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81. Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines 3 The BMI should be used to classify overweight and obesity and to estimate obesity Association; Montana State University Evidence-Based medicine for http://medicine.ucsf.edu/resources/guidelines/guide3.html | |
82. Exercise As A Therapeutic Modality For Obesity: References obesity and Bariatric medicine. 41624, 1975. Holm, G., Björntorp, P. Jagenburg,R. Carbohydrate, lipid, and amino and metabolism following physical http://www.exrx.net/FatLoss/References.html | |
83. Preventing Childhood Obesity Health In The Balance Institute Of Institute of medicine Prevention of obesity in Children and Youth NationalAcademies Press RWJF Special Report Research Research Detail http://www.rwjf.org/research/researchdetail.jsp?id=1466&ia=138 |
84. Preventing Childhood Obesity Health In The Balance Institute Of Institute of medicine Prevention of obesity in Children and Youth NationalAcademies Press RWJF Special Report Grantmaking Portfolios Childhood http://www.rwjf.org/portfolios/resources/researchdetail.jsp?id=1466&iaid=138 |
85. Obesity Surgery When Nothing Else Works Findings At Baylor Baylor College of medicine Logo, Findings at Baylor College of medicine, Houston, For Adasha Knight, the decision to have surgery for obesity was not a http://www.bcm.edu/findings/vol2/is8/04sept_n1.htm |
86. PPARs And The Complex Journey To Obesity - Nature Medicine obesity and the related disorders of dyslipidemia and diabetes (components ofsyndrome X) have become Nature medicine News and Views (01 Nov 2003) http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nm1025 | |
87. Accessing Article Nature medicine 10, 126 127 (2004) doi10.1038/nm0204-126 The epidemic ofobesity stems from a clash between genes that allowed our ancestors to http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v10/n2/full/nm0204-126.html | |
88. Department Of Preventive Medicine And Epidemiology the Department of Family medicine proposes to create a Program for obesityEducation Referral Source for the Department of medicine s obesity Clinic http://www.luhs.org/depts/prevmed/main/poer.htm | |
89. News @ Medicine - Forum Targets Obesity Research Research @ medicine Research @ MUN Funding/Agencies Two years ago obesitywas identified as the top priority research area by partners and http://www.med.mun.ca/med/medATmun1/articles/04nov/0511Obesity.htm | |
90. News @ Medicine - Obesity And Depression Linked Research @ medicine Research @ MUN Funding/Agencies Patients werecategorized by degree of obesity ranging from preobese (BMI 25 to 30) to those http://www.med.mun.ca/med/medATmun1/articles/04jan/obesity.htm | |
91. UF COLLEGE OF MEDICINE RESEARCHERS REPORT LINK BETWEEN OVEREATING, OBESITY AND A UF COLLEGE OF medicine RESEARCHERS REPORT LINK BETWEEN OVEREATING, obesity AND The UF research suggests obesity may be a hidden hazard for people http://www.napa.ufl.edu/2004news/foodaddiction.htm | |
92. ACPM - American College Of Preventive Medicine The American College of Preventive medicine issues its official position on 8 The role of insulin in the pathogenesis of both obesity and diabetes is http://www.acpm.org/2002-057(F).htm | |
93. ACPM - American College Of Preventive Medicine especially wellsuited for action by preventive medicine professionals.Overweight and obesity puts young people at risk of developing diabetes and http://www.acpm.org/ah/oando.htm | |
94. Log In Problems According to a new report, which called on schools, industry, health care workersand parents to each do their part in curbing the childhood obsesity http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/492437 | |
95. DaytonDailyNews Health : Integrative Medicine :  Conditions  :  Obesity obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat . Mind/body medicine, including psychotherapy, hypnosis, and meditation, http://www.daytondailynews.com/health/altmed/shared/health/alt_medicine/ConsCond | |
96. Alternative Medicine - Herbs, Yoga And Nutritional Supplements - Health And Age Alternative medicine Interest has revived in recent years in the use obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat. http://www.healthandage.com/html/res/com/ConsConditions/Obesitycc.html | |
97. Childhood Obesity In The USA Needs Urgent Action, Says Institute Of Medicine Reversing the rapid rise in obesity among American children and youth will require a The Institute of medicine is a private, nonprofit institution that http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/index.php?newsid=14310 |
98. Department Of Medicine - Nutrition Academic Award Program - Obesity Nutrition Academic Award Program obesity. Click here to return to theDepartment of medicine Home Page. Section Menu. Top Level Menu Item UW-NAAP http://www.medicine.wisc.edu/mainweb/DOMPagesText.php?section=naa&page=naaobesit |
99. Adolescent Medicine - Obesity obesity is defined as a generalized accumulation of body fat. obesity is determinedby measuring both the height and weight of the adolescent. http://www.musckids.com/health_library/adolescent/obesity.htm | |
100. Arch Intern Med -- Abstract: The Escalating Pandemics Of Obesity And Sedentary L OtolaryngologyÂHead Neck Surgery, Pediatrics Adolescent medicine obesity and sedentary lifestyle are escalating national and global epidemics http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/164/3/249 | |
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