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         Object-oriented Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Object-Oriented Programming: The CLOS Perspective
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (From Problem Solving to JAVA) (Programming Series) by José M. Garrido, 2003-07-22
  3. The Waite Group's Object-oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore, 2004
  4. Object-Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++ by Robert Lafore, 1992-09
  5. Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic by Steven Roman, 1998-03-24
  6. Unified Objects: Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ (Practitioners) by Babak Sadr, 1997-10-27
  7. Theoretical Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming: Types, Semantics, and Language Design (Foundations of Computing)
  8. Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming by John English, 1996-10-24
  9. Introduccion a La Programacion Orientada a Objetos Con Visual Basic .net/ An Introduction to Object-oriented Programming with Visual Basic. NET by Dan Clark, 2003-09-30
  10. Visual Object-Oriented Programming: Concepts and Environments by Margaret Burnett, Adele Goldberg, 1995-02
  11. Java with Object-Oriented Programming (with InfoTrac) by Paul S. Wang, 2002-07-30
  12. Object Oriented Programming With C++ by David Parsons, 2002-01
  13. Object-Oriented Programming: The Software Development Revolution (Information Technology Report) by Peter D. Varhol, 1992-10
  14. Borland C++ 4.5 Object-Oriented Programming by Ted Faison, 1995-02

81. ECOOP 2000 Home Page
14th European Conference on objectoriented programming Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, France June 12 - 16, 2000. Your browser doesn t support frames.
14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, France
June 12 - 16, 2000

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82. A Primer On Object-Oriented Programming
The idea of this lesson is to introduce objectoriented programming and concepts object-oriented programming thinks of real world things as objects,
Primer on Object-Oriented Programming
Tutorial 1 - Lesson 2 Main Contents Page Tutorial 1 Index The idea of this lesson is to introduce Object-Oriented programming and concepts such as data encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance which go with it. If you have programmed in C++, or another object-oriented language, and are familiar with objects, classes, inheritance and polymorphism you will not learn a lot new from this lesson. As ever you can either read this page in full or select things you are interested in from the menu below:
What is Object-Oriented Programming ?



Conclusion on Object-Oriented Programming
What is Object-Oriented Programming ?
OO programming is designed so that real world concepts can be modelled in a computer program. This concept is rather difficult to explain so I'll use an example throughout this primer. The example I am going to use is that of a bicycle. Object-oriented programming thinks of real world things as objects, so in the case of the example the bicycle is an object. Objects have two parts to them, data and operations which can be carried out on this data. So in the bicycle example, the data might contain the speed of the bike, the height of the seat and whether the bell is currently being rung or not. There are several different operations which can be carried out on the bicycle, the rider may pedal faster, they might want to change the height of the seat of ring the bell. So in this simple object we have the following:

83. Tonto Home Page
Preprocessor by Dylan Jayatilaka and Daniel James Grimwood which encourages a good objectoriented programming style. Foo code currently translates into Fortran 95 code.

84. IUniverse Online Books
Principles of objectoriented programming in Java 1.1. Return to book details Table of Content Next Page Table of Content Next Page.

85. OO Example In C And C++
Example using objectoriented polymorphism in object-oriented and non object-oriented programming languages.
OO Example Code
The Setup ...
An email converversion on the CLUG mailing list got on the topic of doing Object Oriented program (with runtime polymorphism) in a non-OO language like C. What would it take, what would the code look like and is it worth it?
The Problem ...
Here is a small example of a OO program that uses the following classes: Shape provides an abstract interface that supports MoveTo(x,y) , and RMoveTo(dx,dy) methods. Rectangle and Circle support that interface as well as defining their own specific methods (e.g. SetRadius(newRadius) for Circle Note: My intention was to have the Shape class be a pure interface, with all implementation in the derived classes. A few of the examples move the MoveTo and RMoveTo methods implementations into the Shape class. This certainly reduces redundency and is an acceptable optimization for this example.
The Challenge ...
I initially produced the C and C++ versions of the program. Someone on the CLUG list offered a Perl version. So I thought that it would be interesting to see this small problem written in several different OO languages (or non-OO languages with manual polymorphism). Anyone can submit a version, just send it to me, Jim Weirich, at

86. Aspect- Vs. Object-Oriented Programming: Which Technique, When?
Aspectoriented programming claims to address problems that traditional object-oriented programming doesn t completely or directly solve.
Welcome, Guest! DevX Log In Premier Club Log In/Registration Include Code Search Tips TODAY'S HEADLINES ARTICLE ARCHIVE SKILLBUILDING ... Rate this item Print Aspect- vs. Object-Oriented Programming: Which Technique, When? Aspect-oriented programming claims to address problems that traditional object-oriented programming doesn't completely or directly solve. Find out how true that claim is with a line-by-line comparison of the two techniques.
by Narayanan A.R. June 15, 2005 ike most developers, I have been developing software systems using object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques for many years. So when I read that aspect-oriented programming (AOP) addresses many problems that traditional OOP doesn't solve completely or directly, I wanted to better understand its benefits in real world application development. I thought comparing both techniques would provide some practical insight. So I decided to design a case study: an OOP application in which I identified aspects where AOP might be a good fit. This article presents a similar case study. It begins by introducing a problem domain and then demonstrates two solutions: one that uses OOP and one using AOP. The AOP solution uses a JDK 1.5, JUnit, and AspectWerkz implementation. (The complete source code for both approaches is available in the "Download the Code" section in the left-hand column.) Finally, it demonstrates how to code a few aspects.

87. Carlos Baquero — GSD
Minho University Distributed systems and mobile computing, Concurrent object-oriented programming.
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88. Yilmaz Cengeloglu
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, objectoriented programming, Realtime Programming, JAVA, CLIPS, JESS, Supplier Enablement, WAP, Wireless Access Protocol, Telecommunication, Simulation and Training Applications, 3D Visual Database Generation Systems, Microcode generation for 3D graphics accelerators, DIS, HLA.
Yilmaz Cengeloglu
Mountain View, California, USA
Employment: Education Publications
United Defense
SAIC / NASA ... BAE SYSTEMS, Santa Clara, California
November 2004 - present, Working as a Member of Technical Staff. Rational Rose, UML, Software, Design, Architect, CMMI Level 5, LEAN, Doors, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Java, C++, Requirements, Analysis, Simulation, Trainings, etc NASA AMES RESEARCH CENTER, Moffett Field, California
July 2002 - November 2004,
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Worked as a Full-time Employee
Involved with NASA Mobile Agents Project. Software Development is being done using Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agent, Intelligent Agents, Rule Based Expert Systems, Brahms , JAVA, etc. Helped Mobile Agent team at Nasa Ames to complete mobile agent software system in order test at Mars Desert Research Station located in Utah Desert. Also worked on integrating Carnegie Mellon University's Personal Exploration Rover Robot with NASA's Mobile Multi Agents Systems using JAVA. PER Robot can be managed remotely using JAVA and via wi-fi wireless network. Northrop Grumman Corporation,

89. ECOOP'98 Web Site
12th European Conference on objectoriented programming. Brussels, Belgium, July 20 - 24, 1998. Was Organised in cooperation with AITO, the Official Sponsor
ECOOP'98 is over ! See you at ECOOP'99
Welcome Technical Programme Conference at a Glance ... Slides of presentations
12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Brussels, Belgium, July 20 - 24, 1998
Was Organised in cooperation with AITO , the Official Sponsor of ECOOP Though ECOOP'98 is over, we will keep the final programme on these web-pages. Note that now you can read Andrew P. Black's Banquet Speech ('98.html)
Conference at a Glance
July 19 Registration Monday
July 20 Registration Exhibitor's Reception Workshops
... Exhibits Tuesday
July 21 Registration Belgian Beer
Workshops ... Posters Wednesday
July 22 Registration Welcome
Technical Programme ... Posters Thursday
July 23 Registration Conference
Technical Programme ... Posters Friday
July 24 Registration Farewell Drinks Technical Programme ... Workshop
Web Site at a Glance
Tutorials Workshops UML Distilled: Techniques for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design The 8th Workshop for PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems modelling Component Architectures Techniques, Tools and Formalisms for Capturing and Assessing Architectural Quality in Object-Oriented Software

90. Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Introduction to objectoriented programming using C++ by Peter Mueller.
Next: Preface
Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming
Using C++
Globewide Network Academy (GNA)
August 31, 1997

Next: Preface P. Mueller

91. Foundations Of Object-Oriented Languages
In recent years, objectoriented programming has emerged as the dominant computer programming style, and object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java
Transferring to new text home page at

92. Making Smalltalk With The Penguin LG #51
Series on objectoriented programming for users new to OO, or programming. Goal introduce OO programming, and spread the fun of Smalltalking. Teaches Smalltalk generally by teaching Squeak. Text, code, screenshots. Linux Gazette 51
"Linux Gazette... making Linux just a little more fun!
Making Smalltalk with the Penguin
A quick tour of Smalltalk
By Jason Steffler
Since VisualWorks Non Commercial (VWNC) has been freely released for Linux, there's been an increased interest in the Linux community about Smalltalk. The purpose of this article is to give an introduction to Smalltalk for Linux enthusiasts who aren't familiar with it, and to share some of the characteristics of this language that endears itself to so many programmers. There's lots of tutorials and references to Smalltalk out there already. This article isn't intended to be a tutorial or reference for OO programming or Smalltalk, but just a quick tour to whet the palate. General OO knowledge isn't assumed, and the article can be read standalone or while coding-along. Much of the examples here apply equally well to all implementations of Smalltalk. Though all implementations of Smalltalk share the same basic characteristics, there are differences among them - especially when GUI code comes into play. There's a number of freely available Smalltalk implementations available for Linux: GNU Smalltalk Smalltalk/X Squeak , and VisualWorks Non Commercial . Squeak in particular is doing some really cool stuff lately, but the examples here are written in VWNC, since this is the flavour that I'm most familiar with. Also, even though there's a later version available, I'm going to use VWNC v3.0 for illustrative purposes since that is the version with the most freely available tools/extensions available.

93. Lush: Lisp Universal SHell
An objectoriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications. Lush wrapping three languages into one (1) a weakly-typed, garbage-collected, dynamically scoped, interpreted language with Lisp-like syntax, (2) a strongly-typed, lexically-scoped compiled language that uses the same Lisp-like syntax, and (3) the C language, which can be freely mixed with Lush code within a single program, even within a single function.
Lush Home News Screenshots Downloads ... Files Lush is an object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications . Lush is designed to be used in situations where one would want to combine the flexibility of a high-level, weakly-typed interpreted language, with the efficiency of a strongly-typed, natively-compiled language, and with the easy integration of code written in C, C++, or other languages. Lush is Free Software (under the GPL license). It runs on GNU/Linux, Mac OS-X, Solaris, Irix, and on Windows under Cygwin. Lush can be used advantageously for projects where one would otherwise use a combination of an interpreted language like Matlab, Python, Perl, S+, or even (gasp!) BASIC, and a compiled language like C. Lush brings the best of both worlds by wrapping three languages into one: (1) a weakly-typed, garbage-collected, dynamically scoped, interpreted language with a simple Lisp-like syntax, (2) a strongly-typed, lexically-scoped compiled language that uses the same Lisp-like syntax, and (3) the C language, which can be freely mixed with Lush code within a single program, even within a single function. It sounds complicated, but it is not. In fact, Lush is designed to be very simple to learn and easy to use. If you do research and development in signal processing, image processing, machine learning, computer vision, bio-informatics, data mining, statistics, simulation, optimization, or artificial intelligence

94. Test Page
Short essay by Erlang programmer critiques objectoriented programming from the perspective of functional programming, mostly.
Why OO Sucks When I was first introduced to the idea of OOP I was skeptical but didn't know why - it just felt "wrong". After its introduction OOP became very popular (I will explain why later) and criticising OOP was rather like "swearing in church". OOness became something that every respectable language just had to have. As Erlang became popular we were often asked "Is Erlang OO" - well, of course the true answer was "No of course not" - but we didn't to say this out loud - so we invented a serious of ingenious ways of answering the question that were designed to give the impression that Erlang was (sort of) OO (If you waved your hands a lot) but not really (If you listened to what we actually said, and read the small print carefully At this point I am reminded of the keynote speech of the then boss of IBM in France who addressed the audience at the 7th IEEE Logic programming conference in Paris. IBM prolog had added a lot of OO extensions, when asked why he replied: Our customers wanted OO prolog so we made OO prolog I remember thinking "how simple, no qualms of conscience, no soul-searching, no asking "Is this the right thing to do" ...

95. 15 Seconds : Object-Oriented Programming For VBScripters
Feel intimidated by .NET? This article by Rob Chartier is designed to ease any level VBScripter (ASP) into .NET by clarifying some OOP concepts.
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Desktops Mac PC Notebooks ... more Get the best price on Veritas Backup Exec For Windows Servers or search for other IT Management tools Object-Oriented Programming for VBScripters By Robert Chartier Rating: out of 5 Rate this article
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  • suggest an article Introduction If you want to make the move to .NET and feel intimidated by object-oriented programming (OOP), this article is designed to ease any level VBScripter (ASP) into .NET by clarifying some OOP concepts. Objects, Types, and Variable Scope Think of an "object" as simply a container that could have state, behavior, and identity. Objects are typically represented as a "class" and are considered to be a custom "type." Every single program you create will be composed entirely of classes.
  • 96. Palo Alto Research Center
    Developers of personal distributed computing, graphical user interfaces, the first commercial mouse, bitmapped displays, Ethernet, client/server architecture, object-oriented programming, laser printing and many of the basic protocols of the Internet.


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    The Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation, conducts pioneering interdisciplinary research in physical, computational, and social sciences. Building on our three-decade tradition of innovation, PARC works with Xerox and other strategic partners to commercialize technologies created by our renowned scientists. As the birthplace of technologies such as laser printing, Ethernet, the graphical user interface, and ubiquitous computing, PARC has an established track record for transforming industries and creating commercial value. Incorporated in early 2002, PARC is defining a new vision for how pioneering research creates commercial impact. Through a balance of sponsored strategic research, participation in government contracts, technology and intellectual property licensing, and new business creation, PARC is extending its tradition of groundbreaking advancements, delivering business results through the commercialization channels of industry partners.

    97. Chapter 11. Object-Oriented Programming
    This is called the object oriented programming paradigm. Most of the time you can use procedural programming but sometimes when you want to write large
    A Byte of Python Chapter 11. Object-Oriented Programming
    Chapter 11. Object-Oriented Programming
    Table of Contents
    Introduction The self Classes
    Creating a Class ...
    In all our programs till now, we have designed our program around functions or blocks of statements which manipulate data. This is called the procedure-oriented way of programming. There is another way of organizing your program which is to combine data and functionality and wrap it inside what is called an object. This is called the object oriented programming paradigm. Most of the time you can use procedural programming but sometimes when you want to write large programs or have a solution that is better suited to it, you can use object oriented programming techniques. Classes and objects are the two main aspecs of object oriented programming. A class creates a new type where objects are instances of the class. An analogy is that you can have variables of type int which translates to saying that variables that store integers are variables which are instances (objects) of the int class.

    98. Object-Oriented Programming Languages, Compilers And Databases - A CompInfo Dire
    Find the best sources of Internetbased information on object-oriented programming Languages, Compilers and Databases.
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    • Dylan Resources (Functional Objects, Inc)
      • "Dylan is a high-level dynamic object-oriented programming language with a very exciting future. It was originally designed by Apple Computer, with input from industry and academic partners, as a way to greatly enhance programmer productivity and reduce software time-to-market. It fills the void between Java and C++ and beats each of them at its own game. Dylan doesn't make you choose: it provides ease of use and large-scale programming, interactivity and native compilation, clean powerful maintainable software and high efficiency."
    • Object-Oriented Languages FAQ
    • Python Language Website
      • Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface. Finally, Python is portable: it runs on many brands of UNIX, on the Mac, and on PCs under MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2.

    99. Bibliographies On Object-Oriented Programming And Systems
    Bibliographies on objectoriented programming and Systems, part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
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    100. 3rd Edition Home
    An Introduction to objectoriented programming with Java. Click Here for more info on the 3rd Ed SDK 1.5 Update. Student Resources Instructor Resources
    Student Resources Instructor Resources General Information
    An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java
    Click Here for more info on the 3rd Ed SDK 1.5 Update Student Resources Instructor Resources General Information

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