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61. Planned Parenthood Federation Of America, Inc. - Abstinence-Only Abstinenceonly education is one of the religious right s greatest In montana, the Catholic diocese of Helena received $14000 from the state s http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/portal/files/portal/medicalinfo/teensexualh | |
62. U.S. Approved Higher Education Accrediting Agencies - ELearners.com Regional Accrediting agencies Approved by US Department of education Tel. (510) 7489001, Fax (510) 748-9797 E-mail address wascsr@wascsenior.org http://www.elearners.com/resources/agencies.asp | |
63. MT Weed Act of local county weed programs include educational programs (39); montana weed managers work cooperatively with all federal agencies in the state. http://www.weedawareness.org/weedact.html |
64. Afterschool Alliance State education Agency Contacts. montana Office of Public Instruction miesler_nancy@asdk12.org. State Network Contacts. montana Afterschool Network http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/states/states_facts.cfm?state_abbr=MT |
65. Montana montana agencies and Organizations The University of montana EOS (Earth Observing System) education Project http//eoscenter.com http://teachearth.com/states/Montana.htm |
66. Montana Tech Library org (searchable member directories and current awareness) Federal Judicial Center The research and education agency of the federal judicial system http://www.mtech.edu/library/resources/govinfo.htm | |
67. NEA Higher Education - Intellectual Property And Copyright Resources *Janis H. Bruwelheide, Ed.D. is a Professor of education and Library Media. of Borderless Access to Training and education at montana State University. http://www.nea.org/he/abouthe/teachact.html | |
68. RSA URL http//www.moadvocacy.org/textver.htm. montana College of education and Human Services, montana State UniversityBillings 1500 North 30th Street, http://www.jan.wvu.edu/SBSES/VOCREHAB.HTM | |
69. SBSES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (SBA) And RELATED RESOURCES Family Investment Center, a local onestop education and training agency. URL http//www.mtcdc.org. montana Community Development Corporation http://www.jan.wvu.edu/SBSES/econdevMT.htm | |
70. National Student Clearinghouse: Guarantors, Lenders & Servicers: Guarantor Parti The guaranty agencies below financially support the Clearinghouse and receive Rhode Island Higher education Asst. Authority; Student Loan Guarantee http://www.studentclearinghouse.org/gls/guarantors.htm | |
71. NWA Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants The NWA education Committee needs help from all members to spread the word to 2003 Cherie Edwards, Meadowlark Elementary School, Chinook, montana. http://www.nwas.org/solhirsch.html | |
72. Welcome To Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers Website; A Non-profit Group Specializing I The state of montana and several federal agencies are spending millions of video support to other nonprofits in their media and educational campaigns. http://www.wildrockies.org/cmcr/ | |
73. NTOY State Program Coordinators http//www.azedfoundation.org/toyabout.html. Arkansas Charles D. Watson State education agencies SEA Directory Membership Meetings http://www.ccsso.org/projects/National_Teacher_of_the_Year/State_Program_Coordin | |
74. State Action For Education Leadership Project Lois AdamsRodgers, Director, 202-312-6435, loisar@ccsso.org Method of Selection State education agencies SEA Directory Membership Meetings http://www.ccsso.org/projects/State_Action_for_Education_Leadership/ | |
75. National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium - Members A natural resource for adult education state directors and staff members. montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming American Samoa http://www.naepdc.org/members/members.html | |
76. Indian Education Resources ERIC Native education Directory http//www.ael.org/eric/ned.htm External Link The montana Office of Public Instruction, Linda McCulloch, http://www.opi.state.mt.us/IndianEd/iresources.html | |
77. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies Federal agencies. Regional Educational Laboratories Regional Educational Laboratory). States Served, Alaska, Idaho, montana, Oregon, and Washington http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
78. User Evaluation Of The Montana Natural Resource Information System (NRIS): In-De User Evaluation of the montana Natural Resource Information System (NRIS) elainep@montana.edu . Vicky York Associate Professor/Distance education http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july03/peterson/07peterson.html | |
79. ECS Results montana, The office of the commissioner of higher education functions as the state Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency http://www.ecs.org/dbsearches/Search_Info/StateNarrativeReports.asp?tbl=table3 |
80. Research About School Size And School Performance In Impoverished Communities. E for each state were those required by the state education agency (SEA). In montana there is only weak evidence that the effect of school size on the http://www.ericdigests.org/2001-3/size.htm | |
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