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Nunavut Culture Canada: more detail | |||||
81. Nunatsiaq News Western nunavut culture on display in Japanese galleries After being in thelimelight at the Canadian embassy for a month, the exhibit is travelling to http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/nunavut011102/news/features/11102_1.html | |
82. Capital News Online | Top Story | Fighting To Have Your Language Heard in a new window A list of other Aboriginal Cultural Organizations in canada The nunavut language commissioner would like to make Inuktitut the most http://temagami.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/15022002/n1.shtml | |
83. Capital News Online | Top Story | Fighting To Have Your Language Heard First Nations culture has been oppressed for long enough and it s time that The nunavut language commissioner would like to make Inuktitut the most http://temagami.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/15022002/n1print.shtml | |
84. Mapleleafweb.com: Nunavut: The Story Of Canada's Inuit People nunavut The Story of canada s Inuit People. The Tuniit or Dorset Culturepeoples arrive in Alaska from Siberia, and then proceed to spread across the http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/nunavut/history.html | |
85. Nunavut Arts And Crafts Association - GRANTS nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated Deadline February 28 of each year Inuit CulturalGrants Program Indian and Northern Affairs canada http://www.nacaarts.org/data/grants.html | |
86. Nunavut, Canada - Vakantie In Nunavut - Reizen Naar Nanavut Weather Office canada het weer in nunavut Links naar begin pagina canada isa beautiful country of very diverse cultural and geographical features. http://www.reiswijs.nl/landeninfo/noordamerika/canada/nunavut/nunavut.html | |
87. Company Info.: Polycom Worldwide With interactive video communications, doctors in southern Canadian cities such as And, with additional support from nunavut s Department of culture, http://www.polycom.com/company_info/1,,3658,FF.html | |
88. Nunavut Launches The âÂÂLargest, Coolest Hot Spot On Earthâ www.nunavutbroadband.ca. Infrastructure canada (613) 948-1148. Industry canadaMedia Relations (613) 943-2502. Email this page Email this page http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/csif/publication/newsreleases/2005/rankininlet20 | |
89. Nunavut, Terre De Défis - Politique Et économie - Les Archives De Radio-Canada http://archives.radio-canada.ca/IDD-0-17-46/politique_economie/nunavut/ | |
90. AOL Voyage Guides Voyage - Canada Translate this page Si vous avez le mal du pays, TV5 est distribué partout au canada. Le 1eravril 1999, le nunavut est officiellement devenu un territoire inuit. http://aolvoyage.aol.fr/guide.jsp?cat=guides_voyage.guide_monde.fiche&id=35&page |
91. Canadian Provinces And Territories A cultural journey of the Aboriginal trails through canada s Northwest Territories . The nunavut Handbook Comprehensive travel guide to canada s Arctic. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/countries_canada.htm | |
92. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Learning Resources - Nunavut Government s bilingual directory of educational materials in territory. Includes mapsand lessons plans. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.9.11.htm | |
94. Nunavut Web Sites, Canadian-American Center Grise Fiord http//www.grisefiord.com/grisefiord-nunavut.htm Canadian-AmericanCenter 154 College Ave. Orono, ME 04473 (207) 581-4225 http://www.umaine.edu/canam/k-12outreach/Nunavut/Nunweb2.htm | |
95. CNW Group nunavut Launches the Largest, Coolest Hot Spot on Earth The Government ofCanada is pleased to be a part of this promising initiative. http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/May2005/26/c3836.html | |
96. Cultural Life (from Nunavut) -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cultural life (from nunavut) Modern forms of transportation and communication nunavut Planning Commission Overview of the functions of this Canadian http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-92881 | |
97. Harvard Public Health Review 2000 In terms of public health, the new Canadian territory of nunavut has more in common Cultural challenges are exacerbated by environmental challenges. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/review/review_2000/almtrouton.html | |
98. Welcome To The City Of Iqaluit As well as being canada s newest and most northerly capital, Iqaluit is also By respecting our rich historical and cultural heritage, we will succeed in http://www.city.iqaluit.nu.ca/ | |
99. Nunavut--Canada's Newest Territory Instead, the paper generated a renewed sense of nativism, cultural reaffirmation, Fourth World/Indigenous Peoples NunavutCanada s Newest Territory http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/fourth_world/24662 | |
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