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21. POMF 2806 Page GOV PAYROLL OFFICE NUMBER 12050301 USDA coop ext. service ALABAMA C/O THOMAS montana MARY FRAN SANSOUCIE USDA PO BOX 172230 BOZEMAN MT 597172230 http://webwtc.opm.gov/raft/html/pomf2806.shtml | |
22. POMF Summary Page EDU PAYROLL OFFICE NUMBER 12050325 USDA coop ext service MISSOURI ATTN TAMMY montana MARY FRAN SANSOUCIE USDA PO BOX 172230 BOZEMAN MT 597172230 http://webwtc.opm.gov/raft/html/pomf2811.shtml | |
23. California Section Of The Society For Range Management Tom D. Whitson, coop. ext. service, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Tony J. Svejcar,USDAARS, Burns OR; and Roger Sheley, montana State Univ., Bozeman. http://www.casrm.org/Hawaii02.shtml | |
24. National Park Service - Nature & Science: Biologic Resources No. w465., 14 Agr 12 coop. ext. Serv., Univ. N. Dakota, Fargo, ND The statusof biological control of leafy spurge in montana. pp. 12-13. http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/ipm/manual/spurge.htm | |
25. Interregional Research Project #4 cooperative extension service Soldotna, AK, 99669 Phone 907262-5824 Fax907-262-3939 montana State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. Pest Education Serv. http://ir4.rutgers.edu/Cindex.cfm?nd=nd&letter=J |
26. Interregional Research Project #4 Suite A coop ext service 624 W Foster Rd Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3623 Phone805-934-6240 montana State Univ Plant Sciences Plant Pathology Dept http://ir4.rutgers.edu/Cindex.cfm?nd=nd&letter=L |
27. Noxious Weed IVM Guide- Leafy Spurge North Dakota coop. ext. service, pp. 5369. Bandsund, DA and FL Leistritz. 1991 . coop. ext. Serv., montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT. 245 pp. http://www.efn.org/~ipmpa/Noxlspur.html | |
28. Speakers Directory Idaho, montana and Kansas; American Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong; TOPIC (S) coop. ext. serviceWho we are and services we offer. ELDERLY http://www.hpcnet.org/cgi-bin/global/a_bus_card.cgi?SiteID=191421 |
29. Nitrate Toxicity Of Montana Forages Wisconsin coop. ext. http//www.uwex.edu/ces/forage/pubs/nitrate.htm Vice Provost and Director, extension service, montana State University, Bozeman, http://www.animalrangeextension.montana.edu/articles/Forage/General/Nitrate-tox. | |
30. Euphorbia Esula Species Management Summary (ESA) The cooperative extension service at NDSU publishes a leafy spurge newsletter45 times a year. Contact montana State U. coop. ext. Serv. Circ. 309. http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/esadocs/documnts/euphesu.html | |
31. Agronomy Journal -- Sign In Page Funding support for this study came from montana Fertilizer Tax. Rep. MF1018.coop. ext. service, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS. Francis, CA (ed.). http://agron.scijournals.org/cgi/content/full/96/6/1730 | |
32. My Master Gardener Page Los Angeles Master Gardeners , Univ. of Calif. coop. ext. montana. montana StateUniversity extension service Master Gardener Program http://www.hal-pc.org/~trobb/mastgar.html | |
33. Miles City, Montana Research montana Beef Prod. School, montana coop. ext. service, montana State Univ., Bozeman.Short, RE, Peters, JB, First, NL, and Casida, LE 1968. http://www.ars.usda.gov/Research/docs.htm?docid=5812 |
34. Food Safety In Connecticut-Fact Sheets montana State University ext. service, www.montana.edu./~wwwnutr/extension/index.html South Dakota State University Cooperative ext. service http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/foodsafety/expert/hotlinkstab.html | |
35. HIA Contacts montana State University extension service Housing Program Univ. of ArkansasCooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave. PO Box 391 http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
36. Quick Facts, 2004-05 Each year the Career services Office at montana State UniversityÂBozeman conductsa survey to Ag Exp Station/ext service, 113, 99, 14, 106.56, 64, 49 http://www.montana.edu/opa/facts/quick.html | |
37. State Coordinators Univ. of Nevada, Reno coop. ext. 2345 Red Rock Street, Suite 100 Of Vermontext. service 157 Old Guildford Road, 4 Brattleboro, VT. 05301 http://mastergardener.osu.edu/img/coordinators.html | |
38. USEPA - SEA - What's New montana State University Cooperative extension service WEB SITE PUBLICATIONS Virginia Cooperative extension service www.ext.vt.edu http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
40. Weed-ID-Links montana category 1 Category 1 noxious weeds are weeds that are currently http//www.arapcsuext.org/agri/fbindwd.htm CO. St. Univ. coop. ext. http://mtwow.org/Weed-ID-Links.htm | |
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