142. Monaco Overzicht van feitelijke informatie en verwijzingen naar bronnen. http://www.geolinks.nl/monaco2.htm |
Geolinks Naar de Wereld Naar boven Monaco 1.Algemeen 1.1. Info uit Nederl. 1.2. Info uit Buitenl. 1.3. Info uit land ... 5. Media Update: juli 2005 Monaco Amsterdam - Monaco in vogelvlucht km. 1. Algemeen 1.1. Informatie uit Nederlandstalige bronnen Minbuza over Monaco Ons Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (Minbuza)houdt nauwlettend bij wat er in Monaco gebeurt. Op hun webpagina vind je dan ook een landenoverzicht met inleidende gegevens, feitelijke en cijfermatige gegevens, een beschrijvende kenschets en Nederlandse betrekkingen/beleid ten aanzien van Monaco. Bron: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Den Haag (Nederland) Een reis naar Monaco Als je een (virtuele) reis naar Monaco wilt maken, kun je op deze pagina allerlei informatie over dit land vinden. Veel achtergrondinformatie, de bezienswaardigheden, praktische reisinformatie over Monaco en een feitentabel. Bron: Elmar reizen, Maarssen (Nederland) Van alles over Monaco Uitvoerige beschrijving van de geografie, het klimaat, de planten- en dierenwereld, de geschiedenis, de bevolking, de taal, de godsdienst, de samenleving, de economie, het tourisme en een aantal links. Om kort te gaan, voor iedereen is er op deze site wel wat interessants te vinden. Bron: http://www.landenweb.com (Nederland) | |
145. Global Geografia - Europa, Monaco Scheda con informazioni generali. http://www.globalgeografia.com/europa/monaco.htm |
» SPONSOR EUROPA STATI E DIPENDENZE » MONACO Principato di Monaco Principauté de Monaco Superficie: 1,95 Km² Abitanti: Densità : 16.410 ab/Km² Forma di governo: Monarchia costituzionale Capitale: Monaco (1000 ab.) Altre città : Montecarlo 15.500 ab., La Condamine 12.200 ab. Gruppi etnici: Francesi 40%, Monegaschi 19%, Italiani 17%, altri 24% Paesi confinanti: Francia a NORD, OVEST ed EST Monti principali: Mont Agel 140 m Fiumi principali: Laghi principali: Isole principali: Clima: Mediterraneo Lingua: Francese (ufficiale), Monegasco, Italiano Religione: Cattolica 81%, altro 19% Moneta: Euro Lo Sapevate Che? E' lo Stato del mondo che possiede la più alta densità di popolazione. Nella classifica degli Stati più piccoli, si trova invece al secondo posto. Fino al 7 giugno del 1929 era il Paese più piccolo: quel giorno iniziò ufficialmente la sua vita lo Stato della Città del Vaticano. Assieme al Liechtenstein e ad Andorra, è uno dei tre Principati rimasti in tutto il mondo. Ma mentre il Liechtenstein e Monaco hanno come sovrani effettivamente dei principi regnanti (Hans Adam e Ranieri, rispettivamente), che esercitano nella capitale del loro Stato le funzioni sovrane (Ranieri con molti poteri effettivi), Andorra ha due co-principi che lo sono soltanto formalmente. Essi sono il presidente della Repubblica francese e il vescovo spagnolo di Urgell. (V.L.C.) Ranieri III ed il Principato di Monaco (Geografia ed Attualità , 06/04/2005) | |
149. Michaeltop's Travel Tips & Picture Gallery, France Italy Spain Turkey Travel tips and photographs of France, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, monaco, Spain, Netherlands, Paris, Monte Carlo, Nice, Cannes, Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, Athens, Istanbul, Kusadasi, Mykonos, Santorini, Barcelona. http://michaeltop.tripod.com |
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Paris, Nice, Cannes ITALY Venice, Florence, Rome, Milan SPAIN Barcelona, Sitges, Ibiza TURKEY Istanbul, Kusadasi Here's a good site for seniors! Updated Currency Converter (to reflect the Euro - January 1, 2002 O.K. class, are we ready for our Arithmetic lesson today? Ah!! Stop with the whining and the boo's and bah's!!! Well, it's only Arithmetic in a "sort of" way;....... and it's all about MONEY......so maybe we can make it FUN, FUN, FUN!!! This very month, 12 (twelve) member nations have adopted, and will now begin to use only the "Euro" for cash transactions and sales. (Non cash transactions, like what goes on from bank to bank will have their deadline to convert, extended a little longer). You've got to understand the magnitude and scope of this undertaking for Europe and the rest of the world. This is some serious stuff folks! | |
154. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Principality And Diocese Of Monaco Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopediaand more. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10447a.htm |
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... M > Principality and Diocese of Monaco A B C D ... CICDC - Home of the Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan Principality and Diocese of Monaco Middle Ages the neighbouring lords often contended with each other for the possession of this important port, which later was occupied by the Saracens ; it was taken from them in the tenth century by Count Grimaldi, in whose family the principality remains to this day. Formerly, it comprised Mentone and Roquebrune. The Grimaldis often had to defend themselves against Spanish or Genoese fleets; the most famous blockade of the town was that of 1506, which failed. In 1619 Prince Honoratus II, with the assistance of the French, drove the Spaniards from Monaco, and since that time the principality has been under the protection of France. During the Revolution , Monaco was annexed to France, but the principality was re-established in 1814. A revolution broke out in 1848 against the misgovernment of Prince Honoratus V, who lost Mentone and Roquebrune, these cities declaring themselves free republics, and (1860) voting for their annexation to France. Monaco belonged to the Diocese of Nice, but, in 1868, it became an abbey | |
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