant-biology/Faculty/nickrent/BotImages.html | |
44. Gardening Advise Brown Spots On Orchids, Palm Botany A. The brown spots on the Orchid flowers is caused by moisture from condensation. Cymbidium orchids can be used as an indoor, flowering plant or grouped http://www.dirtgardener.com/Col05May21.html |
45. ANU - Faculty Of Science - School Of Botany And Zoology My PhD on the Genetic Systems of Terrestrial orchids was completed at the botany Completed a PhD in the School of botany and Zoology, ANU (see above). http://www.anu.edu.au/BoZo/staffandstudents/staffprofiles/peakall.php | |
46. ANU - Faculty Of Science - School Of Botany And Zoology My PhD on the Genetic Systems of Terrestrial orchids was completed at the botany deceptive orchid system. Australian Journal of botany, 50, 2130. http://www.anu.edu.au/BoZo/staffandstudents/staffprofiles/peakall.php?p=1 |
47. Botany [Orchids], Asherbooks Rare Books botany orchids Asher Rare Books. botany orchids 8 items were found for this query. prev 1 next Page 1 of 1. WITH 42 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR http://www.asherbooks.com/main_stock.phtml/subject/250/1/Botany_[Orchids].html | |
48. Orchids Profit From False Advertising, Study Says Researchers studying orchids in Sweden have decoded the bizarre br sexual Photograph courtesty Professor Steven Johnson, School of botany and Zoology, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/03/0308_040308_cheatingorchids.html | |
49. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Botany, Plant Life Discover orchids The Artistry of orchids orchids at the Smithsonian Department of botany at NMNH. For more resources, visit the Smithsonian s http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/botany.htm | |
50. R.D. Fitzgerald - Biographical And Botanical Sources Fitzgerald, RD (1891) Two new Australian orchids. Journal of botany, British and Foreign 29 152153. Adelopetalum gen. nov., Adelopetalum bracteatum, http://www.anbg.gov.au/library/fitzger.html | |
51. White Oak Orchids Recommends Orchid Books the topics of buying, growing and caring for orchids, orchid botany and nomenclature, orchid problems, and an orchid gallery to wind things down. http://www.whiteoakorchids.com/books/ | |
52. Botanical Garden Bonn Fern, Mangrove, Victoria and Succulent Houses and past the orchids. It has to supply material for lectures and course at the Institute of botany, http://www.botanik.uni-bonn.de/botgart/info-e.htm | |
53. Botanical Beauties (1994) 23 1994 Botanical beauties David Jarrell, Delaware 88, knows his orchids inside out. A doctoral candidate in botany at the University of California at http://www.udel.edu/PR/Messenger/95/1/9.html | |
54. Phipps Conservatory And Botanical Gardens - Learn About Our Programs Location botany Hall at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Learn a brief history of the orchid, as well as which orchids are the easiest to grow http://www.phipps.conservatory.org/learn/education/crafts/ | |
55. Martindale's Bioscience & Biotechnology Center: Botany - Courses, Databases, Mov GYMNOSPERM DATABASE CJ Earle Hosted by the Department of botany, ILLUSTRATED ORCHID ENCYCLOPEDIA - L. Fortner orchids form the world s largest http://www.martindalecenter.com/GradBioscience_6_Bot.html | |
56. Botany: Plant Reproduction Laboratory Flower - Wikibooks You may wish to read about orchids to place this plant taxonomically and better understand unusual Retrieved from http//en.wikibooks.org/wiki/botany http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Botany:_Plant_reproduction_laboratory_flower | |
57. The Botany Collections Some seventyfive rare books relating to orchids reflect the surge of interest in orchid Comprising one of the finest botany collections in the country, http://www.library.nd.edu/rarebooks/collections/rarebooks/botany.shtml | |
58. Arctic Botany/SubArctic Botany botany of the Churchill, Manitoba Canada region. Upon this spike can be found three to five highly complex orchids, tinted in shades in purplishpink to http://www.chem.ucla.edu/~alice/explorations/churchill/botanize.htm | |
59. Piak's Botany Photos (1/6) piak s botany photos. 1 / 6. orchids, Aquaria, Stockholm. Orchid, Aquaria, Stockholm. Brassia? Dentrobium Eximium Orchid, Aquaria, Stockholm http://www.sics.se/~piak/Photo/Botany/Aquaria/ | |
60. Botanical Electronic News - BEN #CCCXLVI Selby Botanical Gardens and are dazzled by its spectacular orchid collection, It s a real mess, said Paul Martin Brown, author of Wild orchids of http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/ben/ben346.html | |
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