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81. The Enid News & Eagle Progress Edition The long time director of nurses for Enid Public schools is hanging up her white Ed Vineyard, vice president for the Enid campus of Northern oklahoma http://progress.enidnews.com/feature.php?id=17 |
82. Alternative Schools - Private Boarding Schools alternative schools â These schools are not just training grounds for the armed forces but also in many other fields. http://www.militaryschooloptions.com/education.html | |
83. Kerr Center For Sustainable Agriculture Bringing oklahoma Food to oklahoma schools. by Maura McDermott. Two groundbreaking publicationsThe oklahoma Farmto-School Report and The oklahoma Food http://www.kerrcenter.com/nwsltr/2003/fall/news_okfood.html | |
84. Health & Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Massage & Bodywork, Tulsa, Oklahoma, OK Comprehensive Directory of Massage schools in the US and Canada. Full school profiles and Q A section. Request info directly from schools. http://www.superpages.com/yellowpages/CP-Health & Medicine^Alternative Medicine^ | |
85. Oklahoma Child Service Demonstration Center - Oklahoma Technical Assistance Cent an alternative school based in Providence, Rhode Island.) Keep in mind, though, that an alternative school that is large enough to survive on its own http://csdcotac.org/resources/keeping.htm | |
86. Academic Specials oklahoma is on the forefront of school reform. The January 1998, issue of Education Week oklahoma offers an alternative program to those who qualify. http://portal.oru.edu/pls/portal30/url/page/academic_specials?dept=EDU&special=E |
87. Developing A Needs-based Fitness Curriculum In An Alternative School Setting, Gr EdD, School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology, oklahoma State The need for fitness curriculum in alternative school settings continues to http://apha.confex.com/apha/132am/techprogram/paper_88753.htm | |
88. CNN.com - Bush Praises People Of Oklahoma City, Calls For Justice, Renewed Civil President Bush arrived in oklahoma late in the morning Monday to begin his to take up a share of federal dollars for use toward an alternative school. http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/02/19/bush.okcity.03/ | |
89. Education System Ponca City Public schools is comprised of 46 buildings with a combined footage oklahoma s vocational education system is recognized as a national leader http://www.poncacity.com/information/education.htm | |
90. For Immediate Release oklahoma CityÂMore than 350 high school students explored health care careers For Danelle Andrews, a senior at Emerson alternative School who plans on a http://www.mercyok.net/news/mhc-022505.asp | |
91. AASB: Publications/Court Report An oklahoma school boardÂs policy of randomly testing participants in extracurricular Court rejects due process claims for alternative school placement. http://www.theaasb.org/court_report.cfm?DocID=943 |
92. Oklahoma Emerson alternative High School, oklahoma City. Emerson Secondary School, oklahoma City. Enid High School, Enid. Erick High School, Erick http://www.intheclassroom.org/stossel/teachers/oklahoma.htm | |
93. Lists.onenet.net Mailing Lists OKALTED, oklahoma alternative education teachers Sieinstructors, oklahoma High School teachers piloting the new MTRC high school teacher recruitment http://lists.onenet.net/mailman/listinfo | |
94. Quality Counts 2003: The Teacher Gap: Oklahoma Teachers with alternative certifications also have to pass the NES test. School funding in oklahoma was of particular concern in the 2002 legislative http://counts.edweek.org/sreports/qc03/templates/state.cfm?slug=17qcok.h22 |
95. Adult Education And Literacy Programs 39226 Adults were served in 41 Adult Learning Centers in oklahoma during FY 2003. Central High School, McClure Elementary, Pershing alternative School, http://ok.cls.utk.edu/adult_LC_locations.html | |
96. University Of Science And Arts Of Oklahoma High School Curricular Firsttime students admitted under alternative Admission are those who do The student must satisfy the high school curricular requirements for state http://www.usao.edu/Registrar/highschoolcurricular.htm | |
97. Center On Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) at OCU LAW oklahoma s Licensed Legal Intern Program Public Interest Fellowships http://www.okcu.edu/law/academiccenters/academiccenters_centeradr.html | |
98. SENATE 1997 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY - EDUCATION SB 1 (Fisher/Tyler) Requires the oklahoma School of Science and HB 1458 (Wells/Fisher) Consolidates the alternative Approaches Grant Programs, http://www.oksenate.gov/publications/legislative_summary/LegisRevu97.dir/LRevu97 | |
99. The Lamp : 031204 Features Oklahoma! Central has staged oklahoma! on two other occasions, most recently in 1995. School, like many other activities for adolescents, can be strenuous and http://central.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/thelamp/oklahoma_play | |
100. National Center For Mental Health Promotion And Youth Violence Prevention Organization/Agency Heavener Public School District 13 Organization/Agency Association of Central oklahoma Governments Youth Violence http://www.promoteprevent.org/about/grantee_locator/states.asp?ID=37 |
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