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81. Ohio Genealogy Their children, Elizabeth and Philip, lived in Ohio and Michigan. William?Monroe s children lived in Ohio, then Michigan. http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/ohio/rr01/rr01_001.html | |
82. Newberry Library | Ohio Genealogy Bibliographies on ohio genealogy at the Newberry Library. http://www.newberry.org/genealogy/ohio.html | |
83. Ohio Genealogy Expert Witnesses & Consultants - Expert Pages Ohio Experts expert witnesses Experts who specialize in genealogical researchprimarily to locate missing persons. Also researching titles, estates, http://expertpages.com/experts.php/genealogy_ohio.htm | |
84. Ohio Genealogy Brooks Atlas OHIO DE LORME ATLAS This invaluable resource contains new detailed maps of ABSTRACT FROM BIOGRAPHIES PRINTED IN THE HISTORY OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO http://www.yogs.com/oh/ohio.htm | |
85. Ohio Genealogy Data Records And Resources ohio genealogy Data Records and Resources. Related Genealogy Resources.ohio genealogy Queries CousinConnect.com. Ohio Census, 1790-1890 - Ancestry. http://www.distantcousin.com/States/OH.html | |
86. Southeast Kansas Library System SEKLS Genealogy Bibliography: Ohio Genealogy Hol ohio genealogy books and resources. Southeast Kansas Genealogy BibliographyOhio Microfilm. SEK MICROFILM (Census) RETURN TO THE MAP RETURN TO SEKLS http://www.sekls.lib.ks.us/genser/oh2.html | |
87. Ohio Genealogy This page contains categorized links to genealogy sources for Ohio. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/gen/state-OH.asp | |
88. Ohio Genealogical Society OGS is the premier ohio family heritage resource. Membership in OGS has many Subscriptions to the OGS Quarterly and the awardwinning OGS genealogy News http://www.ogs.org/ | |
89. United States Resources: Ohio Provides links to archives, genealogy and history pages, and other resources for ohio. http://www.rootsweb.com/roots-l/USA/oh.html | |
90. Maggie's Ohio Web Ring Created to help unite pages with an interest in the State of ohio and its genealogy. http://R.webring.com/hub?ring=maggieohio&list |
91. Washington County Genealogy - Washington County Ohio - Genealogical Resources. Genealogical Resources for research in Washington County, ohio. Records of Marriages, Birth, Death and Cemeteries. http://www.washingtoncountygenealogy.com | |
92. State Library Of Ohio - Genealogy Services The genealogy collection is available for use by any interested person, The collection emphasizes the importance of ohio as the Gateway to the West . http://winslo.state.oh.us/services/genealogy/ | |
93. Index Searchable genealogy database of over 90,000 lineagelinked individuals most of whom settled the ohio River Valley region of the United States. http://www.orvf.com/ | |
94. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - WWW/Ohio This web page offers information on ohio county genealogy research. genealogy andHistorical Information for PERRY COUNTY, ohio http://www-personal.umich.edu/~cgaunt/ohio.html | |
95. USGenweb's Darke Co., Ohio, Genealogy OHGenWeb genealogy project. http://www.calweb.com/~wally/ohdarke/index.htm | |
96. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Coats Of Ohio Family tree of Lawrence Tracey Coats of Elmore, OH USA. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/o/a/Lawrence-T-Coats/ | |
97. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Elliott's Of Wayne County, Descendants of Robert Elliott, Christian Maurer, Daniel Kindig and David Kintner as compiled by Clifford B Elliott from West End, NC USA. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/e/l/l/Clifford-B-Elliott-NC/ | |
98. Ward Family From Ohio Researching the lineages of Adams and Highland Counties in ohio,USA. Includes history, pedigree and census records as compiled by Serri Baker and Frederick C Kruse III. Features related surnames Moore, Persinger and Seaman http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~sward/ | |
99. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: The McNabbs Of Ohio, Illino Ancestral heritage of Brenda McNabbStange. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/m/c/n/Brenda-A-Mcnabbstange/ | |
100. First Families And Pioneers & Settlers Organized to identify and honor the memory of the earliest families of Miami County, ohio and to show their lasting mark in establishing Miami county culture, customs, history, and genealogy. Membership requires direct descent from an individual who settled in the area now encompassed by the County of Miami, State of ohio, before and including the 1830 Federal Census (First Family membership) or between 1831 and the Federal Census of 1850 (Pioneers Settlers membership). http://www.tdn-net.com/mchgs/first.htm | |
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