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61. Tecumseh Oklahoma Schools 06/10/99 Miss oklahoma Teen-Ager - Jodi Marie Loveless; 05/20/99 - Alumni 03/18/99 - Music Inspires Learning for alternative School Students http://www.tecumsehok.com/Schools/ | |
62. American Association Of School Administrators - The School alternative schools are an important part of American education. In states like oklahoma, where 21stcentury vocational programs already are being http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/1999_12/cetron.htm |
63. Alternative Medicine School - Oklahoma - Find Out More About An Alternative Medi For an alternative Medicine School, find the right school for you in our directory. http://www.nmsnt.org/html/Directory/dir/48/37.php | |
64. Alternative Medicine Practitioners - Oklahoma - Locate Alternative Medicine Prac To find alternative Medicine Practitioners in your area, The New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics (NMSNT) is a nonprofit organization consisting http://www.nmsnt.org/html/Directory/dir/47/37.php | |
65. Oklahoma Department Of Career And Technology Education OkCRN - Career Related Re graphic oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education Guidance Union alternative School Tulsa Union 8th Grade Center - Tulsa http://www.okcareertech.org/guidance/OKCIS_subscriptions.html | |
66. Oklahoma - Alternative Methods To Distribute Title I Funds Policy Letter This policy letter addresses oklahoma s request to use alternative methods to Title I/School Support/Indian Education, oklahoma Department of Education http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/stateletters/amdfok.html | |
67. WHPS Internet > Home an inclusive special education environment, alternative school, School to Work The district is well known throughout the State of oklahoma for its http://www.westernheights.k12.ok.us/ | |
68. Legislative Action Focus Reports oklahoma legislation directed each public school to establish a committee to oklahoma expanded alternative education programs and increased funding for http://www.sreb.org/scripts/Focus/focus1.asp?Code=9 |
69. Legislative Action - Past Years Funding for alternative school grants to oklahoma districts will increase to $20 million from last year s $11.4 million. In addition, legislation calls for http://www.sreb.org/main/LegAction/legactions/97LegBriefing.asp | |
70. Massage School, X-ray Tech School, Esthetician School, Personal Trainer School, Massage School and alternative Medicine School Teaching Massage Therapy in Colorado, Do you need a surgical tech school in oklahoma City, oklahoma. http://www.heritage-education.com/ | |
71. Woodward Chamber Of Commerce - Woodward Oklahoma an outdoor classroom, after school daycare, alternative school, National Blue Ribbon Award (Woodward Middle School); oklahoma State Teacher of the http://www.usachamber.com/woodward/education.asp | |
72. Public & Private School Listings - Oklahoma School Information TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 603 CLASSEN Grades PK6 oklahoma CITY GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN SCHOOL 8811 WEST WILSHIRE BLVD Grades PK-8 MESSIAH LUTHERAN SCHOOL http://educationseek.com/schools/Private_Schools/Oklahoma/ | |
73. Emerson Alternative Education (High School - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma / OK - Scho Emerson alternative Ed. (High School) oklahoma City, oklahoma / OK - school information. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/ok/1176/ | |
74. Emerson Alternative Education (MS) - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma / OK - School Infor Emerson alternative Ed. (Middle School) oklahoma City, oklahoma / OK - school information. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/ok/2044 | |
75. OSU-Okmulgee || Campus Newsroom The Okmulgee County alternative Academy is the first oklahoma alternative high school to be consolidated on a college campus. Back to previous page http://www.osu-okmulgee.edu/news_and_events/view_news.php?news_id=80 |
76. Lincoln Alternative School High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion Lincoln alternative School High School Alumni Class Reunions. Complete your FREE registration to view your Lincoln alternative School class list and find http://static.reunion.com/us/oklahoma/enid/lincolnalternativeschool/ | |
77. Atoka-coal Alternative School High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion Atokacoal alternative School High School Alumni Class Reunions @ Reunion.com - Register Free Today to view your high school alumni class list at http://static.reunion.com/us/oklahoma/atoka/atokacoalalternativeschool/ | |
78. Dan Ford's Resume Member of EDGE Academy Advisory Board, Duncan, oklahoma, alternative School of the for the Independent School System I, City of Duncan, oklahoma, 19941999 http://www.cameron.edu/~danf/resumedf.html | |
79. "The Arts In Alternative Education - Part 3" By Alice Lovelace - In Motion Magaz oklahoma City, oklahoma. Alice Lovelace Part 3 When used as the foundation for learning within the alternative school setting the expressive arts help http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/alted3.html | |
80. OSU Accomplishments: Report To The OSU/A&M Regents This is oklahomaÂs first alternative school to be consolidated on a college campus. bluebox graphic OSU Fire Service Training will help host the oklahoma http://osu.okstate.edu/osuaccomplishments/vol2/v2n1/cnews.html | |
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