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         Objectivism Philosophy:     more books (98)
  1. The Ayn Rand Companion by Mimi Reisel Gladstein, 1984-09
  2. Ayn Rand by Tibor R. Machan, 2000-03
  3. Is Virtue Only A Means To Happiness? An Analysis Of Virtue And Happiness In Ayn Rand's Writings (Objectivist Studies, 4) by Neera Kapur Badhwar, 2001-11-01
  4. On Loving One's Life by Nathaniel Branden Ph.D., 2003-06-01
  5. The Politics of Virtue by David Kelley, 1994-10-01
  6. Glossary of Objectivist Definitions: With Additional Entries by Ayn Rand, 1999
  7. Beginning discussions on the Art and Science of becoming your own introspective scientist, a BiO Spiritualism Zerpt by Gary Deering, 2007-12-19
  8. Radical for Capitalism by William Thomas, 2001-10-01
  9. Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical by Chris Matthew Sciabarra, 1995-08
  10. Unrugged Individualism : The Selfish Basis of Benevolence by David Kelley, 1996-10-01
  11. Apocryphal Science: Creative Genius and Modern Heresies by Neil DeRosa, 2004-08-28
  12. Beginning discussions on the Art and Science of becoming your own intellectual bodyguard, a BiO Spiritualism Zerpt (BiOSpiritualismZerptSelfsView) by Gary Deeering, 2007-12-19
  13. Rationality and the Psychology of Abstraction (Objectivist studies) by Kenneth R Livingston, 1998-10-01
  14. Evidence and Justification (Objectivist studies) by David Kelley, 1998-11-01

81. Objectivist Philosophy - Enpsychlopedia
objectivism rejects philosophical skepticism. As a corollary, it also maintainsthat anything that is not learned by objective, rational means is not true
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Practices Capitalism Key issues Economic views Views of rights Theories of law Criticism Objectivism is the philosophy of Soviet-born American philosopher and author Ayn Rand . In summary, Objectivism holds that there is an independent reality that human beings are conscious of through their senses, that reason is the only way of gathering knowledge and only the individual rational mind can process this data, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is to pursue one's own rational self-interest , and that the only moral social system is full laissez-faire capitalism with a government strictly limited to courts police , and a military , because it is the only system where humans are barred from initiating the use of physical force upon each other (either within or outside the structure of said government). Rand characterizes Objectivism as a philosophy "for living on earth," grounded in reality and aimed at facilitating knowledge of the natural world and harmonious, mutually beneficial interactions between human beings. One major theme of Objectivist philosophy is a focus on the potential of the individual human being. Rand wrote:

82. Is Objectivism Open Or Closed?
Is it forbidden to add anything to the philosophy of objectivism? The philosophyof objectivism is defined and characterized by its fundamental
Is Objectivism Open Or Closed?
by Chris Wolf Some would say that we have no right to modify Rand's philosophy of Objectivism; that it is her discovered it. She gets full credit for discovering it, but she does not own it. Her discoveries were brilliant, and she was a bona-fide genius, but we are not obliged to continue her mistakes. The philosophy of Objectivism is defined and characterized by its fundamental principles, which do not include Ayn Rand's own applications of Objectivism. For example, Rand's concepts of evasion and evil are not even philosophical concepts; they are psychological concepts. Like Rand's views on a woman President, they are not part of the philosophy of Objectivism. It takes more than a claim or assertion to make a particular concept part of the structure of Objectivism. Just because Ayn Rand says it is, doesn't make it so. Reality takes precedence, even over Ayn Rand. We have no right to rewrite Atlas Shrugged , but we have every right to correct any mistakes in the philosophy of Objectivism, or to toss out those parts of the philosophy that prove to be false or unworkable. Of course if it becomes necessary to alter a fundamental principle of Objectivism, then the philosophy would no longer be Objectivism. It would be necessary to call the new philosophy something else, to distinguish it from Rand's original version. When Rand accepted Aristotle's metaphysics and logic, but corrected his epistemology and dropped his ethics, she gave the result a new name: Objectivism. It is quite possible that the same thing will happen to Objectivism. Its best ideas may well be incorporated into a new philosophy, just as Rand did with Aristotle.

83. Philosophy: Movements: Objectivism Spirit And Sky
Home philosophy movements objectivism The Jefferson School of philosophy,Economics, and Psychology. The Jefferson School of philosophy,
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  • Portal to a magazine, concept articles, and a forum.
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  • HBL, The Harry Binswanger List HBL, The Harry Binswanger List An email list for Objectivists for discussing philosophic and cultural issues, moderated by Dr. Binswanger, a long-time associate of Ayn Rand and editor The Ayn Rand Lexicon.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118267
  • Sense of Life Objectivists Sense of Life Objectivists Objectivist portal with daily articles and forums and including current projects and activism.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118265
  • The Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology The Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology A school supporting pro-individualist philosophers.
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84. Philosophy: Movements: Objectivism: Theory Spirit And Sky
A Guide to the philosophy of objectivism. A Guide to the philosophy of objectivism The philosophy of Ayn Rand. objectivism The philosophy of Ayn Rand
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  • A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism Online book. Various topics examined from an alternative perspective.
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  • A Misapplied Maxim A Misapplied Maxim On Democracy and the U.S. Government.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118273
  • Ayn Rand and Objectivism Reference Center Ayn Rand and Objectivism Reference Center Collection of reference materials including FAQs, chronologies, and indexes of Rand's writing.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118294
  • Darwin and Rand: Resolved Darwin and Rand: Resolved Thesis attempting to reconcile a Darwinist understanding of instincts with Rand's denial of their existence.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118271
  • - Solutions not Excuses - Solutions not Excuses A practical guide to an Objectivist approach to Psychology.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 118276
  • Eyal Mozes on Objectivism Eyal Mozes on Objectivism Original articles by a long-time member of the Objectivist movement.

85. Philosophy And Objectivism
Principles of living and fully enjoying a free, objectively rational life, witharticles, commentary, and The Autonomist s Notebook.
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Philosophy Series Articles From ASAP Forum ... Links and Resources Autonomist Philosophy Series Please see the Autonomist Philosophy Series Index Articles Philosophical Smoke and Mirrors [07/14/05] To most people, "rationalism," means, being rational, that is, using the faculty of reason to determine what is true or false, right or wrong, good or evil. It means, to most people, being objective as opposed to subjective. It is a surprise to most people when a particular view they hold or argument they make is dismissed as, "rationalism," The bewilderment is understandable; to most people the alternative to "rationalism" is "irrationalism." The reason for the confusion is because rationalism means two different things, one is good (and is the one everyone except some philosophers mean) and one is bad. (Reginald Firehammer) Disorder, Chaos, and Existence

86. The Autonomist
The Hijacking of a philosophy, Homosexuals vs. Ayn Rand s objectivism. meant for those with an interest in Ayn Rand s philosophy of objectivism,
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The Hijacking of a Philosophy The Hijacking of a Philosophy, Homosexuals vs. Ayn Rand's Objectivism by Reginald Firehammer Printable eBook NOTE: This is an entirely self-contained ebook. No special reader or software is required.] Many politically conservative homosexuals are attracted to Objectivism because of Objectivism's emphasis on individual liberty. There is a movement among many of these homosexuals and their sympathizers to take over Objectivism and change it from a philosophy to a, "movement," or "way of life;" to make it inclusive of ideas and practices inimical to Objectivism. The movement repudiates anyone calling themselves an Objectivist who does not support homosexual practices, as well as, embracing them as normal, moral, and benevolent, while claiming themselves and their movement to be the "true Objectivism." It is this movement this book analyzes and exposes. Primarily meant for those with an interest in Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, the book deals broadly with the fundamental issues of normality, morality, and sexuality, and will be useful to anyone interested in the philosophical, social, or personal nature of these concepts. Anyone concerned with what is known as the "homosexual agenda," will find this book valuable.

87. About Objectivism: The Philosophy Of Ayn Rand -- The Atlas Society
She called her philosophy objectivism. What is objectivism—and what does it imply What is objectivism? The Objectivist view of philosophy, reality,
A bout Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
In her novels and nonfiction works, Ayn Rand defined and defended a revolutionary new outlook that challenges centuries of moral, philosophical, political, and cultural thinking. She called her philosophy "Objectivism." The Objectivist Center has prepared an overview of Rand's philosophy, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions About Objectivism Further information about Objectivism and the work of The Objectivist Center can be obtained at the Web site of The Objectivist Center, by sending an e-mail request to , or by phoning (800) 374-1776. In addition, books, films, recordings, and literature by Ayn Rand and other proponents of her philosophy may be obtained by visiting The Objectivism Store
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88. Become An Objectivist In Ten Easy Steps
Refute the socalled Universal Refutation of philosophy invented by Raymond Thus objectivism rejects any form of altruism the claim that morality
Become an Objectivist
in Ten Easy Steps
(with illustrations)
Ayndrej Bauer

Approved by Do you want to become an Objectivist but do not have enough time and patience to read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged ? Now you can join the fun in just ten easy steps! Step 1: Axioms
Step 2: Reason and Logic

Step 3: Identity

Step 4: Concept
Step 10: Objectivism in Practice

See responses to this document.
Step 1: Axioms
Axioms are the most obvious statements from which everything else follows. The Objectivist axioms are set up in such a way that they are irrefutable. Anyone trying to object to them must implicitly assume them even before he or she can formulate a counter-argument. Axiom of Identity: A is A Axiom of Subject: I am aware of something. Axiom of Object: I am aware of something. The first axiom is pretty much self explanatory. It will be discussed further in the section about Identity. It may appear at a first glance that the Axiom of Subject and the Axiom of Object are the same. However, they are really like two sides of the same coin. The Axiom of Subject puts emphasis on the word I , whereas the Axiom of Object stresses the word something . Their apparent similarity reminds me of the fact that I cannot be aware without being aware of something. Exercise:
Read out loud the Axioms of Subject and Object with proper emphasis. For extra credit, do it in front of a mirror.

89. Objectivist Philosophy - Definition Of Objectivist Philosophy In Encyclopedia
objectivism is the name chosen by Ayn Rand for her philosophy. She characterizesit as a philosophy for living on earth grounded in reality,
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Objectivism is the name chosen by Ayn Rand for her philosophy . She characterizes it as a philosophy "for living on earth": grounded in reality, and aimed at facilitating knowledge of the natural world and harmonious, mutually beneficial interactions between human beings. Broadly speaking, Objectivism combines a realist empiricist secular naturalistic orientation in metaphysics and epistemology with an egoistic ethics of human flourishing and a social philosophy of capitalism and individual liberty One major theme of Objectivist philosophy is a focus on the potential of the individual human being. In Rand's own words:
My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.
Another major theme, from which Objectivism derives its name, is the conception of knowledge and values as "objective," rather than as "intrinsic" or "subjective." According to Rand, neither concepts nor values are "intrinsic" to external reality, but neither are they merely "subjective" (by which Rand means "arbitrary" or "created by [one's] feelings, desires, 'intuitions,' or whims"). Rather, properly formed concepts and values are objective in the sense that they meet the specific ( cognitive and/or biocentric) needs of the individual human person. Valid concepts and values are, as she wrote, "determined by the nature of reality, but to be discovered by man's mind."

90. The Relentless Pursuit Of Happiness
Ladies and gentlemen, meet objectivism, the philosophy that just might destroyyour world. objectivism is the brainchild of author Ayn Rand, who founded the
The relentless pursuit of happiness By Scott Clark There was a time when the greatest non-physical threats to the environment were the ignorance and apathy of the masses. However, while those hazards are still genuine and dangerous, a new menace has arisen, a way of thinking that has people believing that selfishness and irresponsibility lead to a more prosperous life. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Objectivism, the philosophy that just might destroy your world.
Objectivism is the brainchild of author Ayn Rand, who founded the philosophy in the middle of the 20th century. Molding the philosophy around four principles - objective reality, reason, self-interest, and capitalism - Rand assembled a systematic view that would satisfy the needs of any self-serving follower. In its simplest form, Objectivism can be summarized as man's pursuit for personal gratification, and this gratification, whether wealth, romance, or status, supersedes all other elements of life.
Ray Girn, a student of Objectivism and the President of University of Toronto's Objectivist Club, describes Objectivism as "the fight for reason."

91. Robert L. Campbell S Objectivism Page
Often the connections with Objectivist philosophy will not be obvious to the I point to some items from my vita that draw explicitly on objectivism and

92. Ayn Rand Bookstore | Product Information
The philosophy of objectivism (Audio) by Leonard Peikoff But it has now beensuperseded by my book objectivism The philosophy of Ayn Rand.

93. Diana Mertz Hsieh: Overworked Graduate Student In Philosophy
Mind in objectivism A Survey of Objectivist Commentary on philosophy of Mind –Paper written for my own edification. Completed on 11 January 2002.
Find on all just NoodleFood What's New NoodleFood is always the most frequently updated section of this web site. Published Papers Journal of Value Inquiry , Volume 38, Number 2, pages 171-185. Harry Potter and Philosophy , Open Court, pages 22-37. Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand , edited by Mimi Gladstein and Chris Sciabarra, Penn State University Press, pages 319-331. Conference Papers False Excuses and Moral Growth PowerPoint Presentation Analytics on the Mind: An Objectivist Survey of Analytic Philosophy of Mind Excuses Excuses: Undermining Moral Growth in the Concealment of Wrongdoing ... Introductory Remarks and Summary Handout Graduate Papers, University of Colorado at Boulder Desire, Reason, and Action Aristotle (Christopher Shields, Fall 2003) on Aristotle's action theory. Completed on 13 December 2004. 8844 words. Hume the Cause, Kant the Effect Kant (Robert Hanna, Fall 2004) on Kant's theory of causation as a response to Humean skepticism. Completed on 14 December 2004. 3948 words. Kant on Unity in Experience Kant (Robert Hanna, Fall 2004) on Kant's theory of the transcendental unity of apperception. Completed on 15 November 2004. 4766 words.

94. Mailgate.ORG Web Server Humanities.philosophy.objectivism
Mailgate.ORG Web Server newsgroup humanities.philosophy.objectivism (The ideasof Ayn Rand.)

95. Ayn Rand: Philosophy Of Objectivism
Ayn Rand’s philosophy of objectivism (ie seeing things and coping with them asthey really are) has provoked no small amount of controversy,
Home Web Directory What's the Buzz? Escape Hatch ... Free Email Saturday, September 24, 2005 12:39:28 PM DIRECTORY Buddhism Christianity Death and Dying ... Spirituality Chapter Quicklink What's the Buzz Escape Hatch: Open Mic Ayn Rand: Philosophy of Objectivism
Ayn Rand’s philosophy of "Objectivism" (i.e. - seeing things and coping with them as they really are) has provoked no small amount of controversy, both pro and con.
Buzzle Staff Editor, 4/18/2001 Essentially, Ayn Rand sought to take the most objective look at the nature of humankind possible. This led her to the belief that one should not try to create reality as one desires or believes it ought to be, but rather to observe it for what it is and to make adjustments based on these observations. Her belief was that reason was the cornerstone upon which a person’s acquisition of knowledge ought to be based. There is little room spiritual notions that might obscure this pursuit of knowledge, a point which drew a good deal of criticism.
Rand advocated a system in which each person was their own master and had, in order to be a genuine and happy person, the responsibility to look out for their own interests first. This was, of course, to be done without infringing upon the rights of others to pursue that same end, but the point was clear: one’s own happiness was the highest and most noble good to which one could aspire.
The main thrust of the critique of Rand’s work was that in advocating a purely secular basis for human existence, one could aspire only to as much as human-made societies and their institutions could make possible. In this way, the argument goes, by following Rand one could become too ensnared in a faith in these human constructs and could thus fall prey to the notion that somehow each individual was his or her own God. In any case, the arguments on both sides make for illuminating reading and reflection.

96. Bomis: Ayn Rand And Objectivism Ring
A ring of web pages about Ayn rand and objectivism. See also humanities/philosophy/objectivism Society/Politics/Libertarian/objectivism
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