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61. Montana Dental Association montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Toll Free 800/4477828,ext. 8623. Cooperative Dental Clinic (Lewis Clark County) http://www.mtdental.com/resources.htm | |
62. USGS-BRD Central Region montana Ecological Services Field Office. 406449-5225 ext. 211 406-538-8706ext. 226. 6. Alexander Zale montana Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit http://biology.usgs.gov/cro/99qrta~1.htm | |
63. Parental Stress Center University of Alaska Cooperative Extension service is an outreach educationaldelivery system supported by a montana State University Extension service http://pscfamily.net/resources/national_resources.php | |
64. Ranch & Livestock Links: Research - Extension Services The Kentucky Cooperative extension service is the educational resource for allKentuckians North Dakota Cooperative extension http//www.ext.nodak.edu/ http://ranchers.ranchlinks.com/Research_-_Extension_Services/ | |
65. ATTRAnews - May/June 2005 Oklahoma Coop ext., OSU, and Oklahoma Conservation Commission ATTRA is fundedthrough the USDA Rural Business-Cooperative service and is a project of http://attra.ncat.org/newsletter/attranews_0505.html | |
66. Discounts For Schools montana public schools are allowed to purchase long distance service through theState Organize and coordinate cost effective, cooperative purchases and http://www.opi.state.mt.us/discounts/ | |
67. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb Virginia Cooperative extension http//www.ext.vt.edu/ New Mexico StateUniversity Cooperative extension service - http//cahe.nmsu.edu/ces/ http://www.anywho.com/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Science/Agriculture/Educat |
68. Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program Schedule Page Provides information about the cooperative training program for serials cataloging ext. 4918. 9th 10th. August. Bozeman, MT montana State University http://www.loc.gov/acq/conser/scctp/schedule05.html | |
69. Bureau Of Forest Fire Control Services FEMA, MEMA. and local EMS; The US Forest service; The USDA Cooperative Extension montana, Idaho; and the recent devastating Florida forest fires, http://www.mass.gov/dem/programs/firecont/3fireser.htm | |
70. Farm Books: Poultry Michigan State University Cooperative ext. service Folder F245, 1957, Turkey Production in California, California Ag, ext. service Circular 110, http://www.users.mis.net/~gwill/fb-poult.htm | |
71. Print Resources University of Wisconsin extension, Cooperative ext., The Watercourse, 201Culbertson Hall, montana State University, Bozeman, montana 59717-0057. http://www.nalms.org/education/eduprint.htm | |
72. Wild Four O'Clock Wild Four OÂClock (Mirabilis nyctaginea). Cooperative ext. service, Iowa State Univ.McGregor, RL, TM Barkley, RE Brooks and EK Schofield (Editors). 1986. http://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weed_info/Written_findings/Mirabilis_nyctaginea.html | |
73. Economics & Statistics Staff Biographies Schenk has 15 years experience in the financial services industry. Tom canbe reached at 800356-9655, ext 4064 or tbrisette@cuna.coop. http://advice.cuna.org/leadership_econ.html | |
74. Federal Extension Animal Waste Initiative--State And Territory Contacts Cooperative extension service PO Box 208 KEALAKEKUA, HI 96750. Idaho. Dean Falk UNH Cooperative extMerrimack Co University of New Hampshire http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/waste_mgt/initiative/statecontacts.html | |
75. Census.gov Is Experiencing Mr. William Tillman, Jr. (E,P) (919) 7337061 ext. 279 Office of State Budgetand Management Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
76. The Work Site - Social Security Online Birmingham, AL 35233 866 2591745 ext. 102 service Areas Alabama Department ofRehabilitation South Dakota, Black Hills Special services Cooperative http://www.ssa.gov/work/ServiceProviders/BPAODirectory.html | |
77. Montana Cooperative Services montana Cooperative Services. How to order Guide Contact Joan Didier 800323-1305ext 139. Please include Vendor Bid SH09240 on your purchase order. http://www.mtcoop.org/Ordering directions.htm | |
78. Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education - Publications - Simply Sustainab (520) 8365221, ext. 227, gibsonrd@ag.arizona.edu California, David Chaney,University of California Cooperative extension, One Shields Avenue, Davis, http://www.sare.org/publications/simply/people.htm | |
79. Understanding Montana's Noxious Weed Law Also a written cooperative noxious weed management agreement must be entered intobetween Communications Services, 416 Culbertson Hall, montana State http://www.co.yellowstone.mt.us/extension/ag/pubs/mt9605.html | |
80. Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program: Past Advanced Serials Catalogin Provides information about the cooperative training program for serials catalogingunder the Contact Donna Schroeder or Phone 1800 686-8975 ext. 29 http://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/scctp/schedule-past-advCat.html | |
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