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21. U.S. Education Spending: 1999-2000 These states were Alaska, Colorado, Kansas, new mexico, and Oklahoma. by school districts and other public elementary/secondary education agencies. http://www.policyalmanac.org/education/archive/doe_education_spending.shtml | |
22. SHEEO Agencies new mexico new mexico Higher education Department (C) Agency Emailnebhe@nebhe.org www.nebhe.org Return to top Regional Compacts http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
23. Learn & Serve America Below is a directory of State education agencies (SEAs). SEAs receive Formulabasedfunds new mexico, new mexico Department of education Santa Fe, NM http://www.learnandserve.org/about/contact/sea.asp | |
24. New Mexico Office Of The State Auditor category, School Districts, Municipalities, Counties, State agencies, Higher education new mexico State Auditor s Office http://www.saonm.org/ | |
25. STATE NCATE Links to State education agencies http//www.ncate.org/resources/statelinks.htm new mexico State Department of education education Building http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/res.cgi/Reference/Government_Resources/Education_A | |
26. State Government Education Resources - Careers.Org Department of education new mexico Commission on Higher education State Boardfor Educator Certification Texas education agencies Texas education http://www.careers.org/topic/06-65-state-government-education-resources.html | |
27. Intelligent Design Network :: Seeking Objectivity In Origins Science and legal and educational resources for state and local education agencies Email dave@minn.tv, Web site www.idnetmn.org. new mexico Office http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/ | |
28. National Student Clearinghouse: Guarantors, Lenders & Servicers: Guarantor Parti The guaranty agencies below financially support the Clearinghouse and receive new Jersey Higher education Student Assistance Authority; new mexico http://www.studentclearinghouse.org/gls/guarantors.htm | |
29. TeacherSource . Teaching And Technology . Educational Technology Research | PBS Directed toward state and local education agencies, it describes how to measure new mexico s Regional educational Technology Assistance (RETA) http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/teachtech/research.shtm | |
30. New England Comprehensive Assistance Center: Reading Success Network local education agencies, tribes, schools and other recipients of funds under the new mexico Highlands University 1700 Grande Court, Suite 101 http://www2.edc.org/NECAC/rsn/ | |
31. Links State agencies. These are the websites of each stateÂs education and health new mexico State Department of education new York State education http://www2.edc.org/MakingHealthAcademic/links.asp | |
32. UNM Hospitals - Certification And Licensing Agencies URL http//www.nmche.org. new mexico Dept. of Children, Youth and Families URL http//www.health.state.nm.us/. new mexico Department of education http://hospitals.unm.edu/Careers/Licensing.shtml | |
33. SACNAS K-12 Education Program government agencies, the pre and post-secondary education field, Laguna Elementary School Laguna, new mexico SACNAS K-12 education STAFF http://www.sacnas.org/k12.html | |
34. NCRA's CART Community - Consumer Information: State Education Agencies www.edneb.org/SPED/sped.html. NEVADA. STATE DEPARTMENT OF education SPECIALeducation new mexico. STATE DEPARTMENT OF education SPECIAL education http://cart.ncraonline.org/consumer/agencies.shtml | |
35. Healthier Schools Of New Mexico Click below to learn more about health education in new mexico s schools, including The 2001 YRRS can be used by state agencies, school districts, http://www.healthierschools.org/ | |
36. 404 - Not Found What s new at the Council of Chief State School Officers. CCSSO Committees Chiefs Addresses Method of Selection State education agencies http://www.ccsso.org/intasc.html | |
37. Autopilot A plan to conserve the biodiversity of mexico's tropical forests through education, research and alliances of citizen groups, funding agencies and nongovernmental organizations aimed at sustainable natural resources management. http://www.laneta.apc.org/proaft/ |
38. Dual Language Education Of New Mexico Dual Language education of new mexico Hires a Full Time Executive Director Albuquerque, new mexico 87106 Emailadmin@duallanguagenm.org http://www.duallanguagenm.org/ | |
39. Eeanm.org: Home The Environmental education Association of new mexico (EEANM) is a nonprofit Email info@eeanm.org. Mail EEANM PO Box 36958 Albuquerque, new mexico http://www.eeanm.org/ | |
40. New Mexico State Resources Web www.nmcdhh.org Joyce Horvath, Coordinator new mexico School for the Deaf State education Agency Rural Representative Denise Koscielniak, Director http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/nm.htm | |
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