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101. EurekAlert! - Science News Searchable database of sciencerelated press releases from research institutions,universities, government agencies and corporations. http://www.eurekalert.org/ | |
103. Oceanography - Academic Info A selective, annotated directory of Internet resources geared toward high school and college students as well as professional researchers. http://www.academicinfo.net/ocean.html | |
104. Physical Oceanography This bimonthly journal publishes original articles on research from CIS countries on the dynamics of the ocean, observational data analyses and methods of estimating oceanic fields. Issues include experimental and research results obtained from expeditions at sea, oceanographic data from satelliteborne systems, mathematical modelling of marine systems, and automation of research carried out in seas and oceans. http://www.vsppub.com/journals/jn-PhyOce.html | |
105. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Library oceanography, climatology, earth science marine biology resources on the Internet maintained by the Scripps Institution of oceanography Library, University of California. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/ | |
106. Skidaway Institute Of Oceanography (SkIO) a nationally and internationally recognized center for marine research. http://www.skio.peachnet.edu/ | |
107. AnaSim Gibraltar II International Symposium on the water masses exchange Physical oceanography of Strait of Gibraltar with emphasis on physical processes and their consequences on the marine biology and the numerical simulation of physical and biochemical processes on its surroundings. http://www.uca.es/otros/anasim_gibraltar/index_eng.html | |
108. Oceanography Redirection Page A centre of teaching and research in Marine Environmental and Physical Sciences. http://pcwww.liv.ac.uk/ocean/oceanography/ | |
109. Oceanography Dalhousie is a world leader in oceanographic research with stateof-the-art facilities. Training and funding is offered for PhD and MSc degrees in biological, chemical, geological and physical areas of oceanography. http://www.dal.ca/~wwwocean/index.html | |
110. Latz Laboratory Of Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Marine bioluminescence researcher, Latz Research Laboratory of Scripps Institution of oceanography. http://siobiolum.ucsd.edu/ | |
111. Science Consultants For Oceanography, Education, And Remote Sensing (SCOERS) SCOERS is a consulting group with diverse expertise in oceanographic science, remote sensing, higher education, and elementary education. http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-SCOERS |
112. CLS: Collecte Localisation Satellites Platform location and scientific data collection by Argos, satellite orbit determination and platform location by Doris, space oceanography data processing for TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS. http://www.cls.fr/welcome_en.html | |
113. Science Careers Web:Â Oceanography Career Information They even have a section devoted specifically to Antarctic oceanography. The Australian Marine Sciences Association from down under has compiled an http://www.sciencecareersweb.net/OceanCareer.htm | |
114. WaterObserver.org - AMRS Conference 2004 - Operational Oceanography & Remote Sen WaterObserver.org is the website of the AMRS a private, notfor-profit, The AMRS Association is facilitating this symposium for professionals http://www.waterobserver.org/event-2004-03/ | |
115. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Archives Inventories, contact information, and access policies. Features a chronology and bibliography on the history of the Institution, and digitized photographs. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/archives/index.html | |
116. WaterObserver.org Observing Aquatic Environments WaterObserver.org is the website of the AMRS a private, notfor-profit,environmental technology association that promotes the use of remote sensing http://www.waterobserver.org/amrs/ | |
117. The Great Web Of Science Providing links for science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, medicine, meteorology, oceanography,physics and space. http://www.imagine-Hawaii.com/science.html | |
118. Bedford Institute Of Oceanography A center for ocean research, it studies the marine and coastal habitat. It surveys, measures, describes and charts Canada's oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Extensive links to oceanographic and geosciences and the fishery. http://www.bio.gc.ca/ENTER/INDEX_ENG.HTM |
119. Institute Of Oceanography And Fisheries, Split, Croatia Split, Debrovnic http://www.izor.hr/eng/intro.html | |
120. Toyama National College Of Maritime Technology Top/Science/Earth_Sciences/oceanography/Institutions/Japan http://www.toyama-cmt.ac.jp/top.html | |
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