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21. 2005-06 Catalog - ENC 1102 English Composition II: Writing About Non-Fiction Pro ENC 1102 English composition II Writing About nonfiction Prose  3 Credit Hours.Prerequisite ENC 1101 with a grade of C or better. http://www.fccj.org/resources/catalogs/2005_2006/courses/credit/ENC/ENC1102.html | |
22. The Composition Links Welcome to English and composition at College of DuPage The University ofIowa s site for creative nonfiction, literary non-fiction, and personal http://www.cod.edu/academic/acadprog/tranprog/engl_com/composit.htm | |
23. Tenure-Track Creative Non-Fiction Position At Georgia Southern | Kairosnews professor to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in creativenonfiction, first-year composition, fiction writing and poetry writing. http://kairosnews.org/node/900 | |
24. Graduate Studies At Western Kentucky University University of North Carolina) American Literature; L. Dale Rigby (Ph.D., Universityof MissouriColumbia) Creative non-fiction, composition http://www.wku.edu/Dept/Academic/AHSS/English/gradpage.html |
25. CCCC 2002 Wednesday Workshop--Designing An Advanced Writing Curriculum She has published a short story and has had a creative nonfiction piece acceptedin a nonfiction and composition theory, and undergraduate composition. http://www.depts.drew.edu/composition/Cccc2002/coordinators.htm | |
26. English Course Guide on the short story, the novel, The Odyssey, poetry and nonfiction. This course includes composition, grammar, SAT-relevant vocabulary and MCAS http://dartmouth.mec.edu/dhs/academics/english/englishcg.html | |
27. ENGLISH Readings focus on nonfiction. AP English Language and composition follows theguidelines established by the College Board. http://south.gpschools.org/departments/english courses.htm | |
28. Untitled Document Year 4, T1 nonfiction T17 T22 Writing composition 25, 26. Year 5, T1 non-fictionReading 22 Writing composition 25. Year 6, T3 Non fiction 17,18, 22 http://www.kented.org.uk/ngfl/subjects/literacy/Writing-frames/frames-nls.html | |
29. Bellingham Review: Staff She has been a teacher of composition, a writing tutor, and a member of the creative nonfiction. She teaches English composition at WWU as well. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~bhreview/staff_03.htm | |
30. K A I R O S: Editorial Board Creative nonfiction as an Advanced composition course center. Emailkirkpatr@hawaii.edu. Website http//leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/~kirkpatr http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/edBoard.html | |
31. Department Of English| Saint Louis University Rhetorical Theory, Literary nonfiction, composition Pedagogy, Business andTechnical Writing, Advertising and Popular Culture. Stephen Casmier, Ph.D. http://www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/ENG/faculty/faclist.html | |
32. Faculty Creative writing, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, composition. NataniaRosenfeld Associate Professor. Ph.D., Princeton University, 1992. http://www.knox.edu/x1569.xml | |
33. All Aboard Roadman Press Publishers - Book And Video Shopping Travel literature, anthologies, guidebooks, compositions and other fiction and nonfiction publishers. http://www.roadmanpress.com | |
34. Putting Nonfiction In Its Place in composition classes, I think that nonfiction is what composition is when IsnÂt this what composition is best prepared to initiate, what writing http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/Robert_Root/Background/Variations.htm | |
35. Mapping Nonfiction Conference Sometimes thought to be coterminous with composition, sometimes thought to be presenter on creative nonfiction and composition at AWP, NCTE, and CCCC. http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/Robert_Root/Mapping/NonfictionConference.htm | |
36. Beyond Stories : Young Children's Nonfiction Composition: ÂIÂà®ÂÂÂX Nonfiction composition by Britsch,Susan J. Eye on Education ?\cation. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/htmy/1930556403.html | |
37. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Department Of English SPRING 2003 401B.001 Advanced Nonfiction composition Borrowman MW 400515 401B.002 AdvancedNonfiction composition Baird TR 530-645 http://www.unr.edu/cla/engl/courses/F05u400.html | |
38. Literary Nonfiction Put another way, Literary Nonfiction is a course in both reading (literature)and writing (composition and journalism) critical reading of wellcrafted http://www.nt.armstrong.edu/literary.htm | |
39. Advanced Composition -- AASU -- English 4700 aware of the process and techniques of writing effective nonfiction. draw upon and sharpen the fundamental skills that nonfiction writers rely upon. http://www.nt.armstrong.edu/advanced.htm | |
40. CREATIVE NONFICTION : EDUCATION PROGRAMS Education Program Creative Nonfiction The journal devoted exclusively to the Basics in a Nutshell, which teaches creative nonfiction composition. http://www.creativenonfiction.org/thejournal/mentor/mentor.htm | |
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