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         Object-oriented Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming Using .NET 2.0 Patterns (Foundations) by Christian Gross, 2005-10-13
  2. Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide to CLOS by Sonya E. Keene, 1989-01-11
  3. Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach by Brad J. Cox, Andrew J. Novobilski, 1991-05
  4. Object-oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, 1997
  5. Karel++: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented Programming by Joseph Bergin, Mark Stehlik, et all 1996-10-02
  6. Object Oriented Programming Using C++, Second Edition by B. Chandra, 2005-02
  7. A Comprehensive Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java by C. Thomas Wu (Otani), 2007-02-13
  8. An Introduction to Programming and Object-oriented Design Using Java (Wiley Plus Products) by Jaime Nino, Frederick A. Hosch, 2008-03-03
  9. ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns: Object Oriented Programming Techniques (Adobe Developer Library) by William Sanders, Chandima Cumaranatunge, 2007-07-16
  10. The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java(TM) and UML by Bruce E. Wampler, 2002-01-05
  11. Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0 by Markus Egger, 1999-04
  12. Visual Basic .Net: A Complete Object-Oriented Programming Course Including Unified Modelling Language Uml by Phil Jones, 2003-10
  13. SymbolicC++: An Introduction to Computer Algebra using Object-Oriented Programming by Kiat Shi Tan, Willi-Hans Steeb, et all 2000-03-15
  14. Object-Oriented Programming with Java: An Introduction by David Barnes, 2000-01-18

41. A Logic-Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Language
Article Rafael Ramirez.,157428,1,0.25,Download/http://citeseer.i

42. ResearchIndex Reflection In Logic, Functional And Object-oriented Programming A
From Department of Data Processing and Operations Research, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

43. GNA - Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming
intended for students who want to learn more about objectoriented programming. Concepts presented are exemplified using the C++ programming language.
U SING C++ Update February 2002: We have established a TWiki site dedicated to this tutorial on the GNA site to facilitate collaboration between visiting C++ users. We expect over time the TWiki site will have substantially more information than the tutorial here, and encourage you to participate! I nformation T his course was intended for students who want to learn more about object-oriented programming. Concepts presented are exemplified using the C++ programming language. This course is not intended to learn C++ in all its details. If you are interested in the language, please check out the Suggested Reading page for a reference to other online tutorials. S ince October 1998, I'm employed in a software development division of a bank. For that reason, I do not plan to offer a new course. However, I've committed to maintain these pages and to update the tutorial text. So ... in the short term I hope to be able to offer an updated version which is more readable and helpful than the current one. I f someone is interested in using the tutorial for teaching stuff, please use it. It is free. I only ask you to keep the original author and additional staff in their place. Thank you.

44. GNA OOP/C++ -- Material
Introduction to objectoriented programming Using C++. COURSE MATERIAL. Tutorial, The course is based on an online tutorial which is available for everyone
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ C OURSE M ATERIAL T utorial T he course is based on an online tutorial which is available for everyone for free. The tutorial is available in HTML and PostScript versions. For the latter, DIN A4 and US letter paper formats are provided. There exist some copies of the various tutorial variants around the world. Also, the tutorial has been translated into Spanish P ostScript T he tutorial is available in both DIN A4 and US letter paper formats. However, you may want to download only individual chapters H TML T he HTML version of the tutorial is available for download in two versions. One contains the complete tutorial in one HTML file. The other version presents each chapter in its own file. Both versions include some image files. huge.tar.gz Tutorial in single file, gzipped tar archive Tutorial in single file, zipped archive small.tar.gz Tutorial in multiple files, gezipped tar archive

45. How Object-Oriented Programming Started
Instead objectoriented programming is today (in the late 1990s) becoming the dominant style for implementing complex programs with large numbers of
Below you will find an abbreviated version of an article requested by an encyclopedia some years ago. It gives a brief description of some key facts about the early history of object-oriented programming. This page will be expanded and provide link, I hope, to a number of important papers. Some of these papers are frequently referred to but seldom read, I suspect, since they have not been easily available. As for the history, the paper Dahl and I wrote for the "History of Programming Languages" conference and book (edited by Richard Wexeblat) will appear on these pages soon. Another interesting and competently researched paper is already on the web, written by Jan Rune Holmevik. How Object-Oriented Programming Started by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard,
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
SIMULA I (1962-65) and Simula 67 (1967) are the two first object-oriented languages. Simula 67 introduced most of the key concepts of object-oriented programming: both objects and classes, subclasses (usually referred to as inheritance) and virtual procedures, combined with safe referencing and mechanisms for bringing into a program collections of program structures described under a common class heading (prefixed blocks). The Simula languages were developed at the Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. Nygaard's work in Operational Research in the 1950s and early 1960s created the need for precise tools for the description and simulation of complex man-machine systems. In 1961 the idea emerged for developing a language that both could be used for system description (for people) and for system prescription (as a computer program through a compiler). Such a language had to contain an algorithmic language, and Dahl's knowledge of compilers became essential.

46. Bibliographies On Object-Oriented Programming And Systems
Bibliographies on objectoriented programming and Systems, part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliographies on Object-Oriented Programming and Systems
You can add bibliographies and references to this collection! See also the bibliographies on Programming Languages and Operating Systems Query: in any author title field
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You may use Lucene syntax , available fields are: ti (title), au (author), yr (publications year). #Refs Bibliography Date Bibliography on object-oriented systems Object-Oriented and Operating Systems bibliography Bibliography on object-oriented languages and models Bibliography on testing object-oriented software ... Small bibliography on object-oriented logic programming Total number of references in this section
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47. Making A Success Of Object-oriented Development
A short article on the essential points of Evo and its application to objectoriented programming.
Home Back
Evolutionary Delivery - the road to success in object-oriented development
David Harvey
Object Designers Limited
Acknowledgements to Object Designers Limited for permission to make this paper available here. In spite of all the promises, it appears that project pressure is still a fact of life. Deadlines come and go, and you and your teams end up working nights and weekends to produce systems which need fixing as soon as they are delivered. Only now you're designing using an OO design method, and coding in Smalltalk or C++. If you are lucky enough to have time to reflect on things, you might remember reading somewhere that object orientation was supposed to cure all this. On the whole, of course, it hasn't. The generous claims made for object technology are frequently justified on a small scale by appeals to flexibility, adaptability, the power of tools which are still largely single-user, and productivity of individual developers. Yet in spite of the visions of large-scale use and re-use of objects throughout organisations, unfortunately it is still the case that projects fail more frequently than they succeed. Even those that eventually deliver have a rough time of it. Like all advances in software, object-orientation has been driven by experiment and vision at the implementation level (pioneers generally prove their points by doing something). An implementation technology

48. Object-Oriented Programming And C++ In The CS Curriculum
Modules for Teaching objectoriented programming. This site contains modules for teaching concepts of object-oriented programming. These were developed at a
Object-Oriented Programming and C++ in the Computer Science Curriculum
This page includes materials developed at Workshops at Colgate University with funding from an NSF CISE Educational Infrastructure Grant.
Laboratories for Teaching C++ at the Introductory Level
Laboratories for COSC 101
Laboratories for COSC 102
These sites contain laboratories for the courses Computer Science 101 and Computer Science 102 at Colgate University. These courses form the introduction to computer science, using the programming language C++. The courses also match well with the Advanced Placement Computer Science curriculum.
APCS Workshop, July, 1998
This page contains materials from the APCS workshop held at Colgate University in July, 1998.
Modules for Teaching Object-Oriented Programming
This site contains modules for teaching concepts of object-oriented programming. These were developed at a workshop at Colgate University in 1993. Several languages are represented, predominantly Pascal and C++. Each module may provide material for one or two lectures in a course and laboratory exercises to accompany those lectures. Each unit includes the appropriate header file and, if appropriate, an implementation file. Most also include a simple program illustrating the use of the tool. More classes may be added to this collection in the future.

49. Making Smalltalk: Spreading The OO Fun LG #59
Series on objectoriented programming for users new to OO, or programming. Text, code, screenshots. Linux Gazette 59
"Linux Gazette... making Linux just a little more fun!
Spreading the OO Fun (Series Introduction) By Jason Steffler
When I wrote the first Making Smalltalk with the Penguin article back in March of 2000 [LL] , my target audience was experienced programmers who didn't have much exposure to OO
The target audience for this series are people new to OO or new to programming altogether. The intent is to not only introduce OO programming, but to also spread the fun of Smalltalking. Why do this format/effort when there's lots of good tutorials out there ? Two reasons really: 1) Tutorials are great, but can be static and dated pretty quickly. 2) An ongoing series tends to be more engaging and digestible.
To help address the second reason above, my intent is to keep the articles concise so they can be digested in under an hour . Hopefully, as newbies follow along, they can refer back to the original article and make more sense of it. I plan on having a touch of advanced stuff once in a while to add flavour and as before, the articles are going to be written for read-along or code-along people.
Something new I'm going to try is to make the ongoing series viewable in a contiguous fashion and downloadable in one chunk for people who want to browse the series locally. To do this, click on TOC grapic to right. The articles are going to have 2 sets of links: one set for www links, another set for local links, indicated as:

50. JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 1 [JavaScript & DHTML Tutorials]
In this first of a twopart introduction to OOP in JavaScript, Ryan outlines the basics, from the Primitive data types to Object Categories.
Empowering Web Developers Since 1997 Search SitePoint
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Ryan Frishberg
Ryan (Arielladog or aDog) is currently a high school student/Webmaster who's especially keen on the client-side scripting world. Although he's no slouch with server-side technology, Ryan's specialties include JavaScript, DHTML, and DOM. In his free time, he enjoys visiting and participating in forums, as he moderates at JavaScriptCity/PageResource . Having some freelance work, Ryan Frishberg is always looking for more. Ryan Frishberg has written articles for SitePoint with an average reader rating of View all articles by Ryan Frishberg...
JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 1
By Ryan Frishberg
July 19th 2001
Reader Rating: 9.2
It may be shocking news, but JavaScript is a very powerful object-based (or prototype-based, whatever you wish to call it) language. Yes, JavaScript is a powerful language, not just something that's handy for image rollovers and other corny, flashy effects. However, very few people who have used JavaScript realize its capabilities. If you're one of these people, this tutorial is aimed at you. First of all, JavaScript is not a full-blown

51. Instructor Machine
Experimental objectoriented programming language; looks and feels much like the original Smalltalk, adds features to specify access to object detail.
Instructor Machine
PHP Test output

52. JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 2 [JavaScript & DHTML Tutorials]
In the second instalment of his twopart tutorial, Ryan explores Arguments, the Prototype property and Constructors. Improve your skills in JavaScript OOP
Empowering Web Developers Since 1997 Search SitePoint
SitePoint Sponsor
Home Client Side Coding » Page 1 HiLight On HiLight Off Print Email
Ryan Frishberg
Ryan (Arielladog or aDog) is currently a high school student/Webmaster who's especially keen on the client-side scripting world. Although he's no slouch with server-side technology, Ryan's specialties include JavaScript, DHTML, and DOM. In his free time, he enjoys visiting and participating in forums, as he moderates at JavaScriptCity/PageResource . Having some freelance work, Ryan Frishberg is always looking for more. Ryan Frishberg has written articles for SitePoint with an average reader rating of View all articles by Ryan Frishberg...
JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 2
By Ryan Frishberg
July 24th 2001
Reader Rating: 9.4
In Part 1 of this series, we covered objects, object methods, and object categories. Now, let's move on. Arguments In every function, a private variable argument is automatically created, holding an

53. Ruby Home Page
The objectoriented programming Language Ruby Ruby Programmers Best Friend. Language. Japanese English. What s New RDF
Ruby: Programmers' Best Friend
Language What's New Get Ruby now!!
Ruby 1.8.3 released
by dblack
Ruby 1.8.3 has been released. The source is here , and the md5sum is 63d6c2bddd6af86664e338b31f3189a6. Last update on September 21, 2005 00:50
Registration for RubyConf 2005 is CLOSING soon.
by james
Registration for RubyConf 2005 is CLOSING soon. The schedule is as follows:
  • Friday, September 16: last day for full registration (meals included) Friday, September 23: last day for events-only registration (no meals)
So, all you stragglers, get over to the RubyConf site Last update on September 06, 2005 17:00
RubyConf 2005 Registration: Time is running out
by james
David Black announced on ruby-talk that there are now 136 registrants, from 12 countries, for RubyConf 2005. If you still have not registered, do it now. Full registration (i.e., full meal plans) ends in two weeks. Non-full may continue past that, but not forever. Go to the RubyConf site for complete registration details.

54. Advanced COBOL For Structured And Object-Oriented Programming, 3E
Book by Gary DeWard Brown. A timely, premillennial update to the classic COBOL resource. This classic reference has been updated to address the current realities of life as a COBOL programmer, focusing on client/server applications and featuring a hands-on tutorial on implementing object-oriented COBOL.
Advanced COBOL for Structured and Object-Oriented Programming, 3E
Gary DeWard Brown
If you are not automatically taken to the new catalog page for
Advanced COBOL for Structured and Object-Oriented Programming, 3E please download the latest version of
or Internet Explorer.
Click here to jump to the catalog page for Advanced COBOL for Structured and Object-Oriented Programming, 3E.
Wiley Computer Books
ISBN 0471314811
640 pages
November, 1998
Paperback Area:
Programming/Software Development
Click here for appendices: Source code, solutions to excercises, and references

55. The Object-Oriented Page
The Blue Page (Teaching objectoriented programming) brings you info about Blue, Sina is a concurrent object-oriented programming language,
The Object-Oriented Page
by Ricardo Devis Last updated: June 20, 1997 Because OO info is increasingly populating the web and several excellent OO search engines and compilation pages have recently appeared, I feel today is more necessary than ever to offer an accurate set of commented links representing the core of every OO segment (languages, methods, etc.) from a critic point of view. So I decided to reexamine by hand all the links in this page, modify the comments, delete some entries, add several new links and revise the page structure. Because this is hard work (I have to read several hundred of web pages!) I'll be incorporating the changes during 1997 in order to get the new OOPage at August-97 (yes, I've changed dates again, but I'm not finding how can I add more hours to a single day), but I'll post the intermediate results. Of course your help (about new links or extinct ones) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this page.
You will find here a lot of links to object-oriented info, as well as comments on object-oriented books, products, object databases, articles, etc. If looking for FAQs or any kind of usenet info not cited in this page, you should try the Usenet Searching Tools list. The index follows:

56. High Performance Computing UCLA Plasma Simulation Group
Links to papers on objectoriented programming in Fortran 90, Optimization techniques for RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes. performance computing/high.performance.comp.
On this Page: Web pages Publications The Purpose of High Performance Computing is to develop strategies, algorithms, and techniques to enable effective use of high performance computers for the solution of large scale scientific problems. Appleseed: Macintosh Cluster Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 90 Optimization techniques for
RISC processors
... Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes
V. K. Decyk, C. D. Norton, and B. K. Szymanski, "Fortran 90 'Gotchas' (Parts 1-3)," ACM Fortran Forum, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 22, 1999, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 26, 1999, and vol. 19, no. 1, p. 10, 1999. J. Qiang, R. Ryne, S. Habib, and V. Decyk, "An Object-Oriented Parallel Particle-in-Cell code for Beam Dynamics Simulation in Linear Accelerators," Proc. Supercomputing 99, Portland, OR, Nov. 1999, CD-ROM. V. K. Decyk, D. E. Dauger, and P. R. Kokelaar, "Plasma Physics Calculations on a Parallel Macintosh Cluster," Physica Scripta T84, 85 (2000). V. K. Decyk, C. D. Norton, and B. K. Szymanski, "How to support inheritance and run-time polymorphism in Fortran 90", Computer Physics Communications V. K. Decyk, C. D. Norton, and B. K. Szymanski, "How to Express C++ Concepts in Fortran 90,"

57. Ecoop 2002 Web Site
16th European Conference on objectoriented programming University of Málaga, Spain June 10-14, 2002. Welcome. Welcome General Information
16th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
June 10-14, 2002 Welcome
Ecoop 2002 is organized in cooperation with: Important dates Oct 01 Nov 01 Dec 01 Jan 02 Feb 02 Apr 02 May 02 Jun 02 You are the visitor number
from 4th October 2001.
ECOOP 2002, the 16th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
ECOOP 2002 is organized by the AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets).
Last on this site November 13, 2002 Springer-Verlag LNCS 2548 with workshops and posters proceedings is now available online. You can find it at these URL:

June 14, 2002 Ecoop 2002 is over. See the post-conference page photos slides of invited talks, QUIZ result, etc) Sponsored by IN COOPERATION WITH ORGANIZED BY Welcome Last modified on Jun 17, 2002

58. Object-Oriented Programming Languages
. For best results with this document, download Netscape Navigator or......Please proceed to the objectoriented programming Languages Technology
This page uses Frames, a feature not supported by your browser. Please proceed to the Object-Oriented Programming Languages Technology Description For best results with this document, download or Microsoft Internet Explorer If you are unable to install a frames-capable browser and would like a print version of the Software Technology Roadmap, please send your request, including your full mailing address, to

59. Nuts To OOP!
Seasoned programmer Thomas Niemann thinks the increasingly widespread use of objectoriented programming in embedded development is largely unwarranted. Followed by a contrary view from the technical editor of Embedded Systems Programming.
Select Site Below Commsdesign My-ESM EEdesign eeProductCenter EETimes Embedded Planet Analog Silicon Strategies Tata readying medical, consumer products
India's Tata Consultancy Services will unveil products aimed at the consumer and medical electronics and security markets over the next several months. Broadcom brings single chip VoIP to multimedia WiFi apps
Gambling that the combination of VoIP, WiFi and low cost will open up a whole new class of embedded consumer apps for video streaming, digital cameras and video conferencing, Broadcom has just released a single chip version of its mobile VoIP processor. More Product News
Duo work to bridge FPGA/DSP gap

Two U.K. companies, Sundance Multiprocessor Technology (Chesham) and Celoxica (Abingdon), are combining their expertise to provide out-of-the-box digital signal processing (DSP) and FPGA system design solutions. Beck IPC expands software development environment
Beck IPC (Pohlheim, Germany) has released its own edition of the Paradigm C++ Professional development environment to provide an integrated C/C++ development environment for its IPC@CHIP Embedded Web Controller family. More News From Europe
A list of upcoming NetSeminars, plus a link to the

60. Object-Oriented Programming In Visual Basic .NET
This article discusses the many new objectoriented programming techniques available in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.
MSDN Home MSDN Library Development Tools and Languages Visual Studio .NET ... Visual Basic .NET Articles
Object-Oriented Programming in Visual Basic .NET
Deborah Kurata
InStep Technologies, Inc. September 2001 Summary: This article discusses the many new object-oriented programming techniques available in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. (11 printed pages)

OOP in Visual Basic .NET

Defining a Class
The release of Visual Basic 4 dawned a new age for Visual Basic developers. Visual Basic took its first steps toward becoming an object-oriented programming (OOP) language by providing object-oriented features such as class modules. A class module defines data as properties and the processing associated with that data as methods. By defining a class for each business entity, encapsulating data in properties and processing in methods, Visual Basic developers had object-based development. Visual Basic .NET provides another leap in Visual Basic development capabilities and features and provides for true object-oriented programming, as detailed in this article.
For a programming language to be a true OOP language, the language must meet the following criteria:

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