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         Monroe James Us President:     more detail
  1. James Monroe: Fifth President, 1817-1825 (Getting to Know the Us Presidents) by Mike Venezia, 2005-03
  2. Monroe : Character in Time : The US Presidents by Lorraine Ash, 1999-04-06

81. IPL POTUS -- Presidents Of The United States
Select the president you want information about from the list below. Thomas Jefferson, 18011809 james Madison, 1809-1817 james monroe, 1817-1825
the Internet Public Library
Welcome! In this resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included.
Select the president you want information about from the list below. If you don't know which president you are interested in, perhaps the name or subject indexes will help. They are listed at the bottom of the page.
This site is always growing and changing. If you have suggestions or comments, send e-mail to . Questions can be sent to . Thanks for visiting.
Sep 23, 2005
  • George Washington, 1789-1797
  • John Adams, 1797-1801
  • Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
  • James Madison, 1809-1817 ...
  • George Walker Bush, 2001- POTUS Store
    In association with
    U.S. Presidents
    Books DVD Video
    Truman by David McCullough White House
    Books DVD Video
    The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families by Betty C. Monkman, Bruce White
  • 82. THE MONROE DOCTRINE (1823)
    But president james monroe and his secretary of state, John Quincy Adams, werenot willing to risk war for nations they did not know would survive.
    The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 marked the breakup of the Spanish empire in the New World. Between 1815 and 1822 Jose de San Martin led Argentina to independence, while Bernardo O'Higgins in Chile and Simon Bolivar in Venezuela guided their countries out of colonialism. The new republics sought and expected recognition by the United States, and many Americans endorsed that idea. But President James Monroe and his secretary of state, John Quincy Adams, were not willing to risk war for nations they did not know would survive. From their point of view, as long as the other European powers did not intervene, the government of the United States could just let Spain and her rebellious colonies fight it out. Great Britain was torn between monarchical principle and a desire for new markets; South America as a whole constituted, at the time, a much larger market for English goods than the United States. When Russia and France proposed that England join in helping Spain regain her New World colonies, Great Britain vetoed the idea. The United States was also negotiating with Spain to purchase the Floridas, and once that treaty was ratified, the Monroe administration began to extend recognition to the new Latin American republics Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico were all recognized in 1822.

    83. Ash Lawn- Highland, Home Of President James Monroe
    Ash Lawn Highland, Home of president james monroe Ash Lawn- Highland, Thomas Jefferson encouraged james monroe to purchase the land adjoining

    84. Presidents List
    Notes for a Lodge presentation about us Presidents and Freemasonry james K.Polk Average 11. John Quincy Adams 12. james monroe 13. Rutherford B. Hayes
    U.S. Presidents and Freemasonry The purpose of this webpage is to present information about U.S. Presidents who had some involvement with Freemasonry, either as members or in some other way. Please feel free to contact me with information, suggestions, or corrections about the information on this site. You can contact me by clicking on my name: Paul M. Bessel There are 14 U.S. Presidents who are generally considered to have been Freemasons. The "rating" in the following chart is from various polls of historians' views of U.S. Presidents that were conducted at various times. The details about these polls are shown at the bottom of this webpage. These polls were not related, so their ratings may not correlate completely with each other. However, there seems to be a general consensus among all the polls. For example, Abraham Lincoln is always rated #1, the greatest of all U.S. Presidents, and Warren G. Harding is always rated as the worst of all the U.S. Presidents who served in that office. Name Rating
    (see details above) Involvement in Freemasonry
    George Washington
    "Great" -

    85. Monroe, James. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
    monroe, james. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. 1758–1831,5th president of the United States (1817–25), b. Westmoreland co., Va.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Monroe, James

    86. United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches - James Monroe
    TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1817 Because the Capitol was under reconstruction after thefire, presidentelect monroe offered to take his oath of office in the House
    United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches
    by United States Presidents Terms Contents George Washington George Washington II ... Oath James Monroe
    First Inaugural Address
    UESDAY, MARCH 4, 1817 Because the Capitol was under reconstruction after the fire, President-elect Monroe offered to take his oath of office in the House Chamber of the temporary "Brick Capitol," located on the site where the Supreme Court building now stands. A controversy resulted from the inaugural committees proposals concerning the use of the House Chamber on the second floor of the brick building. Speaker Henry Clay declined the use of the hall and suggested that the proceedings be held outside. The President's speech to the crowd from a platform adjacent to the brick building was the first outdoor inaugural address. Chief Justice John Marshall administered the oath of office.
    In commencing the duties of the chief executive office it has been the practice of the distinguished men who have gone before me to explain the principles which would govern them in their respective Administrations. In following their venerated example my attention is naturally drawn to the great causes which have contributed in a principal degree to produce the present happy condition of the United States. They will best explain the nature of our duties and shed much light on the policy which ought to be pursued in future. From the commencement of our Revolution to the present day almost forty years have elapsed, and from the establishment of this Constitution twenty-eight. Through this whole term the Government has been what may emphatically be called self-government. And what has been the effect? To whatever object we turn our attention, whether it relates to our foreign or domestic concerns, we find abundant cause to felicitate ourselves in the excellence of our institutions. During a period fraught with difficulties and marked by very extraordinary events the United States have flourished beyond example. Their citizens individually have been happy and the nation prosperous.

    87. American Presidents Blog: Monroe, James
    james monroe was the last of the Virginia Dynasty of us presidents, which alsoincluded Thomas Jefferson and james Madison. A modest man, monroe was
    @import url(""); @import url(""); @import url(; @import url(; Notify Blogger about objectionable content.
    What does this mean?
    American Presidents Blog
    Blog featuring sites that relate to the American Presidency or specific American Presidents. Created by Michael Lorenzen who is a librarian at Central Michigan University. Proudly using the Open Directory Project and Library Reference Search to find and describe some sites.
    Wednesday, February 09, 2005
    Monroe, James
    Monroe, James . An encyclopedic biography from the New Book of Knowledge written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and inaugural addresses.
    From the site:
    James Monroe was the last of the Virginia Dynasty of U.S. presidents, which also included Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. A modest man, Monroe was overshadowed by the brilliance of his great contemporaries, but his honesty and integrity won him wide esteem and the unwavering loyalty of his friends. He spent nearly all of his adult life in the public service, steadily rising to ever higher office. As president, he is best known for his proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine, opposing European intervention in the affairs of the countries of the Western Hemisphere. His two terms in office, sometimes called the Era of Good Feelings, were generally a period of national optimism, growth, and expansion for the United States.

    88. Longevity Of U.S. Presidents
    An informal study of us presidents may yield some surprising answers. monroe,james, 5, 1831, 73, heart failure, tuberculosis. Madison, james, 4, 1836
    Longevity of U.S. Presidents
    Ed Uthman, MD
    Diplomate, American Board of Pathology
    Last updated 2 Sep 2000 Everyone knows that the average life span of humans has increased markedly in the 20th century, but has it increased for everyone? An informal study of U.S. presidents may yield some surprising answers. My aim is to look at the effect of medical advances over the last two centuries on the longevity of those who are most likely to have access to those advances. I think presidents make an interesting (if small) sample because of their demographic uniformity: all are white male politicians, almost all are military veterans, and presumably all had sufficient wealth and/or prestige to command whatever medical resources were available in their later years. Of the 41 men who have held the office, 5 are still alive (Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton), 4 were victims of homicide, all from gunfire (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy)*, and 32 died of natural causes (4 while in office: Harrison, Taylor, Harding, FD Roosevelt). These 32 are listed below by date of death. The "ordinal" figure is the order in which each served as president, Cleveland having served two non-consecutive terms. NAME ORD-
    DIED AGE CAUSE OF DEATH*** Washington, George

    89. United States Presidents - Alphabetical And Chronlogical List Of
    Alphabetical and Chronological list of us Presidents 05, monroe, james,(18171825). 06, Adams, John Quincy, (1825-1829)

    90. Ben's Guide (6-8): The Presidents Of The United States
    president, VICE president, TERM, PARTY. 1, George Washington, John Adams 5,james monroe, Daniel D. Tompkins, 18171825, Democratic-Republican
    The Presidents of the United States PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TERM PARTY George Washington John Adams
    John Adams
    None John Adams Thomas Jefferson Federalist Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr
    George Clinton
    Democratic-Republican James Madison George Clinton
    Elbridge Gerry
    Democratic-Republican James Monroe Daniel D. Tompkins Democratic-Republican John Quincy Adams John C. Calhoun Democratic-Republican Andrew Jackson John C. Calhoun
    Martin Van Buren
    Democrat Martin Van Buren Richard M. Johnson Democrat William Henry Harrison John Tyler Whig John Tyler None Whig James K. Polk George M. Dallas Democrat Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore Whig Millard Fillmore None Whig Franklin Pierce William R. King Democrat James Buchanan John C. Breckinridge Democrat Abraham Lincoln Hannibal Hamlin
    Andrew Johnson
    Republican Andrew Johnson None Democrat Ulysses S. Grant

    91. USA- Index On James Monroe
    USAproject, presidents-area, information regarding the fifth president of the james monroe (1758-1831) 5th president of the United States 1817-1825
    James Monroe (1758-1831)
    5th president of the United States: 1817-1825
    James Monroe

    92. Ash Lawn-Highland -- Home Of James Monroe
    Ash LawnHighland is the home of james monroe, fifth president of the United States, Information on the life of president james monroe. Timeline
    Email: Phone: (434) 293-9539 Fax: (434) 293-8000 1000 James Monroe Parkway, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-8722 Concert information: Ash Lawn Opera Festival
    Concert tickets: Box Office (434) 979-0122
    Ash Lawn-Highland is the home of James Monroe, fifth president of the United States,
    and is located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Ash Lawn-Highland is owned and
    operated by the College of William and Mary , Monroe's alma mater Updated September 16, 2005 Read about the history and purpose of historic Ash Lawn-Highland. Information on the life of President James Monroe.

    James Monroe of Virginia

    James Monroe and Slavery

    Monroe Family Recipes
    Plan your visit to Ash Lawn-Highland.
    Admission Fees

    School Tours, Workshops,
    and Educational Materials Driving Directions Take a virtual tour of the Monroe House and grounds! Find information about about our Museum Events throughout the year.

    93. Innovative Teaching - U.S. Presidents
    Lists of us Presidents http// http//; monroe, james
    Newsletter Presidents 2001
    Volume 3, Issue 18 - January 20, 2001 presented by
    Walter McKenzie - Surfaquarium Consulting
    Innovative staff development:
    Technology Applications, Multiple Intelligences,
    Curriculum Integration and Creative Education.
    Let's see what we can do for your staff! With George W. Bush now installed as the nations 43rd chief executive, the Innovative Teaching Newsletter takes a fresh look at online resources on Presidents of the United States this week. You can see the 1999 edition of this topic at . As we publish this edition, I am preparing to launch the third year of the Presidents' Project, in which students from all grade levels are invited to research and publish original pages on our Presidents. Registration opens tomorrow and the project begins on Lincoln's birthday, February 12th. You can read about the project, see past efforts and register your students at

    94. World Almanac For Kids
    presidents of the United States. Click on a president below to get to know himbetter. james monroe, 27. William Howard Taft. 6. John Quincy Adams, 28.
    EXPLORE ANIMALS ENVIRONMENT HISTORICAL BIRTHDAYS ... home Presidents of the United States Click on a president below to get to know him better. Sorry, no female presidents yet.
    George Washington
    Benjamin Harrison John Adams Grover Cleveland ... Grover Cleveland
    Presidential Thumbnails Take a quick look at some presidential statistics in order of appearance... George Washington to
    Andrew Jackson
    Grover Cleveland to
    Woodrow Wilson
    George W. Bush

    First Ladies Make News These women served our country alongside their husbands.
    Abigail Adams
    Lucy Hayes Edith Roosevelt Edith Wilson ... Laura Bush
    President George W. Bush had a regulation T-ball field built on the South Lawn of the White House.
    The first game, between the Satchel Paige Memphis Red Sox and the Capitol City Rockies, took place on May 6, 2001.
    In 1886, Grover Cleveland became the first, and only, president to be married in the White House. The residence of the U.S. president was called the "President's Palace," the "President's House," and the "Executive Mansion," before Theodore Roosevelt made "White House" the official name in 1901. John Adams was the first president to live in the White House.

    95. US Presidents Web Ring Home
    us Presidents Web Ring Home. George Washington (17891797). George Washington Quotes james monroe (1817-1825). james monroe Quotes
    US Presidents Web Ring Home
    George Washington (1789-1797)
    George Washington Quotes
    John Adams (1797-1801)
    John Adams Quotes
    Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
    Thomas Jefferson Quotes
    James Madison (1809-1817)
    James Madison Quotes
    James Monroe (1817-1825)
    James Monroe Quotes
    John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)
    John Quincy Adams Quotes
    Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
    Andrew Jackson Quotes
    Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)
    Martin Van Buren Quotes
    William H. Harrison (1841)
    John Tyler (1841-1845)
    John Tyler Quotes
    James K. Polk (1845-1849)
    James K. Polk Quotes
    Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
    Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
    Millard Fillmore Quotes
    Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
    Franklin Pierce Quotes
    James Buchanan (1857-1861)
    James Buchanan Quotes
    Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
    Abraham Lincoln Quotes
    Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
    Andrew Johnson Quote Page
    Ulysses S.Grant (1869-1877)
    Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
    James A. Garfield (1881)
    James A. Garfield Quotes
    Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
    Grover Cleveland Quote Page
    Benjamin J. Harrison (1889-1893)
    William McKinley (1897-1901)
    William McKinley Quotes
    Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
    Theodore Roosevelt Quotes
    William Taft (1909-1913) William F. Taft Quotes

    96. HCL Libraries - Harvard College Library
    Garfield, james Abram, Our Dead president a Sermon Preached in Providence, RI,Sept. monroe, james, Papers in Virginia repositories. Film A 73
    Skip directly to content Home > HCL Libraries
    HCL Libraries
    There are over 90 libraries at Harvard that comprise the Harvard University Library system, with combined holdings of over 15 million items. More than 10 million of those items are part of the collection of a centrally administered unit within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences that is referred to as the Harvard College Library (HCL) and includes Cabot Science, Fine Arts (includes Harvard Film Archive), Harvard-Yenching, Houghton (includes Harvard Theatre Collection), Lamont, Littauer (includes Environmental Information Center), Loeb Music, Tozzer, and Widener libraries, and the Harvard Map Collection and Government Documents/Microforms. See the Harvard Libraries site for a complete listing of all University libraries. Quad and CGIS libraries are opening soon Contact: Tel: Fax: E-mail General sciences with undergraduate collections in applied sciences, astronomy, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, physics, zoology, history of science, and agriculture engineering, and research collections in earth and planetary sciences, pure mathematics, and theoretical statistics.

    97. Genealogy Of The US Presidents
    Genealogy of the us Presidents. This database is a web browsable version of the 18091817 james Madison; 1817-1825 james monroe; 1825-1829 John Quincy
    Genealogy of the US Presidents
    This database is a web browsable version of the published Gedcom of the genealogy of the US Presidents. I am, therefore, unable to vouch for the accuracy of the data, or make changes or corrections.
    Added Value
    This database contains, in addition to data from the published Gedcoms, links to other genealogical databases and sites with information on the same people.
    Finding your way around
    The data can be accessed in several ways. You can use the index which has been organised in surname order, an index of Presidents, or various search functions. The search functions frequently do not achieve the desired result due to the loading the put on my machine and the large number of users.
    Other data
    This database is part of a larger set of genealogical databases held at the University of Hull. The particular focus is on Royal and Noble genealogy You may also be interested in the Presidents Libraries which is part of the Leadership Information Archives The Whitehouse also supplies US Government Information about the Presidents
    Presidential Index
  • George Washington
  • John Adams
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • James Madison ...
  • James Earl Carter Jr.
  • 98. Queens Borough Public Library - Research & Internet
    the National Portrait Gallery you can find portraits of the us Presidents . james monroe a bibliography Call Number 016.9735 A, Part of the series,356,372

    james monroe was the last of the Virginia Dynasty elected to the White House . presidents First Ladies james monroe THE LAST REVOLUTIONARY president
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    Home History and geography History of North America United States Author: John S. Cooper

    100. US Presidents
    The us Presidents ranked by their term in office james monroe. 19. Herbert Hoover.20. Benjamin Harrison. 21. Chester Arthur. 22. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Click here for a list of V.P. birthdays! 2004 Vice Presidential Candidates Facts Biographies ... Ask a Question SECOND STRING Trivia, Facts and Lists about the Vice Presidency and its Vice Presidents
    by Dan Coen-Published by THE VICE PRESIDENTS POSTER! Exclusive collector edition poster available only from
    46 drawings, each Vice President represented in a hilarious and colorful story. '18x24' It's All About The Presidents! The Presidents are ranked. (see below) C-SPAN has designed a world-class web site specifically about the Presidents of the United States The official White House web site has biographies, and more, about the Presidents of the United States The Presidents of the United States through the eyes of PBS ... The American Presidency - Selected Resources: An Informal Reference Guide The Presidents Ranked (2000) C-Span Web Site "Click Here" The survey rated 10 qualities of presidential leadership established by the C-Span advisory team, including each president's effectiveness within the context of our nation's changing expectations of the presidency.

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