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181. BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Country Profiles | Timeline: Nepal 1846 nepal falls under sway of hereditary chief ministers known as Ranas, Radical leftist group, the nepal Communist Party (Maoist) begins http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/country_profiles/1166516.stm | |
182. Redirect Ausf¼hrliches L¤nderprofil mit weiterf¼hrenden Links, zur Verf¼gung gestellt von der Deutschen Stiftung f¼r Internationale Entwicklung (DSE). http://www.dse.de/za/lis/nepal/homepage.htm | |
183. CNN.com - More Than 90 Nepal Rebels Killed - May 3, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/south/05/03/nepal.maoists/index.html | |
184. Grec.net Nepal Mapa, fotografies, geografia, economia, societat i hist²ria. NotÂcies i enlla§os relacionats. http://www.grec.net/cgibin/heccl2.pgm?NDCHEC=0045787 |
185. Nepal's Premium Search Engine Search engine and directory. Also offers free email, alumni databases, chat, discussion boards and greeting cards. news and photos of the country. http://www.explorenepal.com/ | |
186. CNN.com - Bomb Explodes Near Nepal Leader's Office - July 4, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/south/07/03/nepal.bombing/index.html | |
187. Om Nepal Carpet - Manufacturer - Exporter - Handmade - Rugs - Woolen Carpet - Ne nepal. Manufacturers of handmade Tibetan carpets and rugs, from wool and cotton blends. Detailed description of manufacturing technologies. http://www.omnepalcarpet.com/ | |
188. Kinderpatenschaft / Patenschaft Beim Kinderhilfswerk Happy Children Nepal Happy Children e.V. ist ein deutscher, gemeinn¼tziger und mildt¤tiger Verein, der sich um StraÂenkinder, Waisenkinder und Halbwaisen in Neapl k¼mmert. Er hat ein Heim am Rande von Kathmandu / KathmanduValley. Die Ursprungsgeschichte, die Ziele und Gr¼nder, Land und Leute, die Kinder, die Adressen und Spendenkonten und die Patenschaft werden vorgestellt. http://www.happy-children.de/ | |
189. Travel To India, India Travel Agents, India Tours, Rajasthan India Travel. Vacation trips and tours throughout India, nepal and Bhutan. http://www.info2india.com | |
190. CNN.com - Nepal Princess Killed In Helicopter Crash - November 12, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/south/11/12/nepal.crash/index.html | |
191. Travel Pictures Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, Angkor, Cambodia, Tibet, Bhutan, Photographs from the author's travels, including Bhutan, nepal, Botswana, South Africa, and India. http://www.geocities.com/laika48/ | |
192. [NP] Child Workers In Nepal CWIN, a national Child Rights NGO in nepal, has extensive programs for street and working children. Reports and photos. http://www.cwin-nepal.org/ |
193. Nepalese Flags (Nepal) From The World Flag Database National flag and country facts. http://www.flags.net/NEPA.htm | |
194. Gensyn Med Nepal P¥ trekkingtur til foden af Kanchenjunga, verdens 3. h¸jeste bjerg. Tekst og fotos af Erik Pontoppidan. http://home0.inet.tele.dk/ponty/nepal.htm | |
195. HeuvelachtigBlogger Verslagen met foto's en routebeschrijvingen van reizen naar nepal, Noorwegen, Sloveni«/Kroati« en ZuidAfrika. http://home.wanadoo.nl/dheuvel/ | |
196. SAATHI - Making A Difference A nepali NGO working to eliminate injustice and violence against women and children in nepal and providing support to victims. http://www.saathi.org.np | |
197. Photos And Impresions Of Two Treks In Nepal Fotos sobre el viaje de dos personas que fueron a hacer trekking a nepal. http://www.terra.es/personal2/lchicote/home.htm |
198. Nepal-architecture Non commercial website, aiming to exchange information and ideas based on the architecture of the Kathmandu Valley and the South Asian region. http://www.nepal-architecture.de/ | |
199. Index Maker and exporter of handicrafts from Tibet and nepal. Illustrated catalog showing samples. Order through email only. http://www.geocities.com/chandrashakya/ | |
200. CNN.com - Nepal Faces New Political Crisis - Oct. 5, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/south/10/05/nepal.govt.crisis/index.html | |
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