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61. The Melanesian Aisle: Vanuatu And New Caledonia By John Borthwick | Travel Revie The Melanesian Aisle Vanuatu and new caledonia. by John Borthwick So thatvisitors might see niVanuatu village culture at home and also spread the http://www.travelintelligence.com/wsd/articles/art_1744.html | |
62. LocalPin - Society And Culture In New Caledonia Society and culture in new caledoniarelated links from LocalPin. Find links toSociety and culture in new caledonia in our geographically-organised http://www.localpin.com/info/en/oceania/new_caledonia/society_and_culture/ | |
63. Port Vila Presse Online Vanuatu News :: New Caledonia Hosts Pacific Science Gath new caledonia will host a major gathering of scientists from around the Pacificregion. Also on the agenda are climatology, human sciences, culture and http://www.news.vu/en/news/RegionalNews/new-caledonia-hosts-pacif.shtml | |
64. Port Vila Presse Online Vanuatu News :: New Caledonia Students Discover Vanuatu to learn more about the lifestyle and culture of the country and its people . The students from the northern tip of new caledonia mainland were http://www.news.vu/en/living/education/new-caledonia-students-di.shtml | |
65. Time To Talk In the 1980s, the French territory of new caledonia was riven by of newcaledonia, and is responsible for the portfolios of youth, culture and sports. http://abc.net.au/timetotalk/english/opinion/TimeToTalkOpinion_440057.htm | |
66. CDC - Genetic And Antigenic Analysis Of The First A/New Caledonia/20/99-like H1N RNA was extracted from a 300 µL aliquot of tissue culture fluid using the High Pure In May and June 1999, A/new caledonia/20/99, an antigenic variant of http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol8no4/01-0311.htm | |
67. The Maori - New Zealand In History Maori history and culture brief prehistory. It can be traced throughMelanesia to new caledonia and then east to Samoa. It was in Fiji, http://history-nz.org/maori.html | |
68. Antiquity : The Chronology Of Lapita Ware In New Caledonia. (Lapira Pottery Cult The chronology of Lapita ware in new caledonia. (Lapira pottery culture).Antiquity; September 01, 1997; Sand, Christopher. Read the Full Article, http://static.highbeam.com/a/antiquity/september011997/thechronologyoflapitaware | |
69. Mike Austin: The Tjibaou Culture Centre In new caledonia, Tjibaou (after whom the culture centre is named and who wasmurdered by an extremist) referred to the centrepost as Âthe elder brother. http://www.thepander.co.nz/architecture/maustin8.php | |
70. 922-262 Special Study Program: New Caledonia . The subject is designed to introduce students to......30 hours of language/culture classes held in new caledonia in November and December.Subject http://www.unimelb.edu.au/HB/2004/subjects/922-262.html | |
71. CAR CHAOS - NI 195 - Country Profile: New Caledonia / Kanaky Map of new caledonia / Kanaky To many visitors, Noumea, the capital of Kanak complaints of a loss of culture, identity and land are difficult to deny. http://www.newint.org/issue195/profile.htm | |
72. WW2 Memorials - Ministry For Culture And Heritage Bourail Cemetery and Memorial, new caledonia. new caledonia lies about 1600kilometres north of new Zealand. Bourail, on the west coast of the island, http://www.mch.govt.nz/heritage/mems-ww2.html | |
73. FAO Fisheries Department Review Of The State Of World Aquaculture OCEANIA new caledonia, new Zealand, Papua new Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands. Seaweed culture, mainly Eucheuma spp., supplied 400 mt of product in 1995, http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/w7499e/w7499e29.htm | |
74. Pictish Nation ® Dedicated to the Picts, the preScottish people of caledonia, and Pictish culture. Covers the known history and legends about the Picts as well as comprehensive web links and a bibliography. http://members.tripod.com/~Halfmoon/ | |
75. New Caledonia Travel Guide: Travel With PATA - Your One-Stop Guide To Travel In new caledonia Travel Tourism Travel with PATA Making a Difference in PacificAsia. The Goa Ma Bwarhat Cultural Centre contains a small museum and a http://www.new-caledonia.travelwithpata.com/attractions.html | |
76. New Caledonia new caledonia in Melanesia is an oasis in the South Pacific, and one of thehighlights of any visit to new caledonia is the new Tjibaou Cultural Centre. http://www.janeresture.com/newcal/main.htm | |
77. New Caledonia Travel And Accommodation Guide The Southern Province is the most densely populated of new caledonia and bay in new caledonia where there are mysterious small dwellings, a Cultural http://www.janeresture.com/newcalcom/ | |
78. Islands.com | Ile Des Pins Noumea, the cosmopolitan FrenchPacific capital of new caledonia, CULTURETraditional Melanesian heritage meets modern architecture in NoumeaÂs Tjibaou http://www.islands.com/iledespins/ | |
79. Islands.com | New Caledonia and surfers are still exploring new breaks, while a major new cultural SAILING The waters around new caledonia are one of the bestkept secrets in http://www.islands.com/newcaledonia/ | |
80. New Caledonia Travel And Hotels Guide Comprehensive new caledonia travel guide with pictures and maps. Includes newcaledonia hotels review, scuba diving and surfing vacations, honeymoon and http://www.pacific-travel-guides.com/new-caledonia/ | |
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