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121. WAFO. Wave Analysis For Fatigue And Oceanography
free A toolbox for statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads.
WAFO. Wave Analysis for Fatigue and Oceanography
NEW! (2004-04-07) Version 2.1.0 released! See the pages for Download and Bugs WAFO is a toolbox of Matlab routines for statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads. The routines are collected in subdirectories according to application. Tools are provided for analysis of measured data with routines for estimation of parameters in statistical distributions, estimation of spectra, plotting in probability papers, etc. An important part of WAFO are routines for calculation of theoretical distributions of characteristic wave parameters from observed or theoretical power spectra of the sea. Another part is related to statistical analysis of fatigue. The theoretical density of rainflow cycles can be computed from parameters of random loads. Further, a collection of routines is included for modelling of switching loads (hidden Markov models). A special part of WAFO contains general statistical tools. A new philosophy concerning documentation is presented. The toolbox contains scripts for generation of plots in recent publications and scripts for comparison with results in the literature. Data sets from measurements of the sea surface are included. WAFO is developed for use with Matlab version 5.x/6.x. Some routines call programs written in Fortran. Versions for PC/Windows and Unix environments are available.

122. Oceanography Job Ads Hotlist
Looking for a Job in oceanography? Try these sites!!! Science Job Mart fromthe American Association of Physics Teachers; SCIENCEnet Bulletin Board
Looking for a Job in Oceanography?
Try these sites!!!
Note: We believe our students/research staff should have free access to employment opportunities. The links below are all to pages where the job seeker can look FOR FREE. If you know of any other FREE science "Employment Opportunities" pages, please let me know

123. Center For Coastal Physical Oceanography
Promotes research on the physical oceanography of the coastal ocean and related oceanographic processes.
Welcome to Old Dominion University's Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography 's Hypertext Information System. For information about a particular center related topic, select from the list below. Monthly Chesapeake Bay Mouth Climatology Connect to our Anonymous FTP server Usage Statistics for this server Comment on our WWW server For information not listed above send postal mail to: Director Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529 PHONE: (757) 683-4945 FAX: (757) 683-5550
Press here for a map
If you have problems/questions about our Information System please send mail to:

124. PO.DAAC Home Page
Distribution of data for sea surface temperature, sea surface topography, and ocean vector winds acquired by NASA instruments.
+ View the NASA Portal Search PO.DAAC The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is responsible
for archiving and distributing data relevant to the physical state of the ocean.
The PO.DAAC web, ftp, and aspera servers will be unavailable on
Tuesday, September 27, from 15:00 to 16:30, PST, for a firmware upgrade.
PO.DAAC home
access data ftp faq ... PO.DAAC Privacy Statement Last Modified: 21-Sep-2005
California Institute of Technology (NASA/JPL PO.DAAC)
+ NASA Privacy, Security, Notices
Site Manager: Patricia Liggett.
Contact Webmaster

125. Progress In Oceanography
publishes the longer, more comprehensive papers that most oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work. The articles cover the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of oceanography. Essential reading for all oceanographers. An Elsevier Science Journal.
Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Progress in Oceanography Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements For Authors Guide for authors Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Combined subscriptions Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area Related publications About Elsevier ... Select your view PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY
Charles B. Miller, Detlef R. Quadfasel

See editorial board for all editors information
Related links
OCEAN NEWS Contents Alert

Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences: 6 Volume Set

Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences: 6 Volume Set

Encyclopedia of Earth Systems Science: 4 Volume Set
Treatise On Geochemistry: 10 Volume Set

Description Progress in Oceanography publishes the longer, more comprehensive papers that most oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work. Contributions are generally either a review of an aspect of oceanography or a treatise on an expanding oceanographic subject. The articles cover the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of oceanography. Occasionally volumes are devoted to collections of papers and conference proceedings of exceptional interest. Essential reading for all oceanographers. ISSN: 0079-6611

126. Texas Earth Science Teachers Association
http// For Earth Science Week. MAKE NOMINATIONSFOR TESTA OFFICERS. Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
Convention Major Speakers Field trips Web Connections Meal Functions Summer Opportunities Newsletter Short Courses Tours Social Events Meetings Seminars Regional Mini-CASTS Spring Conference Share-A-Thons Rock Raffle Workshops
Texas Earth Science Teachers Association
NSTA 2005 Dallas
For Earth Science Week
Welcome to our home on the Web! Check the activities listed below: (scroll down)
TESTA MENU Executive Committee (elected officers) Board of Directors (appointed positions) Regional Directors TALUS ... TESTA Constitution
Register online/reserve rooms
CAST 2005 Houston, Texas Oct 27-29, 2005
register early....reserve rooms now.
Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
  • Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
  • National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) GOALS:
  • TESTA is a state wide organization of science educators, science supervisors, curriculum directors and others dedicated to maintaining the highest level of science education in the disciplines of the Earth Sciences.
  • 127. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography
    A virtual library referencing oceanography related universities, organisations, conferences and other information resources.
    Information categorised by subject. See also other subjects . Please mail if you know of online information not in these lists. Please do not mail me to find someone's email address, or for general oceanographic information. For such information try posting to the sci.geo.oceanography news group. This list is maintained by voluntary effort, and by the goodwill of School of Mathematics UEA in allowing it to use school facilities.
    Geographical Listing
    Asia Australasia Europe ...
    About this list
    Clicking on the icon will take you back to this page
    Return to
    About these pages
    These pages are maintained by Dave Stevens of the School of Mathematics at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. All comments, references, and suggestions should be sent to:

    128. Consortium
    Established to support and enhance Florida's coastal marine science, oceanography and related management programs through education, research, and public outreach.
    State of Florida Institute of Oceanography The Florida Institute of Oceanography works with an array of Universities and Agencies to support, and promote Marine Science Education and Research. HOT OFF THE PRESS - Pulley Ridge Expedition

    129. :: SCRIPPSNEWS ::
    Scripps Institution of oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology, geosciences, and geophysics
    Ocean Instrument Program Led by Scripps Set to Achieve World Coverage

    Scientists in Global Drifter Program deploy ceremonial 1,250th buoy
    An ambitious idea spawned more than 20 years ago to develop a new way to watch the world change has come to fruition. Continue...
    Live Demonstration of 21st Century National-Scale Team Science

    Scripps and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Linked Using OptIPuter Technologies over a 10-Gbps National LambdaRail Dedicated Optical Path New Scripps Oceanography Project to Study Sediments and Ecosystem Restoration in Venice Lagoon
    Research will provide a glimpse of past and vital information for the future of city's efforts to maintain its historic lagoon
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Obituary Notice
    Climate Science Pioneer: Charles David Keeling

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego RECENT HEADLINES SHARK TRACKS Conservation efforts that will help protect this overfished and vulnerable species. OCEANS AND AIR: The climate connection :: VIDEO DVD EDITION :: Scientists struggle to comprehend how the climate, and ultimately the environment...

    130. Environmental Professional's Homepage PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
    Voice 800.400.3237; Fax 904.471.8045; Hawaii Associationof Environmental Professionals (HAEP); Institute of Hazardous Materials
    A partial list is provided. Please help complete this page by sending us the missing addresses and phone numbers of listed organizations via the comments button on the bottom of the page. Thank you.

    131. WOO2003 - Waves And Operational Oceanography
    A scientific workshop to assess the current state of knowledge on waves in relation to currents, surface drifts and airsea interactions hosted by the French Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOM).
    Waves and Operational Oceanography
    Do our ocean models represent this reality ?
    Not the ones I know of.
    You may ask ... "Well does it matter ? Why should a computer model represent every feature of the real world ? We are not doing virtual reality, are we ?" (see this for VR).
    Sure ... but are we serious about forecasting air-sea fluxes, surface drift, ocean waves ? For this, a little more realism would help.
    link to : FORUM: wave - circulation coupling today and tomorrow Trying to keep up with the litterature:
    ... anybody willing to help synthesize all this into a single model ?

    Last update: 31 January 2005. Contact: Fabrice Ardhuin (
    WOO2003, scientific workshop, 23 and 24 june 2003, Brest, France Participants helped define how observations, wave research and operational forecasting can be combined with the emerging operational oceanography to provide relevant services for end-users, based on theory for wave-current interaction processes including hydrodynamic modulation, turbulent profiles and air-sea fluxes. Waves are the driving force of littoral zone dynamics, responsible for coastal erosion and flooding, and on a larger scale waves determine the still poorly known air-sea exchanges (of momentum, heat, CO2 ...), a challenge for understanding global change and climate dynamics. This workshop was also supported by CNRS and Ifremer.

    132. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
    A joint venture between the University of Southampton and the Natural Environment Research Council. A leading centre for research and education in marine and earth sciences, for the development of marine technology and for the provision of large scale infrastructure and support for the marine research community.
    News Intranet Library Contact us ... Print Search NOCS Options People
    Sitemap ... Project Offices National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 23 8059 6666 Latest news...
    Rockwatch [More...] International appointment protects the marine environment [More...] Head of National Marine Facilities, Commodore David Lewis CBE, RN [More...] All ship-shape as Callista sails in for her research role [More...] Ocean Processes Seafloor Processes Research Groups ...

    I welcome you to this website. September is events and conference season here at the Centre. Rockwatch took place on Saturday 17th September. This popular annual event for children, which was free, attracted around 400 visitors. There were talks and workshops on dinosaurs, rocks and fossils throughout the afternoon. Rockwatch is organised by local geology groups and involves the Centre’s staff and students. The Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase takes place here on 28th and 29th September. In addition to the conference, where scientists and engineers will be discussing the latest developments in underwater technology, over 60 companies will be exhibiting underwater vehicles and equipment at this two-day event. This month RRS Discovery is on her way to Cape Farewell, Greenland. The cruise is part of the RAPID climate change research programme. The scientists are keeping a

    133. Australian Meteorological And Oceanographic Society - Sydney Centre
    an independent society that supports and fosters interest in meteorology and oceanography through publications, meetings, courses, conferences, grants and prizes. It also represents the views of its members to various institutions and the public.

    - Sydney Centre -
    This site has been changed to following address:

    134. Bedford Institute Of Oceanography
    Canada's largest centre for ocean research, is located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. BIO scientific teams investigate the physical and chemical properties of the ocean, the life within it, and the geology of the seafloor, as well as the interactions between the atmosphere, the oceans and the continents.
    Bedford Institute of Oceanography Canada's Largest Center for Ocean Research Important Notices Avis importants

    135. Education: Career & Funding > Brochure: Undergraduate
    The Student Conservation Association (PO Box 550, Charlestown, NH 03603,603543-1828, http// matches students and volunteer opportunities
    If you like being outdoors exploring the world around you, are curious about how the environment works, enjoy using your mind to solve problems, and want to do work that is important to society, you should consider the many
    Careers in Ecology

    Click Here for a PDF version of this page

    ECOL.O.G.Y : from Greek oikos = house (place we live) logos = (study of) WHAT DO ECOLOGISTS DO? You will find ecology to be an exciting and rewarding career. Working in interesting places, both near and afar, questioning, investigating, finding answers;

    136. Oceanography - Faculty
    Phytoplankton ecology, biooptical oceanography, upper ocean physics
    Atmospheric Science

    Biological Oceanography


    Major Research and Collaborative Programs

    Marlon Lewis

    Department of Oceanography
    Dalhousie University
    Halifax, NS, B3H 4J1
    Room 2616 LSC Phone - (902) 494-3513 Fax - (902) 494-3877 E-mail - Education Background
    • PhD - Dalhousie University
    • MS - University of Maryland
    • BS - University of Maryland
    Awards and Honours
    • Lindeman Award, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, Outstanding paper by young scientist, 1988.
    • Killam Award, Dalhousie University, Outstanding Young Professor, 1992.
    • Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Advanced Technology Category, Atlantic Canada, 1999.
    Research Interests
    • Phytoplankton ecology
    • Bio-optical oceanography
    • Upper ocean physics
    Recent Publications Courses
    • 4380B/5380B - Marine Modelling
    Tammy Chouinard Thursday June 06, 2002

    137. Welcome To Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. (CSA Home)
    CSA provides environmental consulting worldwide. Marine science, oceanography, and coastal ecology are integrated to produce multidisciplinary environmental impact assessments.

    About Us Services Positions Available ... Contact Us
    About CSA

    CSA provides environmental consulting services worldwide. Marine science, oceanography, and coastal ecology are integrated to produce multidisciplinary environmental impact assessments. CSA provides a wide variety of oceanographic services for baseline, monitoring, and natural resource damage assessment field surveys. Environmental management and growth planning services are provided to support clients working in marine, estuarine, wetlands, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats of coastal zones.
    "Applied Science and Technology for Environmental Solutions"
    Oil and Gas
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
    Hazard Assessment and Disaster Mitigation
    Growth Management Planning
    Marine Field Operations Marine Habitat Damage Assessment, Restoration, and Enhancement

    138. KC Denmark - Research Equipment
    Supplies all types of field / laboratory research equipment for limnology, oceanography and hydrobiology.
    R.V. Dana - Danish Institute of Fisheries Research
    Last updates August 30
    New products:

    Limnology - Oceanography - Hydrobiology
    Holmbladsvej 19 - DK-8600 Silkeborg - Denmark
    Tel. +45 86 82 83 47 Fax +45 86 82 49 50
    About us - Ordering - FAQ - etc. E-mail: Customer Service
    Winch, 230 Volt AC/ 2,2 Kwatt frequency regulated Meter counter , 9.999,9 meters, night visibility.
    Multi-corer, 4 x ø60 x 400 mm Pore water pressing unit with all sample parts in AISI 316 stainless steel. Integrated water sampler for 1, 2 and 3 litres. Gravity corer/Piston corer for steel corer ø101,6 mm and ø90 mm PVC plast liner
    Museum equipment:
    1500 mm sandblast cabin with powder recycling. Click here for a 750 mm model.

    139. EOA Scientific Internet Campus
    Find educational information and interactive multimedia resources in earth science,geology,oceanography,space science, astronomy, physical science, and remote sensing.
    General Science Earth Ocean Atmosphere ... Space Credits EOA Home This campus contains selections of some of the more than 100 interactive exercises found in the ScienceSchoolHouse Discover! Science Library. In addition to these exercises, Discover! Science contains 100 chapters of narrated text; 1,000 illustrations and photographs; six hours of animations and video clips; multiple layers of individualized educational materials; 12 half-hour video documentaries and a unique 3-D Virtual Laboratory.
    Waves Characteristics (Ocean / Lakes) Waves are generated on the surface of water (ocean/lakes) by wind. The wind transfers energy to the water, through friction between the air molecules and the water molecules. Waves of water do not move horizontally, they only move up and down (a wave does not represent a flow of water). Use this wave interactive to learn more on waves. The Internet Campus is an interactive multimedia science learning web site of:
    EOA Scientific
    , a developer of educational software
    EOA Scientific Systems, Inc.

    140. Major Research Programs
    Site links to the major research projects of the past, present and future in the department.
    Major Research and Collaborative Programs
    Queensland Beach. Photograph by Carolyn Smyth The Department of Oceanography is involved in several major research and collaborative programs, some of which are linked here:
    The CANadian version of DIEcast
    The Canadian component of SandyDuck '97 Coastal Field Experiment
    Centre for Marine Environmental Prediction
    CARTUM - a Project to improve models of turbulence
    Coastal Ocean Modelling Project
    The research program sponsered by the IBM Environmental Research Program.
    Double-diffusion in Oceanography - SCOR Working Group #108.
    GLOBEC Canada
    GLOBEC (GLOBal ocean ECosystems dynamics) research program.
    Nova Scotia Oceans Initiative
    An industry/government/university pilot project to stimulate growth in the ocean technology sector.
    Ocean/Atmospheric Modelling and Research
    Research program funded by MSC, MARTEC and NSERC for Ocean/Atmospheric modelling and research.
    Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)
    Summary Report for the Canadian participants in the International SOLAS Open Science Meeting
    Transport and Reaction in Permeable Marine Sediments - SCOR Working Group #114.
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