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41. UKHO Related Sites
oceanography. British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) Association for Geographic Information -
solas commercial leisure corporate data Home Page ... Related sites
Hydrography and Related Matters UK Government, Public Bodies and Bodies with Statutory Duties Official ENC Services and ECDIS Manufacturers

42. SWS - Wetland Web Sites
American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society ofLimnology and oceanography Association for Tropical Biology Association of
Wetland Related Sites
Online Membership Renewal Forms
Now Available (secure server)
Join or Renew for 2005!
Please send links to Richard Chinn

Careers in oceanography and MarineRelated Fields. 1995. The oceanography Society . International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
The Society for Marine Mammalogy
The field of marine mammal science has a growing appeal. Yet, many students do not clearly understand what the field involves. This brochure addresses questions commonly asked by people seeking a career in marine mammal science in the United States and provides suggestions on how to plan education and work experience. This document is continually evolving. Please submit corrections and suggestions for additions to: SMM Administrator var site="s15careers" What is marine mammal science? How difficult is it to pursue a career in marine mammal science? What are typical salaries in marine mammal careers? What types of jobs involve marine mammals? ... Surviving professional puberty in marine mammalogy: Things Mom and Dad didn't tell you.
by John E. Reynolds III - Eckerd College and U.S. Marine Mammal Commission Reference Books Reference Articles Information Sheets and Packets Sea Grant Programs ... Teaching Materials What is marine mammal science? There are about 100 species of aquatic or marine mammals that depend on fresh water or the ocean for part or all of their life. These species include pinnipeds, which are seals, sea lions, fur seals and walrus; cetaceans, which are baleen and toothed whales, ocean and river dolphins, and porpoises; sirenians, which are manatees and dugongs; and some carnivores, such as sea otters and polar bears. Marine mammal scientists try to understand these animals' genetic, systematic, and evolutionary relationships; population structure; community dynamics; anatomy and physiology; behavior and sensory abilities; parasites and diseases; geographic and microhabitat distributions; ecology; management; and conservation.

44. Internet Public Library: Earth Sciences
oceanography/Hydrology A science that deals with the ocean and its phenomena . American Association of Petroleum Geologists http//
dqmcodebase = "/javascript/"
Subject Collections



... Earth Sciences This collection All of the IPL Advanced Branches of science related the Earth, its surface, and its atmosphere.
A science that deals with the history of the earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks.
A science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially with weather and weather forecasting.
A science that deals with the ocean and its phenomena.
Resources in this category:
You can also view Subject Collections Magazines under this heading.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
"The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is the world's largest geological society, with approximately 31,000 members in 115 countries. AAPG was formed in 1917, to foster the spirit of scientific research among its members and to advance the science of geology - particularly as it relates to petroleum, natural gas, other subsurface fluids and mineral resources." The site for the AAPG, called "GEOBYTE", has a wide collection of resources on publications (some with full text content on-line), membership information, a discussion forum, meeting notices, links to other Internet resources, and searchable databases of members, professional geologists, and students. Some content is restricted to members only.
American Geological Institute

45. Internet Public Library: Oceanography/Hydrology
OBIS – The Ocean Biogeographic Information System http// The oceanography section covers waves, tides, currents, habitats,
dqmcodebase = "/javascript/"
Subject Collections



... Oceanography/Hydrology This collection All of the IPL Advanced A science that deals with the ocean and its phenomena.
Resources in this category:
You can also view Magazines Associations on the Net under this heading.
Aquatic Network
Aquatic Network calls itself the "Information Service for the Aquatic World. Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, limnology, marine science and oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood."
Bering Sea Climate and Ecosystem
This web site of the Bering Sea, one of the world's major fisheries, follows an explosion of interest in Northern Hemisphere climate study. Scientists here recognize a symmetric problem: climate change impacts ecosystems, and ecosystems serve as indicators for climate change. This site describes ecological and climatic indices for the Bering Sea which will serve as measures of climate and ecosystem status: weather, oceanographic and climate data, sea ice data, and fisheries and other biological data. This transitional website contains the main set of time series which will form the basis of a small set of Bering climate/ecosystem indices.
International Year of the Ocean

46. Index_apr05.htm
Prepared in Association with. The International Union of the History and Philosophyof Science THE HISTORY OF oceanography NEWSLETTER Archive Page
A Global Forum for Naval Historical Scholarship
International Journal of Naval History
Home Editorial Board Archives Submissions ... Site Map
August 2005 Volume 4 Number 2 The objective of the International Journal of Naval History is to provide a pre-eminent forum for works of naval history researched and written to demonstrable academic standards. Our hope is to stimulate and promote research into naval history and foster communication among naval historians at an international level. ARTICLES Editorial The Neglected Player? Gary E. Weir U.S. Naval Historical Center, Washington D.C. For the IJNH Admiral Hyman G. Rickover USN and the UK Nuclear Submarine Propulsion Programme By Vice Admiral Sir Robert Hill United Kingdom More than “Rum, Buggery, and the Lash”: Social History in American Naval Documents By Michael J. Crawford

American Society of Limnology and oceanography, http// Association ofAmerican State Geologists, http//
ASSOCIATIONS Nebraska Geospatial Extension Program Organization Website American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologist American Cetacean Society American Congress on Surveying and Mapping American Geological Institute American Geophysical Union American Institute of Professional Geologists American Meteorological Society American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Association of American State Geologists Association of Earth Science Editors Association of Engineering Geologists

48. GulfBase - Louisana-Texas Shelf Physical Oceanography Program
The LATEX Program is a sixyear oceanographic research initiative that has as its principal objective the identification of key dynamical processes governing the circulation, transport, and cross-shelf mixing of the waters on the Texas-Louisiana shelf

49. Geological Society Of America - Links
American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) Association for Women Visit Climate and Cryosphere
Organizations Careers Internships K-12 Education Policy ... U.S. Congress
Associated Societies
American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP)
American Institute of Professional Geologists
American Quaternary Association
American Rock Mechanics Association
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Association for Women Geoscientists
Association of American State Geologists
Association of Earth Science Editors
Association of Engineering Geologists
Association of Geoscientists for International Development
Council on Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division
(CUR) Cushman Foundation (CF) (EEGS) Geochemical Society (GS) Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) History of Earth Sciences Society (HESS) International Association of Geochemistry (IAGC) International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Karst Waters Institute (KWI) The Mineralogical Society (MS) Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) National Association of Black Geologists and Geophysicists (NABGG) National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) Paleontological Society (PS) Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP)
Allied Societies
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) American Water Resources Association (AWRA) (AGA) Geological Association of Canada (GAC)

50. Environmental Studies
of the North American Association for Environmental Education (, Careers in the marine sciences and oceanography are as diverse as the
Find Index Home Academics ... Univ Offices
Environmental Studies
Program Chair: Dr. Paul A. Barresi

2500 North River Rd
Manchester, NH 03106
[] [Directions]

51. Press Releases - University Of Southampton
Research specialists in the Department of oceanography at the University of CapeTown use Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association,4521,en.php

52. Institute For Exploration
Dr. Ballard is a member of Sigma Xi, oceanography Society, Marine TechnologySociety, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
DR. ROBERT BALLARD BIOGRAPHY Education Dr. Ballard received his undergraduate degree in Geology and Chemistry from the University of California. He attended graduate school at the University of Southern California, the University of Hawaii's Graduate School of Oceanography and received his Ph.D. in Marine Geology and Geophysics from the University of Rhode Island. Military Service Dr. Ballard was graduated from the University of California as a distinguished military graduate with a commission in Army Intelligence. Later his commission was transferred to the U.S. Navy and during the Vietnam War he served on active duty as an Ensign, Lt. J.G. and finally as a Lieutenant. Dr. Ballard has rejoined the U.S. Naval Reserve as a Commander. Television Projects Dr. Ballard is recognized as one of the premier spokesmen for marine research. For the past twenty years he has participated in numerous educational programs with PBS Television, National Geographic Society, NOVA, the BBC in Great Britain, Nippon Television in Japan, ZRF Television in Germany, and the major television networks in the United States. From 1989 to 1991, he hosted National Geographic's EXPLORER, shown on Turner Broadcasting Station. Associations and Memberships Dr. Ballard is a member of Sigma Xi, Oceanography Society, Geological Society of America, Marine Technology Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union and The Bohemian Club. He holds Honorary Degrees from the University of Rhode Island, Clark University, Southeastern Massachusetts University, Long Island University, Southampton, the University of Bath, England, Lehigh University, Skidmore College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Bridgewater State College, Tufts University, Lenoir-Rhyne College, Maine Maritime Academy and Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

53. PAO > Policy News Updates >
American Society of Limnology and oceanography, Association of Teachers http//
Policy News from ESA's Public Affairs Office
(Formerly Science and Environmental Policy Update)
A Bi-Weekly Publication of the Ecological Society of America
Public Affairs Office Policy News Update July 16, 2004 In this issue:



ESA ISSUES PEER REVIEW STATEMENT The Ecological Society of America, together with a dozen other scientific organizations, on July 15 issued a statement on scientific peer review. Representing over a quarter million scientists, the group’s statement lays out the basics of what constitutes appropriate scientific peer review of in-house agency science and the body of science underlying management decisions. “We believe a clear statement from a large portion of the scientific community on scientific peer review will be helpful to policy makers,” said Ecological Society of America President William Schlesinger. “Our statement both supports the concept of peer review and intends to inform policy makers about how it is best applied,” explained Schlesinger. “While scientific peer review is an important tool for decision makers, a poorly designed process can do more harm than good.” The American College of Preventive Medicine, American Fisheries Society, American Institute of Biological Sciences, American Public Health Association, American Society of Agronomy, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, Crop Science Society of America, Ecological Society of America (ESA), Estuarine Research Federation, Institute of Food Technologies, Society for Conservation Biology, and Soil Science Society of America, all endorsed the statement, which was developed by ESA.

54. Asilomar- Phi Beta Kappa PBK Northern California Association Honor
Mel’s study of oceanography sparked an interest in area maritime mishaps. The Current President of the Association, and six PastPresidents attended the

55. AMS AMS Education Resource Agents - AERAs
Each AERA presents several general physical oceanography and/or These sessionsoften take place at local and state teacher association meetings.

AMS Education Resource Agents - AERAs
act as regional points of contact for teachers who are seeking information on atmospheric science and/or oceanography topics; act as liaison among teachers, schools, teachers' organizations, and the earth system sciences and related professional communities; represent the Society, as appropriate, at teacher workshops, professional meetings, and educational conferences; serve, from time to time, on advisory panels for the Society's precollege educational initiatives; work with Society staff and members to develop and implement instructional resource materials.
AERAs are, or have been, master precollege teachers, and they have been carefully chosen for AERA participation. Selection is based on:
their demonstrated leadership in
  • teaching curriculum development, and in-service training of fellow teachers
their special training and interest in the atmospheric environment.
AERAs are highly professional individuals who are collaborating with the AMS to help promote teaching about or related to the atmospheric or physical oceanographic environment. They cannot enter into arrangements or agreements binding to the AMS. . The AMS national network of resource agents now has representation in most states.

56. AIBS: Position Statements: Scientific Peer Review In Policy Making
American Public Health Association American Society of Agronomy American Societyof Limnology and oceanography Association of Teachers of Preventive
terms Serving Biology and Society Organization About AIBS: Who We Are Media Inquiries Organization Membership Individual Membership ... Classifieds
Position Statements: Scientific Peer Review in Policy Making
July 15 2004 Peer review is an integral component of scientific research and publishing. It allows the scientific community to maintain quality control of research through the review of research proposals, journal manuscripts and other reports. Academic peer review, although far from perfect, is the best tool scientists have to ensure high standards for their professional work. However, it is critical that scientific peer review programs be carefully designed to maintain objectivity, quality and thoroughness. While scientific peer review is an important tool for decision makers, a poorly designed process can do more harm than good. It is for this reason that we endorse the following list of important considerations for government scientific peer review of agency-produced science and the body of science underlying management decisions.
  • The first priority in choosing reviewers should be to engage the most competent scientists.

57. ASLO: Employment And Funding
Resources for employment in the aquatic sciences.
Home About ASLO Career Information Education Resources ... Search
Employment in the Aquatic Sciences
For more information, click on the links at right.
The " Positions Offered Board " is offered as a low-cost, high-visibility site to post announcements of available positions in the aquatic sciences. Over 500 position announcements were posted in 2002!
Funding Opportunities
Funding agencies and other sources of research and educational funding may place announcements of opportunity and calls for proposals on the " Funding Opportunities Board ".
Job Links
ASLO maintains a page of links to other job announcement bulletin boards. Click on "Job-Related Links" at right.
Aquatic Science Careers
For information about careers in the aquatic sciences, click here
Home Career Employment ... Search
Please click on the links below for further information about employment opportunities in the aquatic sciences. Positions Offered Submission Form
Funding Opportunities Board
Submission Form ...
Job-Related Links

58. AIBS: Funding Contributors And Testimonials
The membership of the American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) The Association of Ecosystem Research Centers is pleased to support the AIBS
terms Serving Biology and Society Organization About AIBS: Who We Are Media Inquiries Organization Membership Individual Membership ... Classifieds Public Policy Office
AIBS Members Support and Benefit from AIBS Public Policy Office Operations - You Can Too!
AIBS members are currently generously contributing a combined total of more than $70,000 per year in partial support of the AIBS Public Policy Office. AIBS pays the remaining costs from its own funds. All contributions are ear-marked to help the AIBS Public Policy Office pay its staff and conduct its activities on behalf of the AIBS membership. The continued growth of the AIBS Public Policy Office will greatly enhance the benefits to all AIBS member societies and the discipline of biology as a whole. To learn more about the AIBS Public Policy Office and its activities, please contact Dr. Robert Gropp, AIBS Director of Public Policy, mto("mto://"); Read testimonials from AIBS members on the benefits of working with the AIBS Public Policy Office.

59. Magothy River Association
Magothy River Association, 13 Midshipmen divers from the oceanography Clubsurveyed an oyster or
Who We Are
MRA Index

MRA History
In The News ... Check the Tide on the Magothy
Oyster Reef Restoration
MRA, NOAA, and Naval Academy Combine Efforts
As part of a USNA-NOAA Earth Day "Dive-In" celebration sponsored by the Magothy River Association, 13 Midshipmen divers from the Oceanography Club surveyed an oyster bed at Rock Point in the Magothy River. See complete story below. Photos courtesy of Robert E. Hendry, Anne Arundel Community College. The Rock Point survey completes the Oyster Monitoring Workshop and open water/dark water training that was started in January. Daniel J. Basta, Director, National Marine Sanctuaries Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted the training and survey. The survey was conducted using an array of eight 45 meter transects lines radiating out from a center reference point. Using the techniques learned during the pool exercise at Rick Hover Hall last January, each dive pair moved down the transect line in the near zero visibility of the Magothy River from the outer end of the transect toward the center counting all oysters within one meter of the transect on either side, and then recorded bottom composition information every three meters. It was observed that the size of the oysters ranged from 108 mm to 61 mm indicating that more than one oyster growth class exists at Rock Point.

60. Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter
With current partners such as the Scripps Institution of oceanography (UCSD),Surfrider Foundation, and American Zoo and Aquarium Association,
Join the Surfrider Foundation and Karl Strauss Brewing Company in a San Diego-style celebration of Oktoberfest at the Karl Strauss Rose Canyon Brewery in Pacific Beach . On Saturday October 1 st, festivalgoers will be treated to great local music, delicious food from Wahoo's Fish Tacos, the hot dog cart and over 10 varieties of Karl Strauss Beers. The event will also feature local artists and artisans and Sector 9 with their bus of gear. Shuttles will be available from the PB Library and Dusty Rhodes Park in OB starting at 12:30 . Tickets to the event are only $5 and include 5 beer tastings, entry and all the music. Brewery tours will also be included in the ticket price and available on a first come first serve basis. The event will sell out so be sure to pre-purchase your tickets on-line here To volunteer for this event, please email Bill 2005 Paddle For Clean Water Were you there? Maybe you can find yourself in these pics from the event
Army Corps Shoreline Projects Along The Entire Coastline Of Solana Beach and Encinitas There are two public meetings this week on coastal armoring in North County.

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