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Oman Geography: more detail | |||||
81. BUBL LINK: Oman Arab Net oman Brief details of the history and geography of oman, as well as business, culture, government and transport information. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/o/oman.htm | |
82. CfBT - Geography And Climate Of Oman CfBT exists to provide education for the public good and to promote a pro education culture. The needs of learners are our central concern. http://www.cfbt.com/workus/oman_geography.html | |
83. Salam Iran - Iran Info, Geography Gulf and the Gulf of oman to the south and Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east. three times as high, to meet the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of oman. http://www.salamiran.org/IranInfo/General/Geography/ | |
84. CIA - The World Factbook -- Oman Middle East, bordering the Arabian Sea, Gulf of oman, and Persian Gulf, geography note. strategic location on Musandam Peninsula adjacent to Strait http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/mu.html | |
85. Background Notes Archive - Near East And North Africa US DEPARTMENT OF STATE BACKGROUND NOTES oman, DECEMBER 1994 PUBLISHED BY 1994 Official Name Sultanate of oman PROFILE geography Area 212457 sq. km. http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/oman9412.html | |
86. Geography And History Web Directory. Top / Regional / Middle East / oman / geography and History This home page is to help people to know about Sultanate of oman. http://www.reference.com/Dir/Regional/Middle_East/Oman/Geography_and_History/ | |
87. Gulf Of Oman: Information From Answers.com Gulf of oman The Gulf of oman is a strait that connects the Arabian Sea with the Arabia (geography), Dibba oman (sultanate of the southeast Arabian http://www.answers.com/topic/gulf-of-oman-2 | |
88. Oman: Map, History And Much More From Answers.com geography information about oman The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, More from geography. GuruNet, Dialing Code information about oman http://www.answers.com/topic/oman | |
89. Bulletin 04 March 1978 Glimpses Of The Historical Geography Of Glimpses of the Historical geography of the Al Ain Region, Abu Dhabi, The Kashf al Ghamah records (Annals of oman  translated by EC Ross from local http://www.enhg.org/b/b04/04_20.htm | |
90. Resources From Www.BiologyBrowser.org Main Category geography. Home geography Asia oman Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of oman online checklist University of Hamburg http://www.biologybrowser.org/bb/Geography/Asia/Oman/index.shtml | |
91. Italian Mission To Oman - Khor Rori: History And Geography Khor Rori History and geography. Since 1997 a Mission of the University of Pisa (Italian Mission to oman ÂIMTO) has worked in the area of Khor Rori http://imto.humnet.unipi.it/khor_rori.html | |
92. Case Study a. Geographic Domain Middle East. b. Geographic Site MidEast Asia. c. Geographic Impact oman geography URL http//www.arab.net/oman http://gurukul.ucc.american.edu/ted/OMANTOUR.HTM | |
93. Oracle Middle East Press Release oman s geography and dispersed population make it an ideal market for increased wireless opportunities, and omanTel is poised to meet rising customer http://www.oracle.com/me/press/meo/oman_sms.html | |
94. The World Factbook Page On Oman, Section: Geography Location Middle East, bordering the Arabian Sea, Gulf of oman, and Persian Gulf, Geographic coordinates 21 00 N, 57 00 E Map references Middle East http://www.dlhoffman.com/publiclibrary/factbook96/factbook/mu-l.htm | |
95. Geography Of Oman Volcano Live www.volcanolive.com. geography of oman. oman. Geographic coordinates, 21 N, 57 E. Location, Middle East, bordering the Arabian Sea, http://www.volcanolive.com/oman.html | |
96. Middle East Internet Directory - Country Statistics - Oman oman, geography, Top of Page. Location, Middle East, bordering the Arabian Sea, Gulf of oman, and Persian Gulf, between Yemen and UAE http://www.middleeastdirectory.com/cs_oman.htm | |
97. Oman : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology oman. CityNet oman (US); oman Studies Centre (oman); World Factbook 1999 (US) CTI geography, Geology Meteorology, University of Leicester 1999. http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/places/oman.html | |
98. Geography Jokes Yukon never get bored of geography. Knock, knock, who s there? oman oman who? oman, these jokes are bad! Knock, knock, who s there? Norway Norway who? http://www.zephryus.demon.co.uk/education/geog/jokes.html | |
99. Oman Country Guide - General Information - World Travel Guide Provided By Columb geography The Sultanate of oman occupies the southeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula with almost 1700km (1062 miles) of coastline stretching along the http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/omn/omn.asp | |
100. Facts About Oman Facts about oman; the population, geography, history and economy. geography of oman. Location. Middle East, bordering the Arabian Sea, Gulf of oman, http://worldfacts.us/Oman.htm |
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