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81. Travel Grants For Students And Young Scientists International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) and the International Association for Biological oceanography (IABO) http://www.agu.org/meetings/STG/iahsi_stg.html | |
83. Education Programs At The ASLC Website dedicated to women in the field of oceanography, http//www.aza.org/JoblistingsAmerican Zoos and Aquarium Association job and internship http://www.alaskasealife.org/New/education/student-links.php | |
84. American Institute Of Hydrology American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) American Association of Petroleum International. American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) http://www.aihydro.org/links.htm | |
85. Hydrographic_main is a subbranch of the Australasian Branch of the Hydrographic Society with members representing the fields of hydrography, oceanography, geophysics, civil engineering and associated disciplines at all levels of expertise. http://www.hydrographicsociety.org.nz/ |
86. ERF - Links US Fish and Wildlife Service Chemical oceanography unit American Associationfor the Advancement of Science Center for Science, Technology, http://erf.org/links.html | |
87. Leipzig Declaration: List Of Signers California; Professor Emeritus of oceanography, University of California at San elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; http://www.sepp.org/LDsigs.html | |
88. American Australian Association | Fellowships For Study And Research In Australi The American Australian Association (AAA) is the largest nonprofit organization There will be particular interest in the fields of oceanography/marine http://www.americanaustralian.org/Educational/usa-australia.php | |
89. JSTOR: Participating Publishers American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies American Associationof Avian Pathologists American Society of Limnology and oceanography http://www.jstor.org/about/part.publishers.html | |
90. Valley Christian Parents Association â VCSchools.org Parents Association has served Bellflower Christian Schools for over 50 years . oceanography Field Trip field trip aboard oceanographic vessel. http://www.vcschools.org/supporters/parents-association | |
91. National Institute Of Oceanography, India Division Geological oceanography email nigam@darya.nio.org Fellow, IndianAssociation for Limnology and oceanography,(since 1988). http://www.nio.org/jsp/ResearchersDisplay.jsp?pubkey=Nigam, R. |
92. Finding Water Jobs American Society of Limnology and oceanography http//www.aslo.org/jobs.html;American Water Resources Association http://wri.wisc.edu/library/finding_jobsall.html | |
93. EGS XXVII General Assembly European Geophysical Society Meeting with a programme that covers all areas of oceanography from deep sea to shelfedge/coastal. http://www.copernicus.org/EGS/egsga/nice02/nice02.htm | |
94. Links - Water Resources On The Web American Society of Limnology and oceanography aslo.org American GasAssociation - www.aga.com; American Geological Institute - www.agiweb.org http://www.dundee.ac.uk/cepmlp/main/html/links5.htm | |
95. American Zoo And Aquarium Association Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of oceanography Receives Eighth Annual MACE The American Zoo and Aquarium Association was founded in 1924 and http://www.aza.org/HonorsAwards/MACE_Birch/ | |
96. Canadian Wildlife Federation Find out more at the WILD Education Web site (see www.wildeducation.org). The Coastal Zone Canada Association Bedford Institute of oceanography http://www.cwf-fcf.org/pages/wildprograms/wildprogramsoceanseb_e.asp?section=6&l |
97. North Carolina Science Teachers Association Please take a look at our site at www.enaturalist.org and see how EN can serveyour needs. presents activities for learning about oceans, oceanography, http://www.ncsta.org/resources/ee.html | |
98. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Job Resource Center Archeology, Geoscience, oceanography, etc. American Counseling Association www.counseling.org; American Psychological Society - Includes job postings http://www.sigmaxi.org/resources/student/job.shtml | |
99. ASLO: Limnology And Oceanography Peerreviewed journal publishing original articles about all aspects of limnology and oceanography, with a theme of understanding aquatic ecosystems. Published by The American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO). Includes some articles. http://aslo.org/lo/ | |
100. EGS2001 - Scientific Programme European Geophysical Society Meeting with a programme that covered all areas of oceanography from deep sea to shelfedge/coastal. http://www.copernicus.org/EGS/egsga/nice01/programme/overview.htm | |
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