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21. Libraries LIBRARIES OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network) For more Ohiopublic libraries, see a Directory of ohio libraries or a state map to choose a http://www.cuyahogalibrary.org/researchinfo/specialists/LIBRARIES/libraries.htm | |
22. SocialGrid's Ohio Library Guide: Find Libraries In Ohio Ohio Library Guide. ohio libraries. Our Technology Node Directory Resources Our Services About Us. Â Public Library. Â Law Library http://www.socialgrid.com/libraries/ohio-library.html | |
23. Ohio Libraries In Crisis » LibraryPlanet.com ohio libraries in Crisis. Sunday, April 6th, 2003 at 1133 pm. Budget cuts bythe Ohio Legislature could have a devastating effect on libraries in that http://www.libraryplanet.com/2003/04/06/ohio | |
24. CAMLS.ORG A cooperative of Northern ohio libraries organized to promote library services among and through member institutions. Extensive list of job openings in ohio libraries. http://www.camls.org | |
25. IJive.com Search Engine: Ohio: Arts And Entertainment: Libraries A cooperative of Northern ohio libraries organized to promote library ListenOhio provides patrons from participating ohio libraries with a large http://ijive.com/Ohio/Arts_and_Entertainment/Libraries/ | |
26. Audible.nolanet.org ListenOhio provides patrons from participating ohio libraries with a large collection of digital audiobooks the first collection of its kind. http://www.listenohio.org/ | |
27. Five Colleges Of Ohio Libraries: Usability Test For The Information Literacy Tut Link to the Five Colleges of ohio libraries Information Literacy Tutorial.Five Colleges of ohio libraries Information Literacy Tutorial http://www.wooster.edu/library/oh5/literacy/usability.html | |
28. ALA | Homeland Security Agents Pull Ohio Libraries' Haz-Mat Documents ohio libraries HazMat Documents. It all began March 26, when a woman came tothe reference desk and asked Martha Lee of the Bluffton (Ohio) Public Library http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=April_2003&Template=/ContentMan |
29. ALA | Ohio Libraries Concerned Over Possible Statewide Cuts That would hit many ohio libraries hard. The Washington County Public Library inMarietta, for example, gets 96% of its budgetÂabout $2.3 millionÂfrom the http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=january2005ab&Template=/Content |
30. LibTalk Blog: Guardian Article Explores Ohio Libraries' Budget Struggle Guardian Article Explores ohio libraries Budget Struggle. There s a good articlein The Guardian which discusses the funding problems of Ohio s public http://libtalk.blogspot.com/2005/04/guardian-article-explores-ohio.html | |
31. Library Journal - Ohio Libraries Nervous About Cuts Public libraries in Ohio are waiting nervously while the legislature considers Gov.Bob Taft s budget proposal, which calls for a temporary freeze of http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA157448.html | |
32. Library Journal - Increase In Funding Reflected In Ohio Libraries Changes in state funding to libraries in Ohio has resulted in better service,facilities throughout the state claim. According to recent reports, http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA158350.html | |
33. Ohio Libraries-Tips ohio librariesTips. Posted By Jane Arrington Date Thursday, 29 August 2002,at 419 pm. Many of younz know that a few of my family members came into http://www.afrigeneas.com/forum-fpoc/index.cgi?noframes;read=519 |
34. [PUBLIB] State Income Tax Allocation For Ohio Public Libraries (fwd) I read that ohio libraries are funded partially through state income tax revenue.I d like to know more about library funding In Ohio and how the state http://lists.webjunction.org/wjlists/publib/1998-October/086277.html | |
35. Northern Lights Internet Solutions Ltd. - Consulting, Usability Testing, Web Des 1)ohio libraries need to rethink the purpose of their websites. View slidesfor two presentations at Ontario Library Association Super Conference http://www.lights.com/ | |
36. Ohio Civil War Research Sites ohio libraries and Genealogical Societies by Dorothy E. Stanley. Ohio HistoricalSociety Ohio Historical Society Archives Library Military Records http://www.ohiocivilwar.com/other.html | |
37. Sites By Subject - Libraries Directory of ohio libraries Directory information on all Ohio public libraries, Ohio Library Council Statewide professional association which http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org/resources/sbs.asp?category=19 |
38. Wired News Ohio Libraries Keep Censorware Discretion Ohio Bill Would Limit Libraries Net Access by Rebecca Vesely Library BlocksPorn, and May Block Rights by Rebecca Vesely Library Net Wars Solutions to http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/3994.html |
39. The Genealogy Forum: Resource Center: Ohio Libraries And Archives ohio libraries AND ARCHIVES. Ohio Historical Society Ohio Historical Center State Library of Ohio Genealogical Division 65 South Front Street http://www.genealogyforum.com/gfaol/resource/OH/LA.htm | |
40. OPLIN (Ohio Libraries Link) ohio libraries Link (OPLIN). Please read the following Guidelines for Use beforeentering the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN). DISCLAIMER http://www.muskingumlibrary.org/oplin.html | |
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