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         Object-oriented Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (2nd Edition) by Richard Johnsonbaugh, Martin Kalin, 1999-08-03
  2. Object-Oriented Programming for Dummies by Namir Clement Shammas, Manir C. Shammas, 1996-04-03
  3. The Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore, 1998-12
  4. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) (Kaleidoscope) by Robert Lafore, 2001-12-29
  5. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming With Java: Updated Edition (New Java 2 Coverage) by Timothy Budd, 1999-08-13
  6. Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional by Daniel R. Clark, 2005-11-14
  7. A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming by Andy H. Register, 2007-05-14
  8. Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ by Joyce Farrell, 2006-02-09
  9. Object-Oriented Programming and Java by Danny Poo, Derek Kiong, et all 2007-09-27
  10. Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Nicolai M. Josuttis, Nicolai Josuttis, 2002-06-15
  11. Sams Teach Yourself Object Oriented Programming in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself) by Anthony Sintes, 2001-09-22
  12. Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, Preliminary Edition by Kathryn E. Sanders, Andy van Dam, 2005-09-08
  13. Programming with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object Oriented Programming with C++ and Java by Avinash Kak, 2003-03-21
  14. Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript 2.0 (VOICES) by Jeff Tapper, James Talbot, et all 2004-02-27

A fullfledged manual to the Objective-C language extension.
Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Object-Oriented Programming

2. ArchWing Innovations TechNet - Object Oriented Programming Overview
A brief description of objectoriented programming and its advantages.

Object-Oriented Programming Overview

The concepts of Object-Oriented (OO) programming have been around for over four decades. Initially developed in the field of artificial intelligence, OO programming was embraced by Xerox as a means of developing systems that better reflected real life needs and were more user friendly. OO’s popularity and sophistication has increased in the past several years as businesses are abandoning their mainframe systems and incorporating more client-server models to run their businesses and are integrating web technology as a business tool. A change in the overall pace of business has also contributed to the increased popularity of OO programming. One of the primary features of OO programming is its relative flexibility and adaptability to changing business needs.
How is OO programming different from traditional procedural programming?
Traditional programming has the following characteristics:

Functions are written sequentially, so that a change in programming can affect any code that follows it.

3. Comp-fortran-90 Archives - March 1998: Object-oriented Programming In Fortran 20
Essay by Werner W. Schulz opining on how object orientation and genericity should be added to Fortran.
Object-oriented programming in Fortran 2000
Dr W.W. Schulz (
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 10:52:21 +0000 (GMT)
Object-oriented Programming will be a new feature in Fortran 2000.
The Fortran J3 committee is currently working on drafting a proposal
and is coming closer to a complete draft.
I am somewhat concerned about the features proposed and those lacking
and would like to stimulate some discussion on this topic before any
real impact from users on the design is practically impossible.
OOP consists mainly of three major pillars though definitions here
vary somewhat in the literature and among practitioners.
1. Data abstraction and encapsulation
2. Inheritance 3. Polymorphism (incl. dynamic binding) In my definitions and prescriptions of these concepts I start from the premise that OOP requires usually more work to design the code than traditional procedural programming and that it will be overwhelmingly used in codes that are large (10K's of lines) and meant to last for some time. Extending and maintaining the code is therefore a concern to the

4. OOP Criticism
The author states that objectoriented programming (and development in general) has been oversold and overemphasized. They try to debunk some myths on the
Object Oriented Programming
OOP criticism and OOP problems
The emperor has no clothes!
Reality Check 101
Snake OOil Updated: 3/7/2005
OOP Myths Debunked:
  • Myth: OOP is a proven general-purpose technique
  • Myth: OOP models the real world better
  • Myth: OOP makes programming more visual
  • Myth: OOP makes programming easier and faster
  • Myth: OOP eliminates the "complexity" of "case" or "switch" statements
  • Myth: OOP reduces the number of places that require changing
  • Myth: OOP increases reuse (recycling of code)
  • Myth: Most things fit nicely into hierarchical taxonomies
  • Myth: Sub-typing is a stable way to model differences
  • Myth: Self-handling nouns are more useful than self-handling verbs
  • Myth: Most operations have one natural "primary noun"
  • Myth: OOP does automatic garbage-collection better
  • Myth: Procedural cannot do components well
  • Myth: OO databases can better store large, multimedia data
  • Myth: OODBMS are overall faster than RDBMS
  • Myth: OOP better hides persistence mechanisms
  • Myth: C and Pascal are the best procedural can get
  • Myth: SQL is the best relational language
  • Myth: OOP would have prevented more Y2K problems
  • Myth: OOP "does patterns" better
  • Myth: Only OOP can "protect data"
  • Myth: Implementation changes significantly more often than interfaces
  • Myth: Procedural/Relational ties field types and sizes to the code more
  • Myth: Procedural cannot extend compiled portions very well
  • Myth: No procedural language can re-compile at the routine level
  • Myth: Procedural/Relational programs cannot "factor" as well

5. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Lesson objectoriented programming Concepts The first few sections of this chapter describe the concepts behind object-oriented programming.
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Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
This chapter has been updated to reflect features and conventions of the latest release, JDK 5.0. If you notice any errors or omissions (or something you really like), please tell us If you've never used an object-oriented language before, you need to understand the underlying concepts before you begin writing code. You need to understand what an object is, what a class is, how objects and classes are related, and how objects communicate by using messages. The first few sections of this chapter describe the concepts behind object-oriented programming. The last section shows how these concepts translate into code.
What Is an Object?
An object is a software bundle of related variables and methods. Software objects are often used to model real-world objects you find in everyday life.
What Is a Message?
Software objects interact and communicate with each other using messages.
What Is a Class?

6. The Java Tutorial
The FAQ answers questions about the Tutorial. - Online Resources lists programming aids besides the Tutorial. Tutorial Books

7. DDJ>2002 Dr. Dobb's Excellence In Programming Awards
To Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls, pioneers of objectoriented programming, and Smalltalk language and development environment. As researchers at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), each saw in their own way the promise of objects, and was in a unique position to put theory into practice in an architecture based on objects at all levels. Dr. Dobb's Journal
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Dr. Dobb's Articles Dr. Dobb's Journal, 2002 May 2002
2002 Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Awards
Dr. Dobb's Journal May 2002 Since 1995, Dr. Dobb's Journal has presented its Excellence in Programming Award to individuals who, in the spirit of innovation and cooperation, have made significant contributions to the advancement of software development. Past recipients of the Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award include:
  • Alexander Stepanov, developer of the C++ Standard Template Library.
  • Linus Torvalds, for launching Linux.
  • Larry Wall, author of Perl.
  • James Gosling, chief architect of Java.
  • Ronald Rivest, educator, author, and cryptographer.
  • Gary Kildall, for his work in operating systems, programming languages, and user interfaces.
  • Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, John Vlissides, and Ralph Johnson, authors of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
  • Guido van Rossum, Python creator.

8. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Lesson objectoriented programming Concepts This chapter has been updated to reflect features and conventions of the latest release, JDK 5.0. If

9. Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Introduction to objectoriented programming Using C++.
Next: Preface
Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming
Using C++
Globewide Network Academy (GNA)
August 31, 1997

Next: Preface P. Mueller

10. 1-932504-00-1
An eBook/PDF edition C++ programming textbook. Chapter samples, content. Commercial
Product Page Products Links Contact Home ... Front Cover C++ For Artists:
The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
Back Cover
Chapter 1 Sample Chapter 7 Sample
  • The eBook/PDF edition of C++ For Artists provides an easy, economical way to obtain this unique, best-selling C++ programming textbook. Purchase and registration of the eBook/PDF edition entitles you to unlimited download access to the C++ For Artists C++ For Artists eBook/PDF is convenient! It can be download in its entirety, by part, or by chapter. The complete download is approximately 17 megabytes. The complete download has the added benefit of a completely linked table of contents and index that makes finding valuable information easy. The complete download is also 100% searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. The C++ For Artists contains text updates, errata notifications, source code for all programming examples, and expanded skill building exercises, suggested projects, and self test questions.
Additional Features
  • Supercharge your creative energy by recognizing and utilizing the power of the "flow"

11. What Is Object-oriented Programming? - A Word Definition From The
This page describes the term objectoriented programming and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.

12. GNA - Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming
objectoriented programming USING C++ Netz gegen Kinderporno was intended for students who want to learn more about object-oriented programming.
BJECT- ... C++ I nformation T his course was intended for students who want to learn more about object-oriented programming. Concepts presented are exemplified using the C++ programming language. This course is not intended to learn C++ in all its details. If you are interested in the language, please check out the Suggested Reading page for a reference to other online tutorials.
S ince October 1st, 1998, I'm no longer employed at (ZIB). For that reason, I'm currently not able to offer any course in the near future: I simply don't know if I have the time in my new job. If someone is interested in using the tutorial for teaching stuff, please use it. It is free. I only ask you to keep the original author and additional staff in their place. Thank you. M aterial A ll course material is available via WWW. It is available for free and for everyone. Additional references are presented on the Suggested Reading page.

13. OOPSLA'96 Electronic Information Hotline
11th Annual ACM Conference on objectoriented programming Systems, Languages, and Applications.
The Eleventh Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications. 6-10 October 1996
San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Conference Chair: Lougie Anderson
Program Chair: James Coplien
Addendum to the Proceedings Don't Misss OOPSLA '97!
Technical Program
Exhibits ... A Note from the Conference Chair, Lougie Anderson OOPSLA '96 Conference Presenter Guidelines '96 Conference Committee '96 Program Committee Important Addresses Volunteer Form ... OOPSLA'93 advice for writing papers

We encourage all OOPSLA participants to use electronic mail for communication. The OOPSLA '96 Web site is managed by volunteers (one to be exact :-); please be sure to check the site for the information you require before sending a request. You may also receive information via the OOPSLA '96 faxback service by dialing . If you need to communicate with a human about some issue that the these pages not provide an answer for, you may contact the OOPSLA'96 Office or send email to Deb Ayers.

Permission to use OOPSLA logo provided by Association for Computing Machinery.

14. Intoduction What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
Introduction What is objectoriented programming?

15. What Is Object-oriented Programming? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Comp
Defines the term 'objectoriented programming', lists some links where you can get more information.
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object-oriented programming Last modified: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 A type of programming in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure , but also the types of operations ( functions ) that can be applied to the data structure. In this way, the data structure becomes an object that includes both data and functions. In addition, programmers can create relationships between one object and another. For example, objects can inherit characteristics from other objects. One of the principal advantages of object-oriented programming techniques over procedural programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that inherits many of its

16. Python Programming Language
Home page for Python, an interpreted, interactive, objectoriented, extensible programming language. It provides an extraordinary combination of

17. - C / C++ Directory - Programming Tutorials, STL, References, Guides.
example of an objectoriented programming language which is in wide-spread use. Finally chapter 10 demonstrates how to apply object-oriented programming
C / C++ programming tutorials, lecture notes, references, guides and online books. All of these are hosted locally at the C / C++ Directory, enabling quick access and accurate searching. Home Submit Document FAQ About ... Contact Us
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Tutorials Thinking In C++ 2nd Edition - Volume I
No Frames
Bruce Eckel Complete C++ book, assumes no programming skills. The book covers the following topics : Introduction to Objects, Making and Using Objects, The C in C++, Data Abstraction, Hiding the Implementation, Initialization and Cleanup, Function Overloading and Default Arguments, Constants, Inline Functions, Name Control, References and the Copy-Constructor, Operator Overloading, Dynamic Object Creation, Inheritance and Composition, Polymorphism and virtual Functions, Introduction to Templates. Thinking In C++ 2nd Edition - Volume II
No Frames
Bruce Eckel C++ Annotations
No Frames
Frank B. Brokken

18. Integrating OO And Protected Objects In Ada
Study guide for Integrating objectoriented programming and Protect Objects in Ada. Links and resources are available.
Integrating Object-Oriented Programming and Protected Objects in Ada 95
A.J. Wellings Department of Computer Science University of York, UK
B. Johnson and B. Sanden Department of Computer Science Colorado Technical University, USA
J. Kienzle and T. Wolf Software Engineering Laboratory Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
S. Michell Maurya Software Ontario, Canada
Integrating concurrent and object-oriented programming has been an active research topic since the late 1980s. There is now a plethora of methods for achieving this integration. The majority of approaches have taken a sequential object-oriented language and made it concurrent. A few approaches have taken a concurrent language and made it object-oriented. The most important of this latter class is the Ada 95 language which is an extension to the object-based concurrent programming language Ada 83. Arguably, Ada 95 does not fully integrate its models of concurrency and object-oriented programming. For example, neither tasks nor protected objects are extensible.This paper discusses ways in which protected objects can be made more extensible.

19. Object Oriented FAQ - Object FAQ
Cyberdyne Object Systems, Inc. Home of the Object FAQ Owner allows arbitrary surveys (and etc.) to be entered without programming and data

20. OOPSLA'05, San Diego, California
objectoriented programming, SYSTEMS, LANGUAGES and APPLICATIONS Some of them are patterns, refactoring, aspect-oriented programming,

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