A r c h i v e d I n f o r m a t i o n Promising Initiatives to Improve Education in Your Community - February 2000 New American High Schools The Department recognizes outstanding high schools that are committed to high standards for all students and have achieved excellent results. The initiative showcases schools throughout the country that represent a broad range: comprehensive, magnet, redesigned vocational-technical schools, theme, and pilot schools as well as alternative schools serving the needs of at-risk youth. As part of the initiative, the Department provides information and technical assistance, conducts research and evaluations, and promotes standards-based reform efforts. In 2000, $1.4 million will be used to identify and support up to 100 new showcase sites. New American High Schools differ from traditional high schools in many ways: - High Standards. They have established clear standards and high expectations for all students. Small and Safe Environments. They are creating small, safe learning environments where students feel connected to the school and are known well and supported by caring adults. Teachers Working Together.
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