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81. Weston A. Price Foundation Vitamins A, D and B12, vital nutrients, ignored by the mainstream; Raw milk safety, raw milk activism; nutrition and heart disease; nutrition and cancer http://www.westonaprice.org/ | |
82. Scoliosis: Can Exercise, Yoga And Diet Help? Highlights recent medical studies that show most people with this disease, including children, have osteoporosis or osteopenia. http://www.ctds.info/scoliosis.html | |
83. Nutrition And Exercise Healthy Balance For A Healthy Heart A look at coronary artery disease and cholesterol and the role diet plays in this disease. http://familydoctor.org/288.xml | |
84. SmartBodyz Nutrition Products - 5-HTP, Arginine, Astragalus, And More Natural supplements for weight loss and disease/virus prevention. http://www.SmartBodyz.com | |
85. ScienceDaily Magazine: Your Source For The Latest Research News In Science, Heal Mental Health, Multiple Sclerosis, nutrition, Osteoporosis, Parkinson s disease Cocoa Is The New Red Wine Shows Benefits For Coronary Heart disease http://www.sciencedaily.com/ | |
86. Home Promotes support and dialogue among home parenteralenteral nutrition consumers, their families, and HPEN healthcare and industry professionals. Includes links to HPEN-related resources such as disease-specific conditions. http://www.cpena.ca/home.html |
87. UIC - DDN - Index Section of Digestive Diseases nutrition Specialists Dedicated to the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Study of Digestive Diseases and nutrition http://www.uic.edu/com/dom/gastro/ | |
88. Women's Health Issues And Concerns- Women's Health Information And News- IVillag Advice, assessment tools and discussions on women's health, with reports on heart disease, cancer, sexual/reproductive health, nutrition, and other topics. http://ivillagehealth.com/ | |
89. Health & Nutrition Resources Diseases Conditions, nutrition, Substance Abuse/ Legal and Illegal Drugs An alphabetical index of factsheets on communicable diseases. Healthy Lives http://www.icsd.k12.ny.us/highschool/library/health.html | |
90. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment By Potassium Potassium nutrition and physiology around the concept that the low potassium always present in arthritis and usually in heart disease should be relieved. An exhaustive opinion on the subject. http://members.tripod.com/~charles_W/arthritis.html | |
91. Heinz - Nutritional Newsletter - July 15, 2004 Heinz Institute of Nutritional Sciences Sorting Out the Glycemic index Glycemic index and disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;76(suppl)290S298S. http://www.heinz.com/jsp/nutrition_20040715.html | |
92. Compost Tea, Soil Microbiology, And Sustainable Agriculture Manufactures compost tea brewers and vermicomposting systems to improve plant nutrition and disease resistance. Located in Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA. http://www.composttea.com/ | |
93. ICDDR,B Centre For Health And Population Research Diarrhoeal disease control, maternal and child health, nutrition, and population sciences. (Bangladesh) http://www.icddrb.org/ | |
94. The Vegetarian Society - Health Index Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom s vegan nutrition information index. http://www.vegsoc.org/health/ | |
95. The Tufts University Nutrition Commentator Disease Prevention Critical commentary on studies that are published in professional journals regarding nutrition in disease prevention. http://commentator.tufts.edu/archive/dis_prev/ |
96. Healing With Nutrition Information on nutrients and disease associations Lists nutrient and lifestyle options with medical options and precautions. http://www.HealingWithNutrition.com | |
97. Karle Konsultants: Holistic Nutrition And Wellness Consulting Provides nutrition, physical activity and related advice to help people lose weight, and prevent or treat disease. Located in Lexington, Kentucky. Includes Q A on activities, stress and the environment. http://www.karlekonsultants.com | |
98. CONSUMER HEALTH A nonprofit organization making people aware of the holistic or alternative approaches to health. Includes information on prevention of disease through nutrition, whole foods, dietary supplements, herbs and related resources. http://www.consumerhealth.org/ | |
99. Dog Nutrition - Nutrition Information About Selecting The Right Diet For Your Do Articles on BARF, vegetarian diet, supplements, commercial diets and mad cow disease. http://www.dognutrition.com/ | |
100. FAQ Bookmark this site for reliable, upto-date food and nutrition information! I have heard of a Glycemic index in relation to food. http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/Food_Facts/FAQ/faq_index.asp | |
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