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41. UKHO Related Sites oceanography. British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) www.bodc.ac.uk andwww.oceannet.org Association for Geographic Information - www.agi.org.uk http://www.ukho.gov.uk/related_sites.html | |
43. SMM STRATEGIES FOR PURSUING A CAREER IN MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE Careers in oceanography and MarineRelated Fields. 1995. The oceanography Society . International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine http://www.marinemammalogy.org/strat.htm | |
44. Internet Public Library: Earth Sciences oceanography/Hydrology A science that deals with the ocean and its phenomena . American Association of Petroleum Geologists http//www.aapg.org/ http://www.ipl.org/div/aon/browse/sci12.00.00/ | |
45. Internet Public Library: Oceanography/Hydrology OBIS Â The Ocean Biogeographic Information System http//www.iobis.org/ The oceanography section covers waves, tides, currents, habitats, http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci12.50.00/ | |
46. Index_apr05.htm Prepared in Association with. The International Union of the History and Philosophyof Science THE HISTORY OF oceanography NEWSLETTER Archive Page http://www.ijnhonline.org/ | |
47. ASSOCIATIONS American Society of Limnology and oceanography, http//www.aslo.org/. Association ofAmerican State Geologists, http//www.stategeologists.org/ http://geo.unomaha.edu/associations/ | |
48. GulfBase - Louisana-Texas Shelf Physical Oceanography Program The LATEX Program is a sixyear oceanographic research initiative that has as its principal objective the identification of key dynamical processes governing the circulation, transport, and cross-shelf mixing of the waters on the Texas-Louisiana shelf http://www.gulfbase.org/project/view.php?pid=lspop |
49. Geological Society Of America - Links American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) Association for Women Visit biogeosciences.org biogeosciences.org Climate and Cryosphere http://www.geosociety.org/links/ | |
50. Environmental Studies of the North American Association for Environmental Education (naaee.org), Careers in the marine sciences and oceanography are as diverse as the http://www.snhu.edu/Southern_New_Hampshire_University/Academics/Undergraduate_Pr | |
51. Press Releases - University Of Southampton Research specialists in the Department of oceanography at the University of CapeTown use Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association www.wiomsa.org http://www.soton.ac.uk/Press/PressReleases/Name,4521,en.php |
52. Institute For Exploration Dr. Ballard is a member of Sigma Xi, oceanography Society, Marine TechnologySociety, American Association for the Advancement of Science, http://store.mysticaquarium.org/ife/ballard/biography.cfm | |
53. PAO > Policy News Updates > American Society of Limnology and oceanography, Association of Teachers http//www.esa.org/pao/esaPositions/Letters/esaCommentsHR166210072003.php http://www.esa.org/pao/PolicyNewsUpdate/pn2004/07162004.php | |
54. Asilomar- Phi Beta Kappa PBK Northern California Association Honor MelÂs study of oceanography sparked an interest in area maritime mishaps. The Current President of the Association, and six PastPresidents attended the http://pbknca.org/news/asilomar.htm |
55. AMS AMS Education Resource Agents - AERAs Each AERA presents several general physical oceanography and/or These sessionsoften take place at local and state teacher association meetings. http://www.ametsoc.org/amsedu/aera/ | |
56. AIBS: Position Statements: Scientific Peer Review In Policy Making American Public Health Association American Society of Agronomy American Societyof Limnology and oceanography Association of Teachers of Preventive http://www.aibs.org/position-statements/040715_scientific_peer_.html | |
57. ASLO: Employment And Funding Resources for employment in the aquatic sciences. http://aslo.org/employment.html | |
58. AIBS: Funding Contributors And Testimonials The membership of the American Society of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) The Association of Ecosystem Research Centers is pleased to support the AIBS http://www.aibs.org/public-policy/funding_contributors.html | |
59. Magothy River Association Magothy River Association, 13 Midshipmen divers from the oceanography Clubsurveyed an oyster oysterinfo@magothyriver.org or diver@magothyriver.org http://www.magothyriver.org/NavalAcademyDive/AcademyDive.html | |
60. Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter With current partners such as the Scripps Institution of oceanography (UCSD),Surfrider Foundation, and American Zoo and Aquarium Association, http://www.surfridersd.org/ | |
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