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181. Mongolian Embassy In Canada With a list of staff of the mongolian Embassy in Ottawa and links to sites about mongolia. Also has contact information for the Honorary Consulates in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Calgary. http://www.mongolembassy.org/ | |
182. Mongolia: Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library Of Congress Annotated directory of selected online resources provided by the Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/asian/mongolia/mongolia.html | |
183. EDT-Lonely Planet Mongolia Microguida geografica e naturalistica della nazione, luoghi da visitare, consigli ai viaggiatori. http://www.edt.it/lonelyplanet/microguide/text/157/ | |
184. Control Ciudadano : Ficha De Mongolia Coalici³n de ciudadanos de diversos lugares cuya meta es el monitoreo del avance hacia las metas de desarrollo establecidas en acuerdos internacionales. http://www.socwatch.org.uy/es/fichasPais/134.html | |
185. MNEC. About Us - Who Are We... Alliance of nature and environmental conservation research institutes, centers and NGOs of mongolia working to promote environmental sustainability. Includes information about consortium projects and international cooperation. http://www.mnec.org.mn/ | |
186. Union Of Mongolian Artists The main goal of the UMA is to promote the works of mongolian artists in mongolia and overseas and to assist international collaboration of mongolian artists with their international partners. http://www.uma.mn/ | |
187. Election Day In Mongolia Minneapolis Star Tribune article describes a visit to Bom in Rinchinlumbe County during an election. http://www.startribune.com/stories/425/36934.html |
188. On The Bugut Inscription And Mausoleum Complex An article by Cengiz Alyilmaz. The Bugut inscription is one of the old Turkic inscriptions found in mongolia. http://www.transoxiana.com.ar/Eran/Articles/alyilmaz.html | |
189. Asiaweek CNN http://cnn.com/ASIANOW/asiaweek/96/0105/newsmap/mongolia.html |
190. Communists Hope Elections Unify Mongolian Government CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/05/19/mongolia.election.ap/index.html |
191. Aero Mongolia Co.,Ltd New domestic and charter airline, operating two fokker 50 planes. http://www.aeromongolia.mn/ | |
192. Naadam 2003 - The World's Second-oldest Olympics A new article by renowned journalist Ron Gluckman on the major sport festival of mongolia. http://www.gluckman.com/Naadam2003.html | |
193. Untitled Document Jeep and driver available for rent. http://www.mongoliatours.org/home1.htm |
194. Political Map Of Mongolia From the university of Texas. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/mongolia_pol96.jpg |
195. Believe It Or Not, A Mini-business Boom In Mongolia As international aide and western entrepreneurs flood mongolia, a rare business boom is sweeping the steppes, Ron Gluckman reports in this article in Newsweek Magazine. http://www.gluckman.com/MongoBiz.html | |
196. Mongolia FAQ: Mongolia - Land, People, Language and symbolism....... http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~corff/mfaq-3.html#ss3.4 | |
197. Mongolia To United Nations Permanent Mission of mongolia to United Nations, with information on doing business with mongolia and on its political and constitutional structure. http://www.un.int/mongolia/ | |
198. Mongolia Fact Files And Related Information mongolia fact files and related information. http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~corff/im/Landeskunde/overview.Landeskunde.html | |
199. ACI Viaggiare Sicuri Scheda geografica, avvertenze per la sicurezza e la salute dei viaggiatori, informazioni su formalit consolari, valuta e viabilit , link utili. http://www.viaggiaresicuri.mae.aci.it/aciWeb/it/asia/mongolia/generali.scheda | |
200. Mongolia Muestra de una colecci³n hechas por el fot³grafo Isidoro Gallo en un viaje al paÂs. http://www.boulevardwebservices.com/isidoro/mongolia |
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