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101. Empowering Agent For Oklahoma School Learning Communities:Â An Examination Of T It also seeks to document the history of the oklahoma Library Media Improvement Methods of data collection included examining oklahoma Library Media http://www.library.unt.edu/theses/open/20002/jenkins_carolyn_sue_ottinger/ | |
102. Donna Honored By OU Library Executive Director Honored by the University of oklahoma. Donna Morris, executive director of The Metropolitan Library System, has been chosen as http://www.metrolibrary.org/LibNewsArchive/2003/donna_OU.htm | |
103. Oklahoma Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - UT Library Online PerryCastañeda Library Map Collection. oklahoma Maps. State Maps. oklahoma (base map) JPEG format (257K) County boundaries and names, county seats, rivers. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/oklahoma.html | |
104. ALA/GODORT - 2003 Award Winners for the annual meeting of the oklahoma Library Association s GODORT, at the University of oklahoma Library School many times over the past 15 years. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT/awards/awards2003.html | |
105. Game Types Of Oklahoma, Library List Chambers Library, University of Central oklahoma, Edmond, 1 Okemah Public Library, Okemah, 1. oklahoma State University Library, Stillwater, 1 http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/duckflt/dflibrs.htm | |
106. In Hogwarts Heaven After nearly a month of waiting, officials from the Noble Public Library took possession In order to keep the special librarybound edition in excellent http://www.enidnews.com/homepage/local_story_223083706.html?keyword=leadpictures |
107. Dulaney DulaneyBrowne Library Law Library. Back to OCU Main Page. http://www.okcu.edu/library/libonlin.htm | |
108. HENRY G. BENNETT MEMORIAL LIBRARY Library Hours InBetween Summer and Fall Semesters Library Instruction Library Mission Statement Financial Aid Resources on the Internet http://www.sosu.edu/lib/ | |
109. AGent Library. Lookup. Username or Barcode. Password or PIN. Go. Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher), Netscape 6.2 (or higher). http://odol-agent.auto-graphics.com/ | |
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