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81. FBI - Community Outreach Programs - Field Office Highlights - New York The new york Field Office Community Outreach Program (NYO COP) was involved inseveral McGruff the Crime Dog visits new york City school children. http://www.fbi.gov/hq/ood/opca/outreach/nycop.htm | |
82. Summer Camps For Girls In Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania Residential boys camp with separate program for girls, Brant Lake, new york.Six miles long and crystal clear, Brant Lake is located in new york s scenic http://camppage.com/girls-mid_atlantic.htm | |
83. YMCA Of Greater New York The YMCA of Greater new york was established in 1852, and formed in 1853 by Teen Action NYC is a highschool-based program offering students a means to http://www.ymcanyc.org/sub.php?p=about&sp=about/about |
84. Camp Fire USA Announces Grant Of Over $1.1 Million From New York Life Foundation The new york Life Foundation is proud to partner with Camp Fire USA to engage and Discovery, Camp Fire USA s new middle school program, promotes the http://www.newyorklife.com/cda/0,3254,14335,00.html | |
85. WCCO: Homepage new york. Unavailable. Enter City. Go! Local Weather, Weather Main, Latest Radar The statewide schoolsupply drive runs Aug. 5 through Aug. 21. http://wcco.com/ | |
86. Camp Herrlich Advantage After School Program Camp Wilbur Herrlich and the Carmel Central school District announce a new has a permit to operate a schoolaged child care program from the new york http://www.campherrlich.org/CHAdvantageProgram.htm | |
87. AustinSummer - Summer Programs For Kids on listing your camps and programs for youth. A Note To Parents informationalservice for families provided by the Austin Independent school District. http://www.austinsummer.org/ | |
88. Summer Camps And Activities - Princeton Online, Community Website For Princeton Old Barracks Summer Day Camp Princeton Day school Summer programs The NewYork Film Academy Princeton Ballet Ballet Plus, Children s Workshop and http://www.princetonol.com/summercamps/ | |
89. Camp Fire USA - Press Room - New York Life Grant CAMP FIRE USA ANNOUNCES GRANT OF OVER $1.1 MILLION FROM new york LIFE Discovery, Camp Fire USA s new middle school program, promotes the concept that http://www.campfireusa.org/press_room/NYLife.asp | |
91. Schools Schools and camps. In July, 2005, Rhode Island expanded the scope of a ÂGood new york (A 2166) new Jersey (S 933) Ohio (SB 164) Texas (SB 221) http://www.foodallergy.org/Advocacy/advocacy-schools.html | |
92. Coming Up Taller Awards Afterschool/Summertime Blues Camp Alabama Blues Project Tuscaloosa, AL Regent After school Program Whitney Museum of American Art new york, NY http://www.cominguptaller.org/awards-2004/semifinalists.html | |
93. Science EduNet Organizations| New York Academy Of Sciences new york Academy of Sciences Camp Invention, a summer program of the NationalInventors Hall of Fame, and Club Invention, an after school program of the http://www.nyas.org/sciedunet/search/institution.asp?OrgID=542 |
94. California Shakespeare Theater winter/spring classes, summer programs, school programs FiveWeek Camp, theTwo-Week Camp is great for students new to the program or returning students http://www.calshakes.org/v4/education/programs.html | |
95. Pre-School Skating Camp - Sky Rink - New York City - NYC Preschool Skating Camp at the Sky Rink in new york City, NY, NYC. Wade bringsover 20 years of coaching and program development experience to Sky Rink. http://www.chelseapiers.com/srCampsPreSch.htm | |
96. NYSDEC's Environmental Education Program and organizing other environmental education activities in new york State . Environmental Education camps Information on program descriptions and http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/education/ | |
97. Manhattan School Of Music: Manhattan School Of Music Summer Music Camp the Summer Music Camp at Manhattan school of Music resumed in 2004. Support forthe camp comes from the new york City Department of Education, http://www.msmnyc.edu/special/camp/ | |
98. IJE Leadership Seminar Alumni Doug Lynn new york, NY UAHC Northeast Camp Institutes/Eisner Camp and isthe director of the community s congregational high school program. http://www.brandeis.edu/ije/pages/Initiatives/LeadershipSeminarAlumni.html | |
99. Camping Magazine: Break-Aways Links Camp And School - Brief Article By 2002, the new york City school Board hopes to expand the program to include 10000 In the BreakAways program, a camp becomes a partner with a school, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1249/is_1_73/ai_59176759 | |
100. Boston Central | Boston Kids Activities & Resources For Parents & Children in the greater Boston and new England areas with a guide to family friendly Bartlett school Summer programs, Waltham The camp offers both fun http://www.bostoncentral.com/activities.php | |
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