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         Oberon Programming:     more books (15)
  1. Into the Realm of Oberon: An Introduction to Programming and the Oberon-2 Programming Language by Eric W. Nikitin, 1997-11-07
  2. Programming in Oberon: Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula (Acm Press) by Martin Reiser, Niklaus Wirth, 1992-06
  3. Oberon-2 Programming With Windows by Bernhard Leisch, Brian Kirk, et all 1997-07-31
  4. Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2 by Hanspeter Mossenbock, 1995-09
  5. The Oberon System: User Guide and Programmer's Manual (ACM Press) by Martin Reiser, 1991-05
  6. Modular Programming Languages
  7. Programming Languages and System Architectures: International Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2 - 4, 1994. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  8. Programming Languages and Systems: 5th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2007, Singapore, November 28-December 1, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  9. Modular Programming Languages: Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC'97 Linz, Austria, March 19-21, 1997, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  10. From Modula to Oberon: The programming language Oberon ([Report] / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Departement Informatik. Institut für Computer Systeme) by Niklaus Wirth, 1989
  11. Programming in Oberon:Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula by Martin/ Wirth, Niklaus Reiser, 1992
  12. Modular Programming Languages: 7th Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC 2006, Oxford, UK, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  13. Oberon Companion by Andre Fischer, Hannes Marais, 1997-12
  14. Objektorientierte Programmierung in Oberon-2 by Hanspeter Mössenböck, 1998-09-08

101. The Programming Language Oberon
oberon is a generalpurpose programming language that evolved from Modula-2.Its principal new feature is the concept of type extension.
Lime Light Orange Light Blue Pink Ghost White Black Dark Grey Grey Light Grey Red Light Tan Yellow Green Cyan Magenta White Ochre Tan Change the background color! The Programming Language Oberon (Revised Report) N.Wirth Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler. A. Einstein 1. Introduction Oberon is a general-purpose programming language that evolved from Modula-2. Its principal new feature is the concept of type extension. It permits the construction of new data types on the basis of existing ones and to relate them. This report is not intended as a programmer's tutorial. It is intentionally kept concise. Its function is to serve as a reference for programmers, implementors, and manual writers. What remains unsaid is mostly left so intentionally, either because it is derivable from stated rules of the language, or because it would require to commit the definition when a general commitment appears as unwise. 2. Syntax A language is an infinite set of sentences, namely the sentences well formed according to its syntax. In Oberon, these sentences are called compilation units. Each unit is a finite sequence of symbols from a finite vocabulary. The vocabulary of Oberon consists of identifiers, numbers, strings, operators, delimiters, and comments. They are called lexical symbols and are composed of sequences of characters. (Note the distinction between symbols and characters.) 3. Vocabulary and representation

102. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb
Modula2 and oberon-2 native-code compiler for Compaq Alpha and VAX under operating system Alpha oberon is ideally suited for program development in

103. Oberon For Artificial Intelligence Programming With The AI4U Textbook
oberon for Artificial Intelligence. 1. Overview and BrainMind Diagram forArtificial Intelligence programming in oberon /^^^^^^^^^^^\ How A Mind Generates
Oberon for Artificial Intelligence
1. Overview and Brain-Mind Diagram for
Artificial Intelligence Programming in Oberon
A new species of AI Mind may be coded in Oberon by making use of
a print-on-demand (POD) AI textbook for computer science courses,
AI4U: Mind-1.1 Programmer's Manual
by Arthur Murray,
hardcover ISBN 0-595-65437-1 for CS AI courses and
paperback ISBN 0-595-25922-7 for general readers.
2. Rationale
Object-based Oberon invites the creation of AI mind-modules in
Oberon. 3. Resources for Oberon AI Minds

104. - Java Programming
Pascal, Modula2 and oberon-2 for Java. has made the whole Pascalprogramming language family FAQ abour programming languages for Java, FAQ
Java Page
Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon-2 for Java has made the whole Pascal programming language family available for Java software developers. Click on one of the links below to find out more. FAQ Canterbury Pascal Canterbury Modula-2 Canterbury Oberon-2 Recommended Java Books
Java News

Java Pascal Modula-2 ... Mail Last update Apr 30, 2004

105. The Programming Language Oberon
oberon is a generalpurpose programming language that evolved from Modula-2. Martin Reiser, Niklaus Wirth, programming in oberon , Addison-Wesley,
Niklaus Wirth
The Programming Language Oberon
Make it as simple as possible but not simpler . A. Einstein
Oberon is a general-purpose programming language that evolved from Modula-2. Its principal new feature is the concept of type extension . It permits the construction of new data types on the basis of existing ones and provides relations between them. This report is not intended as a programmer's tutorial. It is intentionally kept concise. Its function is to serve as a reference for programmers, implementors and manual writers. What remains unsaid is mostly left so intentionally, either because it would require one to commit the definition when a general commitment appears as unwise.
A language is an infinite set of sentences, namely the sentences well formed according to its syntax. In Oberon, these sentences are called compilation units. Each unit is a finite sequence of symbols from a finite vocabulary. The vocabulary of Oberon consists of identifiers, numbers, strings, operations, delimiters and comments. They are called lexical symbols and are composed of sequences of characters. (Note the distinction between symbols and characters).
Vocabulary and representation
The representation of symbols in terms of characters is defined using the ASCII set. Symbols are identifiers, numbers, strings, operations, delimiters, and comments. The following lexical rules must be observed. Blanks and line breaks must not occur within symbols (except in comments, and in the case of blanks, in strings). They are ignored unless they are essential to separate two consecutive symbols. Capital and lower-case letters are considered as being distinct.

106. Oberon: The Programming Language
Niklaus Wirth, The programming Language oberon , out of Martin Reiser, NiklausWirth, programming in oberon , AddisonWesley, New York, 1992
Ulm's Oberon System Release 0.5 Library Module Index ... Search Engine
The Programming Language
Ulm's Oberon System Release 0.5 Library ... Search Engine

107. Abstract State Machines: Programming Languages
Abstract State Machine papers dealing with programming languages. A Compilerfor oberon Occam Occam and Transputer
Abstract State Machines: Programming Languages
See also the following web pages
Table of Contents

108. Programming Languages
is an object oriented programming language most closely related to oberon2.Compared to oberon-2 it adds a number of annotations which are intended to
Programming Languages
Alan Perlis once said: "A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing" Here are some opinions and facts about a selection of programming languages by Dr Mark Utting ( a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Waikato Topics within this page Object-Oriented Languages Documentation Generator Tools Functional Languages Free Implementations ... XML-related Languages (XSLT etc.) The Open Directory Project has lots of programming language information For examples of programming in 200+ different languages, check out Tim Robinson's 99 Bottles of Beer page. The Dylan version is nice, but make sure you check out all the C++ versions too! The template version is amazing! More programming language comparisons, including employer demand, are available at /comparison/
Object-Oriented Languages
The Cetus Team maintains a large collection of links about most object-oriented languages. Let us start with some lesser-known, but more novel, object-oriented languages, then work down to the well-known mainstream ones. One of my favourite object-oriented languages is Cecil , by Craig Chambers. It is a multiple-dispatch language that supports both exploratory untyped programming and large-scale statically-typed programming. It includes some new and very expressive ideas (see the paper

109. Ex—Software For Numerical Computation In Native Oberon
Native oberon can also function as an X Window application program running underthe Linux operating system. The oberon operating system is written in the
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"Ex" is the name of a library of software modules from which one can rapidly develop prototype or production versions of efficient numerical-computation application programs in the Native Oberon programming environment. Mathematical constructs that can be represented and processed by use of Ex modules include both integer and non-integer rational, real, and complex numbers; vectors; matrices; and the arithmetic, algebra, and calculus of the aforementioned quantities. . Native Oberon can also function as an X Window application program running under the Linux operating system. The Oberon operating system is written in the Oberon language, which is a fully functional object-oriented descendant of the Pascal programming language. Oberon features the readability of Pascal and is designed to be "safe" in the sense that it minimizes errors early in the development of an application program. The software modules in Ex are grouped into three tiers: a set of lower-level modules, an intermediate interface module, and a set of higher-level modules. The set of lower-level modules provides base types for numbers used in numerical analysis; specifically, integer, rational, real, and complex numbers are defined. The integers are defined as a subset of the rational numbers, which are defined as a subset of the real numbers, which, in turn, are defined as a subset of the complex numbers. Also defined are associated vector and matrix types, e.g., integer vectors and complex matrices. The arithmetic operators "+", "-", "*", "/", "DIV," and "MOD" and the assignment operator ":=" have all been overloaded (in the computer-programming sense), as appropriate, enabling the writing and facilitating the maintenance of clean code.

110. Oxford Oberon-2 Compiler
Portable compiler that translates oberon2 into bytecode. This implementation isin use at Oxford on SparcStations and 386 PCs under Solaris,
The Oxford Oberon-2 Compiler
At Oxford, we use Oberon as the second language we teach to our undergraduate students (the first one is Haskell). We chose it because of its cleanliness and simplicity, and because of the availability of books that emphasize clear reasoning about programs. To support this teaching within our Unix-based software laboratory, I have developed from scratch a portable compiler that translates Oberon-2 into bytecode. This implementation is in use at Oxford on SparcStations and 386 PC's under Solaris, on 386 PC's under Linux, and on 386 PC's under Windows. There should be little difficulty in porting the system to other 32-bit Unix systems. This implementation of the Oberon-2 language does not include a version of the Oberon-2 operating system and programming environment; instead, programs are edited with the tools of the host operating system and compiled into executables that run like other programs on the host system. The lab manual offered below contains exercises that rely on Oberon programs that work together with other Unix tools and utilities. The compiler is written in Objective Caml, and the runtime system is written in C. It is not necessary to have Objective Caml installed in order to use the binary distributions listed below, but it is needed in order to build the system from the source distribution, and Tcl is needed to rebuild the system if certain sources are modified. The binary distribution for DOS and Windows was built using MSYS/MinGW. It is not necessary to install either of these in order to use the Oberon compiler.

The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

112. CERN Courier - Faces And Places - IOP Publishing - Article
A workshop set up to explore the potential for scientific computing of the Oberonprogramming language was held at CERN on 10 March and included the

This Issue
Back Issues Editorial Staff
Faces and Places Forum Engelberg pays tribute to Curien
Hubert Curien
The 2004 Forum Engelberg paid tribute to its president, Hubert Curien, who will celebrate his 80th birthday this year. Curien is a former French minister for research and was president of the CERN Council during the crucial years 1994-1996, when the Large Hadron Collider project was approved. He is also known as one of the strongest promoters of European collaboration in science and technology.
The highlights of the 2004 conference, which was held in Lucerne on 1-4 March, included an interdisciplinary scientific programme with the theme "Science on the Agenda of European Politics", a young-scientists programme and a session on e-science and the Grid.
Under the patronage of the European commissioner for research, Philippe Busquin, and with the participation of present and former director-generals of the EIROforum research organizations (CERN, EFDA, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF and ILL), along with government officials, ministers, friends and colleagues, the two-day colloquium covered presentations on European research-policy issues, present and planned research activities and projects, the dissemination of science, science and ethics, and the best practices for technology transfer.
The conference chairman, Luciano Maiani, concluded after the two days of interesting talks that: "Europe badly needs many more Hubert Curiens". For the full 2004 programme, see

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