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61. List Of Regions Of The United States - Art History Online Region I Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Guam, northern mariana islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific islands) http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/List_of_regions_of_the_United_States |
62. Søgning.dk - Regional : Oceania : Northern Mariana Islands Katolog regional Oceania northern mariana islands. The Commonwealth of thenorthern mariana islands is part of Micronesia and includes the islands of http://www.soegning.dk/dir/Regional/Oceania/Northern_Mariana_Islands | |
63. History.htm Developments in the northern mariana islands. The first Bahá à settler in thenorthern marianas, Miss Virginia Breaks, who had been the first Bahá à http://bahai.guam.net/history.htm | |
64. SANZ Charitable Trust http//rss.topix.net/rss/world/northern, » Topix.net northern mariana islands -News from the northern marianas gathered from various sources on the web. http://www.sanztrust.org.nz/index.php?option=com_dwodp&c=/Regional/Oceania/North |
65. Elderhostel : Program Unavailable Location, Pacific islands/Micronesia/Guam/northern mariana islands/Palau Each island group possesses its own natural development, history, http://www.elderhostel.org/programs/programdetail.asp?RowId=1+N5+14&DateId= |
66. Global Volcanism Program | Volcanoes Of The World | Volcanoes Of Japan, Taiwan, however, that history recorded an eruption from Japan s northern island of To the south, the mariana islands were populated from 1500 BC and http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/region.cfm?rnum=08&rpage=highlights |
67. History - Federated States Of Micronesia he FSM has a rich history dating back several thousand years. navy tookmilitary possession of the Marshall, Caroline and northern mariana islands. http://www.visit-fsm.org/visitors/history.html | |
69. Niue History, Niue Negotiation history US Department of State, Office of the Legal Adviser, Guam and the Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands, are located within http://creekin.net/k16039-n138-niue-history-niue.html | |
70. :: InfoVoyager - /Regional/Oceania/Northern_Mariana_Islands - Explorers Guide To VirtualVoyager.net /regional/Oceania/northern_mariana_islands about allaspects of life in the Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands. http://www.infovoyager.com/dmoz/index.php/Regional/Oceania/Northern_Mariana_Isla | |
71. Four Universities Receive NEH Grants To Develop Regional Humanities Centers regional centers are part of NEH s strategy for bringing the humanities to all Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, northern mariana islands) http://www.neh.gov/news/archive/20000724.html | |
72. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results northern mariana islands Volcanic Activity Anatahan Home Current Update the expedition the science tools techniques marianas history daily journal http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Mariana Isla |
73. C. A Brief History Of Ninth Circuit Courts Office of the Circuit Executive history and Guide to the US Courts Guam isa territory and the northern mariana islands is a Commonwealth of the United http://www.ce9.uscourts.gov/web/sdocuments.nsf/0/f541970a1f094c8688256453007c6f3 |
74. ENC Online: Professional Development: Funding Opportunities: Guidebook Of Federa Logo of National Network of Eisenhower regional Consortia and Clearinghouse Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands Civic Center, PO Box 1799 http://www.enc.org/professional/funding/guidebook/state/0,2059,33,00.shtm | |
75. Northern Mariana Islands News northern mariana islands News continually updated from thousands of sources aroundthe net. M 5.5, Anatahan region, northern mariana islands http://www.topix.net/world/northern-mariana-islands | |
76. Charting The Pacific - Places history. The mariana islands have been inhabited for 3500 years. It is theNorthern marianas island of Tinian from which the planes carrying the atomic http://www.abc.net.au/ra/pacific/places/country/northern_marianas.htm | |
77. NARA - Pacific Region, San Francisco - Records For The Study Of Ethnic History One of the National Archives and Records Administration s 13 regional archives, Idaho, the mariana islands, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. http://www.archives.gov/pacific/san-francisco/finding-aids/ethnic-reference-pape |
78.  Country Information - CountryReports.org Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands. World Region Oceania. northern marianaislands Map View a detailed map of northern http://www.countryreports.org/country.aspx?countryID=182&countryName=Northern |
79. 00/11/03 - German History In Mariana Islands Book highlights German role in Pacific island country book is the firstEnglishlanguage history of the German colonial period in the mariana islands. http://wwwdb.csu.edu.au/division/marketing/ne/newsm285.htm |
80. History Of Tribal REACH Funding - LIHEAP Clearinghouse history of tribe REACH grants from 1996 to present. Commonwealth of theNorthern mariana islands, $150000. Total, $1327703 http://www.liheap.ncat.org/tables/reachtrb.htm | |
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