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41. Norway - The Official Site In Lithuania 24/05/2005 Useful internet page about culture and society in norway + Read more EmbassyLietuviÂkaiPress. Picture of the day Vigelandsparken, http://www.norvegija.lt/ | |
42. The Norway Post: Glomdalsmuseet Glomdalsmuseet is the third largest openair museum in norway. A walk through its grounds reveals much about the history of the 350 km long Glomma valley in Hedmark. http://www.norwaypost.no/Np/culture/musglomdal.html | |
43. Scandinavian Fest Held in New Jersey, this annual Nordic heritage festival celebrates and promotes the culture, customs, and traditions of Sweden, norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, and Estonia. http://www.scanfest.org/ | |
44. Norway - The Official Site In The UK Norwegian Consulate General in Edinburgh, taking care of Norwegian interests and promoting Norwegian culture and trade in Scotland, including Shetland, Orkney and the Western Isles, and Northern Ireland. http://www.norway.org.uk/edinburgh/ | |
45. Oslo Irish Music Festival 2003 Annual festival in Oslo, norway, highlighting Irish and Celtic culture. Site includes program information, lineup, and pictures from previous years. http://www.osloirishmusicfestival.com |
46. Index Of /~u84404843 General consular information, also information about Peru, tourism, Peruvian arts and culture, economy and trade, government offices, news, and maps. Consular services for Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Iceland, and norway. http://web.telia.com/~u84404843/ | |
47. Norway - Culture Shock! norway culture Shock! - Kuperard buy online from Maps Worldwide. http://www.mapsworldwide.com/maps_20907.htm | |
48. Lapps An analysis of an ethnolinguistic group inhabiting an area that extends from the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia over the northernmost part of Finland to the Arctic coast of norway, and through Scandinavia. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/EthnoAtlas/Hmar/Cult_dir/Culture.7856 | |
49. Norway Guide Books buy Online norway culture Shock! norway - culture Shock! (Kuperard, Paperback, 264 pp, 198 x 130 mm) norway - culture Shock! When the spring sun shines on hill and http://www.mapsworldwide.com/guide_books_357ss0.htm | |
50. Norway - The Official Site In The United States Links to Norwegian art, history and people. http://www.norway.org/culture/ | |
51. Uffda Link Site To Norway And Anything Norwegian Links to Norwegian sites in English about politics, art, culture, history, media, recipes, sports, hobbies and travel. http://fromnorway.net/uffda/index.htm | |
52. WillGoTo : Norway, Culture norway culture. Copyright © 2004 WillGoTo. All rights reserved. norway culture norway culture norway, culture, Travel guide and directory. http://www.willgoto.com/liens.aspx?Category=21302&Langue=1 |
53. The Research Council Of Norway The main objective of the culture and Society Division is to promote comprehensive research in the humanities and social sciences, using these fields as platforms for new knowledge and cultural understanding and as the basis for achieving humanitarian and social objectives. http://kilden.forskningsradet.no/english/culture_and_society.htm |
54. Estonia And Norway : Culture And Education The close cultural relations between Estonia and norway are noteworthy in the fields of reciprocal visits and performances by choirs, dance groups, http://www.estemb.no/lang_4/rub_1570/rub2_1573 | |
55. Odin - History, Culture, Geography, Recreation Official flag days and public holidays in norway. Links. Ministry of Cultural Affairs Ministry of Children and Family Affairs Ministry of Education, http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/history/index-b-n-a.html | |
56. Ministry Of Culture And Church Affairs - Information From The Ministry Of Cultur The National Archives of norway culture Net norway. Media. The Norwegian Film Fund The Norwegian Film Institute Mass Media Authority http://odin.dep.no/kkd/english/bn.html | |
57. Valdres Samband Organization of emigrant descendants from the Valdres Valley of norway and those interested in its history and culture. Find historical and genealogical information. http://www.geocities.com/~valdressamband/ | |
58. International Studies > This course abroad explores health and nursing in norway. Students learn about culture, compare nursing and health care in norway and the US, http://www.stolaf.edu/international/interimprograms/descriptions/nursing371.html | |
59. Norway - Culture In Canada culture in Canada. Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec Virginia Falls, Nahanni National Flag of norway. Link to Canada s International Policy Statement http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canadaeuropa/norway/cultureincanada-en.asp | |
60. Norway - Culture In Canada - Music, Dance And Theatre Telefilm support has also allowed Canadian talent and culture to acquire currency Flag of norway. Link to Canada s International Policy Statement http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canadaeuropa/norway/cultureincanada1a-en.asp | |
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