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121. Moldova Photo Gallery This site contains artwork of V.Corcimari one of the leading press photographers of moldova. http://www.photo.md/ | |
122. Moldova - Film Studio The company produces Feature films, Documentary films, Advertising films, Animated cartoon films. http://www.moldovafilm.net.md/ | |
123. OMS | República De Moldova EstadÂsticas sobre la salud en el paÂs. Indicadores b¡sicos, leyes, recursos, emergencias e incidencias de enfermedades. http://www.who.int/country/mda/es | |
124. Moldova Invest Agenzia italiana di consulenza aziendale operante in moldova. http://www.moldovainvest.com/ |
125. AccuWeather.com - Moldova 5day weather forecasts, maps, radar and satellite images for towns and cities around moldova. http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/intlocal_index?reg=EU;EUROPE&cntry=EU;LD |
126. Uefa.com News, fixtures, results, and standings for European competitions and league clubs. http://www.uefa.com/FootballCentral/Directory/Country=MOL/Association=57160/inde | |
127. National Bank Of Moldova Summary of the workings of the domestic debt market. http://www.bnm.org/english/index_en.html | |
128. Moldova Internet Resources à Âtiri politice, sociale, economice, investigaà £ii à Âi interviuri. http://news.ournet.md/ | |
129. Institutul De Matematica Si Informatica Al Academiei De Stiinte Din Moldova Informaà £ii oficiale, structura institutului, investigÃÂri à Âtiinà £ifice, publicaà £ii, colaboratorii à Âi noutÃÂà £i. http://www.math.md/imi-site/ | |
130. Sãnãtatea Publicã în Republica Moldova | MedNet Informaà £ii statistice a unor indicatorii de sÃÂnÃÂtate din republicÃÂ. Informaà £iile sunt prezentate sub formàgraficÃÂ, tabelaràsau ca hartÃÂ. http://www.stats.mednet.md/ | |
131. Antenne De Moldova Actualit©s, nouvelles et liens par le Centre d'acc¨ss  l'information de Chisinau de l'agence universitaire de la Francophonie moldave. http://www.md.auf-francophonie.org/ | |
132. Stichting Holland Moldova Hollandmoldova houd zich bezig met het initi«ren en co¶rdineren van projecten, het verzorgen van hulptransporten,het financieel ondersteunen van projecten of personen, het bevorderen van productie en handel, etc. http://www.holland-moldova.nl | |
133. Welcome A nongovernmental, nonpolitical and nonprofit organization. It work to protect the environment. The main goal is to establish the natural balance between humans and Nature. http://www.chbemm.ngo.md/eng/index.htm | |
134. Moldova Se adreseazàrom¢nilor de pretutindeni. http://www.moldova.net/ | |
135. Bine Ati Venit In Moldova! Obiective turistice à Âi harta Modovei. Tururi recomandate à Âi ruta vinului. Istorie, tradià £ii, bucÃÂtÃÂrie à Âi bÃÂuturi. Sosire ®n moldova, agenà £iile turistice à Âi posibilitÃÂà £i de cazare. http://www.turism.md/ | |
136. Ambasada S.U.A. Chisinau, Moldova: Noutati Situatà®n Republica moldova, ambasada a promovat relaà £iile bilaterale dintre cele douÃ à £ÃÂri ®n diverse domenii, politice, economice, sociale à Âi à Âtiinà £ifice. http://www.usembassy.md/ro-home.htm | |
137. :: FDFEE Moldova :: Prezentarea, organizarea à Âi activitÃÂà £ile filialei. http://www.electrica.ro/content.asp?id=59 |
138. JCC Of Kishinev And Moldova Provides Educational, Humanitarian and Social Services to the Jewish community of moldova. http://www.chabad.md |
139. Centrul De Resurse Curriculare Moldova Organizaà £ie neguvernamentalÃÂ, nonprofit ce are ca scop susà £inerea procesului de reformare, implementare à Âi dezvoltare a curriculei disciplinelor umaniste ®n ®nvÃÂà £ÃÂm¢ntul superior din Republica moldova. http://crc.moldova.md | |
140. Institute Of Mathematics And Computer Science Research topics, publications, news, links. http://www.math.md/imi-site/index_en | |
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