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         Objectivism Philosophy:     more books (98)
  1. With Charity Toward None: An Analysis of Ayn Rand's Philosophy by William F. O'Neill, 1977-06
  2. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology: Expanded Second Edition by Ayn Rand, 1990-04-26
  3. The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z (Ayn Rand Library) by Ayn Rand, 1988-01-01
  4. Atlas Shrugged (Centennial Ed. HC) by Ayn Rand, 2005-04-21
  5. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand 0003195542 by Leonard Peikoff, 1993
  6. The Essence of Objectivism by William Thomas, 2002-03-22
  7. The Future of Objectivism by Robert James Bidinotto, Nathaniel Branden, David Kelley Robert Poole, 2001-05-01
  8. Perennial Questions of Objectivism by David Kelley, 2002-09-01
  9. Basic Principles of Objectivism (2 volume set) by Nathaniel Branden, 2001-04-01
  10. The role of philosophy in psychotherapy by Edith Packer, 1987
  11. Objectivism, Subjectivism, and Relativism in Ethics: Volume 25, Part 1 (Social Philosophy and Policy)
  12. Moral Philosophy Through The Ages by James Fieser, 2000-09-01
  13. Anthem by Ayn Rand, 1946

21. Ditkoland! The Steve Ditko Playgroup
which I think fits well with this objectivism philosophy. Guardians ofthe Universe philosophy as something that would not agree with Objectivism.

22. Philosophy Books :: Books By Philosophers, Cheap New Or Used.
Ayn Rand s objectivism philosophy is fascinating to anyone that loves freedom,capitalism, and reason. This is not a book that any closedminded

23. Spank! Youth And Teen Culture Online : Youth And Teen Website - News, Forums, Fe
Learn more about Ayn Rand and her books and objectivism philosophy. Rate Site Go there now! added 16Jul-04 / hits 2205 / in 0 / out 227 / votes 0
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If you are interested in philsophy this is a great site for you.

24. Ayn Rand Institute
Institute seeking to promote the philosophy of objectivism via educational and cultural programs. Online interviews, newsletters, lectures, and a way to search Rand's writings by topic. Also includes information about events, courses, and Ayn Rand.

25. Guide To Objectivism
Online book. Various topics examined from an alternative perspective.
.. Objectivism ......... Libertarianism ......... Objectivism ......... Libertarianism ........ Objectivism ..
if you are a Conservative, a Randite, or a Statist.
But if you want a consistent and principled presentation of Objectivism
give it a peek.
A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism
David King
Who the Hell is David King?

It is my intention to present an introduction, from the perspective of a scientist, to the ideas of Objectivism, a guide to other presentations of these ideas, and some applications of the ideas to important problems. Here you will find a rather motley mosaic of subsections, each generated from whatever sources of information I have encountered and each analyzed as best I can from within the context of my three-decade study of Objectivism.
In order to promote the maximum dissemination of the ideas, I have decided to place all my writings into the Public Domain. I grant permission to anyone to use my writings, or any parts of them, in any way that may help to further the spread of reason and freedom in our society.
You can download this whole thing as a ZIP file from either of these sites: Download MYBOOK.ZIP from Geocities

26. Leonard Peikoff Presents...
Home site for the Peikoff book with excerpts.
"Until or unless I write a comprehensive treatise on my philosophy, Dr. Peikoff's course is the only authorized presentation of the entire theoretical structure of Objectivism, i.e., the only one that I know of my own knowledge to be fully accurate." Ayn Rand
Flash Movie Entrance
or HTML Entrance

27. Aggie Objectivist Club At Texas A&M University
Features an organization dedicated to the continuing study of the philosophy developed by Ayn Rand.
Home Meetings Events About Us ... Constitution Meeting Information Next Meeting
We need club officers!
Contact Keenan if you would like to be an officer and help run the club. I will not be able to run the club this semester and I will be graduating in May. If you are interested in running or just helping out. Please let me know. email: keenan(at) News
Fall 2004
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Edwin Locke

Which is the Proper Philosophy for Living on Earth?
Date: Thursday, November 4th
Time: 830pm
Place: Room 206, MSC Bldg
Previous Years
Flier One Two
OCON 2003
View the t-shirts!

Dr Bernstein on Abortion

Our 4th of July Bash!
View the Photos! Web Resources Introduction The Ayn Rand Institute Capitalism Magazine more links Contact Information President Keenan I Nichols AIM: AbsoluteKeenan Mail: keenan at

28. The Benefits And Hazards Of The Philosophy Of Ayn Rand
Nathaniel Branden's memoir on the Objectivist experience.
The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn Rand: A Personal Statement
by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D. (
Abstract: For eighteen years I was a close associate of novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand whose books, notably The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged , inspired a philosophical movement known as objectivism. This philosophy places its central emphasis on reason, individualism, enlightened self-interest, political freedom and a heroic vision of life's possibilities. Following an explosive parting of the ways with Ayn Rand in 1968, I have been asked many times about the nature of our differences. This article is my first public answer to that question. Although agreeing with many of the values of the objectivist philosophy and vision, I discuss the consequences of the absence of an adequate psychology to support this intellectual structure focusing in particular on the destructive moralism of Rand and many of her followers, a moralism that subtly encourages repression, self-alienation, and guilt. I offer an explanation of the immense appeal of Ayn Rand's philosophy, particularly to the young, and suggest some cautionary observations concerning its adaptation to one's own life. This article is reprinted from the Journal of Humanistic Psychology , where it appeared in issue number four of volume twenty-four in the Fall of 1984 on pages thirty-nine through sixty-four. It is an adaptation of a speech first delivered at the University of California at San Diego on May 25, 1982, which is available on

29. The Ayn Rand Institute: The Philosophy Of Objectivism: A Brief Summary
It is the philosophy of objectivism, presented in detail in Atlas Shrugged,Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, and The Virtue of Selfishness.

30. Index
Provides a forum for study and discussion of Ayn Rand's philosophy, objectivism.
Montreal Objectivist Club Reason, Individualism, Capitalism Bi-Weekly Meetings
The MOC meets every other week at the Westmount Library, usually to listen to a recorded lecture by notable philosophers and intellectuals, followed by an informal; discussion of the topic. Topics range from philosophy to current events to art (see the List of Tapes ). We usually proceed to coffee or dinner afterwards.
Current Topic
UPDATED Nov. 30, 2004 : New topic for next time to be determined. Any suggestions?
Upcoming Topics
Aristotle for Objectivists - Robert Mayhew
History of American Moral Thinking - Eric Daniels
Objectivism for Beginners - Andrew Bernstein
Our Esthetic Vacuum - Ayn Rand
Any other suggestions About The MOC The Montreal Objectivist Club provides a forum for study and discussion of Ayn Rand?s philosophy, Objectivism. Our goal is to meet people with a serious interest in Objectivism, discuss current, philosophical and intellectual issues, and enrich our knowledge. The MOC supports, but is not affiliated with, the Ayn Rand Institute and does not claim to represent Ayn Rand or her ideas. There are no club dues or fees. For more information, please contact us at:

31. Guide To Objectivism
A Guide to the philosophy of objectivism David King Who the hell is David King? AYN RAND AND objectivism philosophy AND SCIENCE
.. Objectivism ......... Libertarianism ......... Objectivism ......... Libertarianism ........ Objectivism ..
if you are a Conservative, a Randite, or a Statist.
But if you are a Libertarian Anarchist who wants a rational philosophical
basis for your beliefs, give it a peek.
A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism
David King
Who the hell is David King?

It is my intention to present an introduction, from the perspective of a scientist, to the ideas of Objectivism, a guide to other presentations of these ideas, and some applications of the ideas to important problems. Here you will find a rather motley mosaic of subsections, each generated from whatever sources of information I have encountered and each analyzed as best I can from within the context of my three-decade study of Objectivism.
In order to promote the maximum dissemination of the ideas, I have decided to place all my writings into the Public Domain. I grant permission to anyone to use my writings, or any parts of them, in any way that may help to further the spread of reason in our society.
MyBook is an ongoing project for me as I add new ideas and revise old ideas in a continual attempt to make a better presentation. The version you are now reading is current as of January 1998. I would appreciate being notified of errors of any kind in these writings, or of any statements that could be clarified so as to make a better presentation.

32. Ayn Rand And Objectivism -- Objectivist Center -- Reason, Individualism, Achieve
Articles on the philosopher and her philosophy provided by the Objectivist Center.
At The Objectivism Store
A Life of One's Own

Individual Rights and the Welfare State.
Save over 15%!

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Store Spotlight:
Ayn Rand and Objectivism
Works pertaining to the application of Objectivist values and principles to personal and professional life. Ayn Rand
Works pertaining to Ayn Rand as a philosopher and writer. Philosophic Theory Statements of theoretical points about Objectivism. The Objectivist Center Works that have to do with The Objectivist Center.

33. Objectivism (and Ayn Rand) WWW Service
objectivism and Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, philosophy, reason,ethics, morality, individualism, capitalism, liberty, rights, free market,
Objectivism and Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, philosophy, reason, ethics, morality, individualism, capitalism, liberty, rights, free market, art, Branden, Objectivism, Ayn Rand, realism, epistemology, egoism, freedom, politics, Aristotle, psychology
The Objectivism WWW Service
The goal of the Objectivism WWW Service is to make Objectivism-related information available to WWW users. There are two components to this goal: first, to provide locally-sponsored content such as essays and bibliographies. Second, to provide pointers to other resources-both on and off the net-that may be of interest to people interested in Objectivism.

34. Central Florida Objectivists
SCOPE is a discussion group based on the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Meeting location, essays, and newsletters.
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to become
Essays and speeches formerly posted to this site have moved to
Luke Setzer's Attitude Adjustment Home Page

35. UGA Students Of Objectivism
Dedicated to gaining and understanding of the philosophy of objectivism and enhancing our own existences by learning how to think and reason objectively. Contains information on meetings, officers, current events, objectivist links, and basic information on objectivism. Interested in learning more? Feel free to peruse the pages of this site to find out more about our organization and to learn more about objectivism. If you have any questions you can email us using the link below. Thanks for visiting!

36. SOLO HQ: Objectivism 101
This objectivism 101 section is a series of pages mirrored from another site, These articles are divided up among the five branches of philosophy.

Objectivism 101

Concept Chart


Objectivism 101
This Objectivism 101 section is a series of pages mirrored from another site, Importance of Philosophy . Here you will find articles about many aspects of and relating to Objectivism. The articles are extensively hyper-linked, so you can pretty much dive in anywhere and proceed from there. There is also a concept chart that shows graphically how some of the major ideas in Objectivism relate to one another. These articles are divided up among the five branches of philosophy. Each branch studies a particular area and attempts to provide answers to some basic question. Metaphysics Study of Existence What's out there? Epistemology Study of Knowledge How do I know about it? Ethics Study of Action What should I do? Politics Study of Force What actions are permissible? Esthetics Study of Art What can life be like?
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37. The Crisis Of European Sciences
Excerpt from Husserl's basic methodological and epistemological work, The Crisis of European Sciences. Gives his interpretation of Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Kant.
Edmund Husserl (1937)
The Crisis of European Sciences
Source The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1954) publ. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1970. Sections 22 - 25 and 57 - 68, 53 pages in all.
Part II: Clarification of the Origin of the Modern Opposition between Physicalistic Objectivism and Transcendental Subjectivism. ...
IT IS IN THE EMPIRICIST development, as we know, that the new psychology, which was required as a correlate to pure natural science when the latter was separated off, is brought to its first concrete execution, Thus it is concerned with investigations of introspective psychology in the field of the soul, which has now been separated from the body, as well as with physiological and psychophysical explanations. On the other hand, this psychology is of service to a theory of knowledge which, compared with the Cartesian one, is completely new and very differently worked out. In Locke's great work this is the actual intent from the start. It offers itself as a new attempt to accomplish precisely what Descartes's Meditations intended to accomplish: an epistemological grounding of the objectivity of the objective sciences. The sceptical posture of this intent is evident from the beginning in questions like those of the scope, the extent, and the degrees of certainty of human knowledge. Locke senses nothing of the depths of the Cartesian

38. SOLO HQ: Benefits Of Objectivism
The Benefits of objectivism by Barry Kayton. objectivism is a philosophy basedin this world; a philosophy for your mind, your life, your liberty;
What is Objectivism?

The Benefits of Objectivism

Objectivism 101

Objectivism Articles
The Benefits of Objectivism
by Barry Kayton
Objectivism is a philosophy based in this world; a philosophy for your mind, your life, your liberty; a philosophy for life as it could be and should be. As such, the benefits of Objectivism are the benefits of life itself: priceless. Are there any hazards to applying Objectivism? Yes, as surely as there are hazards to driving a BMW (or any other vehicle). (See " The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn Rand: A Personal Statement " by Nathaniel Branden.) However, the benefits of successfully applying Objectivism to your own life outweigh these hazards (in the same way that the benefits of responsible driving outweigh the risks of being on the road). Applying Objectivism means living by principles that enable and encourage you to honour reality, your mind, your values, the individual rights of others and your own sense of life. That means the deepest respect for facts, a serious regard for the content and processes of your mind, healthy concern with the development of your self and the realisation of your goals, benevolence toward others, and a passion for life-affirming art. But these are features of the philosophy. What are the benefits?
The Benefits of a Philosophy Based in This World
Applying Objectivism means developing a deep respect for facts of reality. Whether the context is a business problem or a personal dilemma, being an Objectivist means identifying and relying on all the relevant facts and acting accordingly. The obvious benefit of this policy is that it empowers you to succeed more often than you fail. Instead of allowing yourself to be at war with reality, you ensure that reality is your permanent ally.

39. All About Ayn Rand: Ayn Rand's Philosophy: What Is Objectivism?
All About Ayn Rand provides you with information about Ayn Rand s life, herwritings, and her ideas.

Ayn Rand Biography

Ayn Rand Chronology

Ayn Rand Bibliography

Ayn Rand's Novels:

Atlas Shrugged

The Fountainhead


We The Living

Ayn Rand's Films

Ayn Rand's Philosophy: What is Objectivism? Ayn Rand Links Buy Ayn Rand Products
Ayn Rand's Philosophy: What is Objectivism?
For more questions about Objectivism: Objectivist Center FAQs and About Objectivism service. For more information on Ayn Rand and Objectivism: The Objectivist Center and The Atlas Society This site is owned and operated by The Objectivist Center

40. Webspace/Chris.Holt
Why academics are wary of Rand.
Bar Objectivists corner
Comments by Gary Merrill
Newsgroups:,sci.philosophy.meta From: (Gary Merrill) Subject: Rand's work: style and quality Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1993 14:22:06 GMT Organization: SAS Institute Inc. Before I begin discussing the substance of any of Rand's ideas, I would like to consider some questions pertaining to the form and style of her writings. In part, this is to give an account of why academics typically have a certain response to these writings, and in part it is to set the stage for analyses that are yet to come. The questions I ultimately want to address are these:
  • What is it that differentiates Rand's writing from the writing of academics and professional philosophers?
  • Is this a significant difference, or is it merely a difference in style that can be (and ought to be) ignored in order to benefit from the deeper content of those writings?
  • What is the quality of scholarship in these writings, and does (and ought) this effect the manner in which the writings are approached and viewed? When we look into Rand's 87 pages of text, what do we find that stylistically differentiates Rand's work from what might be called "standard scholarship". First, any number of *positions* are referred to without there being any clue as to who is claimed to hold these positions. These are the following (numbers in parentheses are page numbers in which the positions are mentioned):
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