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61. Florist New Haven Connecticut, Connecticut Agric., coop. ext. Serv. S544.3.N3C66 ISSN 08951985 Reno, Nev. The College.Fact sheet - cooperative extension service, University of Maryland Fact sheet http://creekin.net/k19675-n210-florist-new-haven-connecticut-connecticut.html | |
62. LVD State Contact List cooperative extension service PO Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel (501) 6712100 Southern Univ. coop. ext. Program PO Box 10010 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
63. New Literature For New Crops Small Farm Center, Univ. California, coop. ext., Davis. SB306.U6K651989 cooperative State Research service. Special Projects and Program Systems. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1996/v3-151.html | |
64. Missouri State University Libraries 1995. Purdue Univ. coop. ext. Sev., HO45. (in .pdf format) Vineyard Mechanizationfor Juice and Wine Production for missouri and Mid-America, http://library.smsu.edu/paulevans/Vit/vit4.shtml | |
65. Seed Lot Sampling Sponsored by the extension Services of Iowa, Minnesota, missouri. coop. ext.Serv., Auburn UniversityÂfrom which some of this discussion was derived. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/smgrains/ncr403w.htm | |
66. My Master Gardener Page Los Angeles Master Gardeners , Univ. of Calif. coop. ext. Florida Countycooperative extension service Master Gardener Coordinators http://www.hal-pc.org/~trobb/mastgar.html | |
67. Food Safety In Connecticut-Fact Sheets South Dakota State University Cooperative ext. service,www.abs.sdstate.edu/FLCS/foodsafety/foodsafe.htm University of MissouriOutreach and ext. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/foodsafety/expert/hotlinkstab.html | |
68. Yankee Magazine - Gardening Reference Room: Cooperative Extension Services Knowledge and KnowHow cooperative extension Services. Alabama www.aces.edu.Alaska www.uaf.edu/coop-ext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.yankeemagazine.com/garden/knowledge/cooperativeextension.php | |
69. ETCS - Extension Technology & Computer Services Extension Technology and Computer Services. University of missouriColumbiaExtension Technology and Computer ServicesÂETCS http://etcs.ext.missouri.edu/ | |
70. The Old Farmer's Almanac - Cooperative Extension Services cooperative extension Services. Contact your local state cooperative extension Web www.uaf.edu/coopext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.almanac.com/garden/resource/coopext.php | |
71. Priester Conference 2000 - Participants Sarah L. Anderson University of Arkansas coop ext Services PO Box 391 Fax720913-5289 Email jfrobose@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Barbara Garland http://www.nnh.org/newpriester/participants00.htm | |
72. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
73. Sources Extension Resource Materials Cooperative extension service Auburn University Duncan Hall http//www.ext.vt.edu/resources/ Bulletin Office Cooperative extension service http://web1.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
74. Parental Stress Center University of Alaska Cooperative Extension service is an outreach ParentLink isbased at the University of missouri and is administered through http://pscfamily.net/resources/national_resources.php | |
75. Rural Missouri â The Wrath Of Ivan The storm, described by the National Weather service as Âextremely dangerous missouri coop crews first helped restore power for co-ops in Mississippi http://www.ruralmissouri.org/04NovHurricane.html | |
76. Tourism: Impact Of Visitor Expenditures On Local Revenues Estimate the percentage of goods and services sold locally that are produced Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work acts of May 8 and June http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/WREP-145.html | |
77. Tourism: Estimating Community Visitor Days Assessing support services to meet estimated visitation level Issued infurtherance of Cooperative Extension work acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/WREP-146.html | |
78. Branson Missouri Vacation Lodging, Hotels, Shows, Chamber Of Commerce Official Branson missouri Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce has free family vacation For more information contact Deidre McCormick at 417334-4084, ext. http://www.explorebranson.com/sitelink/index.cfm?contentID=88 |
79. Missouri Credit Union Association: Products & Services missouri Credit Union Association is the trade association for credit unions in **NOTE MCUA email service is available only to employees and board http://www.mcua.org/credit_unions/members/opt_in.shtml | |
80. GBS Books - Gardner's Book Service missouri. YES. Cooperative School Districts of St. Louis, MO. 1460 Craig Road Northeast Wyoming Board of Cooperative Educational Services http://www.gbsbooks.com/aepamembers.aspx | |
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