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21. ALA | KKK Donates Video To North Carolina Libraries to north carolina libraries. A librarians committee of the Greensboro (NC) PublicLibrary concluded January 10 that a 60minute videotape donated to the http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=january2002&Template=/ContentMa |
22. University Of North Carolina Libraries [101517-1] : C-SPAN Store CSPAN Store University of north carolina libraries 101517-1 - http://www.c-spanstore.org/shop/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&products_ |
23. J. Murrey Atkins Library - UNC Charlotte University of north carolina librariesSources Guide entry for the University of North Carolina. http://libweb.uncc.edu/library/ | |
24. MedlinePlus: Libraries In North Carolina Libraries in North Carolina. University of North Carolina at Chapel HillHealth Sciences Library S Columbia Street/CB 7585 Chapel Hill, NC 275997585 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/libraries/northcarolina.html | |
25. Disaster Planning For Libraries: Selected Resources north carolina libraries 58 (Fall 2000) 64 66. Griffith, JW After the DisasterRestoring Library Service. Wilson Library Bulletin 58 (December 1983) http://library.csun.edu/mfinley/fdcread.html | |
26. Law-Lib: North Carolina Libraries Only north carolina libraries only. Grady.Mary@epamail.epa.gov Date 10/15/01.Next message Kays, Maureen ILL Plea Previous message John Altmeyer http://lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu/LAWLIB/oct01/0276.html | |
27. Maps Collection, Reference Department -- Wilson Library General information and collection descriptions with sample images. http://www.lib.unc.edu/maps/ | |
28. University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill Libraries - Home Specialized collections include academic affairs, health sciences, law, and north carolina authors, and Southern studies research. Research affiliations Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ | |
29. NCSU Libraries Features library services, research resources, catalog search, plus informationon the library branches, departments, staff and policies. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/ | |
30. North Carolina ECHO, Exploring Cultural Heritage Online Special collection of north carolina's libraries, archives, and museums. http://www.ncecho.org/ | |
31. North Carolina Public Libraries On The Web north carolina Public libraries on the Web. AC DF GL MQ RW. Links to alist of north carolina Cities and Towns and north carolina Counties http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/library/publib.htm | |
32. Southern Folklife Collection-Southern Folklife Collection Homepage, UNC-Chapel H An introduction to online cultural resources offered by the Manuscripts Department, Academic Affairs libraries, University of north carolina at Chapel Hill finding aids and guides, databases, photographs, sound recordings, and exhibits. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/sfc1/ | |
33. NC Colleges & Universities NC Colleges and Universities on the Web. State Library of north carolina north carolina State University. NCSU Home Page NCSU libraries http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/library/univers.htm | |
34. Melungeon History, Research And Resources Pathfinder Listings of books, journals, bibliographies, and other research resources, including links, provided by the Appalachian State University libraries in Boone, north carolina. http://www.library.appstate.edu/appcoll/research_aids/melungeons.html |
35. Tobacco History Brief outline, based on materials in the north carolina State University libraries. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/archives/exhibits/tobacco/thistory.html |
36. Center For Research And Development Of Digital Libraries Based at the University of north carolina, the center is interested in the migration, management, and accessibility of digital information. It serves as a test bed for the development of new methodologies and also focuses on training and education by collaborating with other academic units, companies and organizations. The site includes some research publications, news, and further information and links. http://ils.unc.edu/cradle/ | |
37. Duke University Medical Center Department Of Radiology (North Carolina) The site describes the radiology residency rotations, review course, conferences, equipment, research, libraries, and alumni association and provides miscellaneous other information. http://www.radweb.mc.duke.edu/ | |
38. SEAALL Homepage An official regional chapter of the American Association of Law libraries. Covers the Southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, north carolina, Puerto Rico, South carolina, Tennessee, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/seaall/ | |
39. R.B. House Undergraduate Library-UL Blog Updates from the one of the University of north carolina at Chapel Hill libraries. http://www.lib.unc.edu/house/ul_blog.html?blogfile=ullibrary |
40. The University Especially For Contact UNC Search Printer north carolina Central University Shepard Library north carolina StateUniversity libraries. The Eastern carolina Library Network http://www.northcarolina.edu/libraries/lib_access.html | |
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