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         Objectivism Philosophy:     more books (98)
  1. Then Athena Said: Unilateral Transfers and the Transformation of Objectivist Ethics by Kathleen Touchstone, 2006-07-28
  2. Ayn Rand Contra Human Nature by Greg S. Nyquist, 2001-08
  3. The New Ayn Rand Companion, Revised and Expanded Edition by Mimi Reisel Gladstein, 1999-08-30
  4. Rand redux.(Editor's Note)(Ayn Rand)(Brief Article): An article from: Reason by Nick Gillespie, 2005-03-01
  5. Psychology and religion: hermeneutic reflections.: An article from: Journal of Psychology and Theology by Frank C. Richardson, 2006-09-22
  6. Ayn Rand at 100: loved, hated, and always controversial, the best-selling author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged is more relevant than ever.: An article from: Reason by Cathy Young, 2005-03-01
  7. The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff, 1983-06-01
  8. Ayn Rand's Theory of Knowledge by Tom Porter, 1999-06
  9. Atlas Shrugged: Manifesto of the Mind by Gladstein, 2000-06-08
  10. The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand
  11. The Journals of Ayn Rand by Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, 1999-08-01
  12. Ayn Rand's Marginalia : Her Critical Comments on the Writings of over Twenty Authors by Ayn Rand, 1998-03
  13. The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand, 1999-01-01
  14. Letters of Ayn Rand by Ayn Rand, 1995-06-01

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102. The Objectivism Store - Top Sellers
The objectivism Store Rational Shopping. Basic Principles of objectivism,PSAOA037W, objectivism, philosophy
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103. Index To The Post-Objectivism Web Site
objectivism AS A MOVEMENT AND LIVING philosophy; TECHNOSOPHY TECHNOCULTURE Nicholas Dykes reviews Peikoff s objectivism The philosophy of Ayn Rand.
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    Do you have an article that you would like to see published on POP Culture? Here is how.
    Another Look at Abortion

    A response by Thomas Gramstad to Tibor Machan's Full Context article. Context, Responsibility and Law

    A response by Nicholas Dykes to Will Thomas' Navigator article. Can Cryopreservation Solve "The Abortion Problem"? Thomas Gramstad thinks it might. The Rand-and-abortion Mailing List A Guide to Individualist Abortion Resources
    In Defense of Rational Anarchism
  • 104. Ayn Rand Named Her Philosophy Objectivism 07/10/03
    Ayn Rand (Ayn rhymes with mine ) named her philosophy objectivism after peoplestarted calling objectivism is based on the philosophy of Aristotle.
    Related story: Promoting reason, capitalism: Move to Irvine proves 'fantastic' for Ayn Rand Institute and novelist 's philosophy
    Ayn Rand named her philosophy Objectivism
    By Peggy Goetz
    The Irvine World News Ayn Rand (Ayn rhymes with "mine") named her philosophy Objectivism after people started calling themselves Randists. She said she was too conceited to allow such a use of her name.
    Objectivism is based on the philosophy of Aristotle. It defines the abstract principles by which Rand thought man must think and act to live the life of a proper man.
    Born Alisa Rosenbaum in Russia in 1905, Rand defined her philosophy along four philosophical paths. Her novels, including "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged," were depictions of the ideal man, according to her philosophy. Metaphysics: objective reality. "Reality, the external world, exists independent of man's consciousness, independent of any observer's knowledge, beliefs, feelings, desires and fears. This means that A is A, that facts are facts, that things are what they are ­ and that the task of man's consciousness is to perceive reality, not create or invent it," she said.
    Thus Objectivism rejects any belief in the supernatural or higher power.

    105. Newsgroup: Humanities.philosophy.objectivism
    Email List Directory News FTP Directory - Internet Reference.

    106. Cybernethics / Cybernéthique
    Cybernethics / Cybern©thique
    Liberty, Ethics and Information / Libert©, ‰thique et Information
    Why Cybernethics? Cybernethics is a dynamic point of view on human life: on the choices each individual must make. It is all about growing up, finding truth, love and courage, and freeing oneself from force and deception.
    Links to my sites:
    Current Month Jul. 13th, 2005 @ 12:24 am Totalitarian Democracy Tags: en invited libertarian objectivism ... usa
    Bill O'Neill, an objectivist correspondant in Holland, PA, sent me this piece about the infamous Kelo case. Of course, such a thing wouldn't make a scandal in France, where it is well understood that the government can do anything in the name of the public good. America may be becoming a Totalitarian Democracy, France already is one. D©mocratie Absolue de Droit Divin. Oh well. NB : so as to provide a disincentive for people holding political power to destroy liberties too obviously, you may join this pledge , or at least consider visiting the hotel when (and if) it is built.
    Correct name for our style of government: Totalitarian Democracy
    by Bill O'Neill

    107. The Ism Book: O
    Definitions of philosophical terms beginning with the letter O. While themost fundamental objectivism is metaphysical (with important corollaries in
    The Ism Book: O
    Objectivism realism or even for intrinsicism , in opposition to subjectivism . In the twentieth century, the novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand appropriated the term as the name for her philosophy (defined here under Randianism ). However, there have been other objectivist thinkers even in the recent past, such as the logician and philosopher Kurt Godel, who once said: "It is by viewing together a number of facts that we come to believe in objectivism. Philosophy consists of pointing things out rather than arguments." [References from conceptualism individualism intrinsicism Randianism ... relativism , and subjectivism Optimism pessimism . In this sense, for example, eudaimonism is a form of optimism. The popular usage of optimism is related to the meaning described here, but it is not as fundamental or "metaphysical". [References from Aristotelianism meliorism pessimism positivism ... realism , and transcendentalism Organicism holism , especially in popular usage, but holism simply says that all parts of reality are interconnected and does not claim that the earth or the universe is a living thing. The word organicism is sometimes used in aesthetics to refer to the idea (which goes back at least to Aristotle) that a work of art should be an "organic whole" with all its parts or aspects serving one central purpose. [Reference from panpsychism Ism Book Home Page

    108. Objectivism - Introduction
    objectivism is a philosophical system, a deductive whole of concepts succintly, objectivism, as a philosophical system, is greatly informed by science
    Objectivism is a philosophical system, a deductive whole of concepts - succintly, it is philosophy done rationally. Like all such systems, it answers basic questions about reality and our place in it. These questions, and their answers in Objectivism, are :
    1. Is reality objective or subjective ? (metaphysics)
    Answer : reality is objective, that is - it is independant from our minds, and so we need to reach outwards to find truth.
    2. How can we find knowledge ? (epistemology)
    Answer : By using reason, that is - logic, concept-formation, and sense perception. Reason is supreme in that is the only method that reaches outwards to reality.
    3. What should we value ? (ethics)
    Answer : We should only value things that promote our own life and happiness. This is called egoism.
    4. How should society be organised ? (politics)
    Answer : People should respect the natural rights of each other, and establish the government with the sole goal of protecting the rights of all, with no coercive interference. This is called libertarianism or minarchism.
    5. What is art ? (esthetics)

    109. Ayn Rand Bookstore | Product Information
    philosophy Ayn Rand Leonard Peikoff Andrew Bernstein Craig Biddle Harry Binswanger Dina Schein Garmong Onkar Ghate Gary Hull Andrew Lewis

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