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         Mississippi Geography:     more books (100)
  1. The Mississippi Valley: Its Physical Geography by John Wells Foster, 2007-06-01
  2. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley by John Dawson Gilmary Shea, 2001-04-06
  3. The Mississippi River (Rookie Read-About Geography) by Allan Fowler, 2000-03
  4. This Delta, This Land: An Environmental History Of The Yazoo-Mississippi Floodplain by Mikko Saikku, 2005-02-21
  5. Our state, a geographical reader of Mississippi by Willa Bolton, 1925
  6. Geography Through Maps - the Mississippi-Ohio Confluence Area by David E.; Harper, Robert A. Christensen, 1967
  7. Traveling Riverside Blues: landscapes of Robert Johnson in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta.(Biography): An article from: Focus on Geography by Robert N. Brown, 2006-12-22
  8. Where is River City, USA? Measuring community attachment to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.: An article from: Journal of Cultural Geography by Glenn Rice, Michael A. Urban, 2006-09-22
  9. Mississippi (Hello USA) by Anna Ready, 1993-07
  10. A lecture on the peculiarities of the physical geography of the Mississippi River and its delta, by Edward Fontaine, 1874
  11. The physical geography of the Mississippi River: A problem in river hydrography by Jacques W Redway, 1890
  12. Geography of Mississippi, by John Rundle, 1920
  13. A historical/cultural geography of the socioeconomic development of Mississippi by Jesse O McKee, 1977
  14. Mississippi "jography": "geography fun!" by Carole Marsh, 1998

21. SouthBear's Virtual Tour Of Mississippi: Mississippi Geography
Mississippi is divided into four geographic regions. These four regions arefurther divided into several subregions that are defined by culture that has
The Geography of Mississippi
Click the map above to see a more detailed map. This window will remain open. You may wish to use the larger map while reading the geographic descriptions below. When you are finished with the large map, simply close the map window. You should be returned to this window.
The Regions of Mississippi
Mississippi is divided into four geographic regions. These four regions are further divided into several sub-regions that are defined by culture that has been directly influenced by the geology of the land. The four main regions and their sub-regions are:
  • The Gulf Coast
  • The Coastal Terrace
  • The Barrier Islands
  • The Southern Wooded Prairies
  • The Pine Belt
  • The Central Prairie
  • The Delta
  • The Mississippi-Yazoo River Basin
  • The Loess Bluffs
  • The Northern Highlands
  • The Red Clay Hills
  • The Flatwoods
  • The Pontotoc Ridge
  • The Black Prairie
  • The Northeastern Hills
These four regions each have their own history and pattern of settlement. Because of this, they each have their own cultural identities; some say they even have their own linguistic dialect. Even religious affiliation is different among these regions. And yet, the people of these regions fiercely identify as Mississippians.
The Gulf Coast
The Coastal Terrace
The Barrier Islands
The Barrier Islands lie some 10 to 20 miles offshore. These islands consist of sand dunes that barely break the waves of the sea. They are generally only a half mile to a mile wide and several miles long. Marshy lagoons support diverse and delicate wildlife in the interior of these islands. The islands serve an important geological function. They protect the mainland from the ravages of sea weather, sparing the mainland the brunt of the frequent hurricanes that make landfall here. On the inland side of one of these islands – Ship Island – the LeMoyne brothers set anchor and rowed ashore to found the first settlement of the Lousiana colony. The islands are generally uninhabitated except for tourists, sun-worshippers, and sportsmen who arrive by boat for daylong excursions.

22. Mississippi Geology | Mississippi Rivers | Map Of Mississippi
State of mississippi geography. Area of Mississippi 46907 sq. miles. MississippiPopulation 2881281. Highest Point in Mississippi Woodall Mtn. at 806 feet Geology Dictionary Geologist Jobs Geology News ... Satellite Images
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Mississippi Geology - Map of Mississippi
Mississippi Rivers - Mississippi Earthquake Map - Mississippi Minerals
Mississippi Satellite Map with state boundaries shown. Prepared with data from NASA's Landsat GeoCover 2000 dataset and the U.S. Census Bureau. For a more detailed view see our Map of Mississippi Satellite Image Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology researches, archives and publishes information related to the geology, mineral resources and geologic hazards of Mississippi. Mississippi River Levels USGS has a clickable map of Mississippi rivers and streams that gives you access to real-time river levels throughout Mississippi. River stage, river discharge and other information can all be accessed online. Mississippi Earthquakes The National Earthquake Information Center maintains an Mississippi earthquake map and an archive of Mississippi earthquake information.

23. Workshop5 Before
She is a member of the mississippi geography Alliance, the Mississippi Associationof Educators, and the Mississippi Social Studies Council and a teacher

Site Map Objectives and Structure Workshop Summaries Using the Videos and Website About the Contributors About Getting Course Credit Introduction Latin America ...
Local Impact
Before You Watch Before viewing the video programs for Workshop 4: Latin America, please read the National Geography Standards featured in this workshop. You may read the standards here on the Web, in your print guide, or in Geography for Life . We encourage you to read Geography for Life in its entirety as you move through the workshops. It contains further background on the National Standards, numerous examples and rich illustrations aiding interpretation, valuable tools for strengthening and developing lessons, and additional insight on geography's significance to our daily lives. The National Geography Standards highlighted in this workshop include Standards 4, 7, 9, and 15. As you read the standards, be thinking about how they might apply in lessons you have taught.

24. Teaching Geography - About The Contributors
She is a member of the mississippi geography Alliance, the Mississippi Associationof Educators, the Mississippi Social Studies Council, and a teacher

Registration Broadcast Schedule Support Materials ... Workshop Summaries Using the Videos and Website About the Contributors About Getting Course Credit Introduction Latin America ...
Local Impact
About the Contributors Teaching Geography Commentators and Content Advisors James B. Binko - Program Host, Pedagogical Content Advisor
Dr. James Binko is professor emeritus of education at Towson University and a consultant in teacher training for the Geography Education Program. He is the author of Teaching Geography: A Model for Action and co-author of Inductive Reasoning in the Secondary School , as well as author of numerous monographs. He has been involved in curriculum development programs for the National Geographic Society, helping to create the national network of geography Alliances, as well as planning and conducting staff development and in-service components of summer geography institutes. He is a member of the National Council for Geography Education, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the American Educational Research Association. Gil Latz - Regional Geography Commentator, Regional Geography Content Advisor

25. Ms State Geosciences - Taylor E. Mack
Dr. Mack is also the Executive Director of the Mississippi Geographic Alliance,and has an interest Board Member, mississippi geography Education Fund
TAYLOR E. MACK Assistant Professor of Geography
Office: Hilbun Hall Room 212
Phone: (662) 325-2905
Fax: (662) 325-9423
Dr. Mack specializes in the historical and cultural geography of coastal areas of Central America, specifically the Caribbean coast of Honduras. His interests are in hinterland change, development of coastal communities, changing cultural and economic patterns, environmental change, and the world economy. Dr. Mack is also the Executive Director of the Mississippi Geographic Alliance, and has an interest in geographic education.
Education Ph.D. (Geography), Louisiana State University, 1997
MA (Geography), University of Kansas, 1992
BA (Geography), University of Kansas, 1989 Experience Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, 1999-present
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, 1998-1999

26. Mississippi Geography
Geography Home Browse by State Browse by Feature Definitions Top 10 Google,Web mississippi geography. Airport
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27. Mississippi Social Studies
mississippi geography Low fertile delta between the Yazoo and MississippiRivers. Loess (buff to yellowish brown loamy deposits left by the wind) bluffs
Mississippi People History Social Studies Home Alabama Social Studies Alaska Social Studies Arizona Social Studies ... Wyoming Social Studies For information about Ancient Mississippi , go to American Archaeology , state by state. Special Pages - Mississippi History Mississippi Capital City Mississippi Lesson Plans Mississippi Tourism Please Note: If you sometimes get an error message when clicking on a large text link, don't give up. Try the URL link instead. There are times when the large text link doesn't "take" for some reason, thus the built-in redundancy. Thank you. Introduction to Mississippi - The United States of America " W hen Mississippi was a one-crop state before the arrival of the boll weevil in 1907, plantations thrived, and cotton was king in the fertile soil of the Yazoo-Mississippi delta. Today, though Mississippi ranks among the leading producers, cotton competes with other crops, like soybeans, and manufacturing has replaced agriculture as the economic leader. Mississippi is the nation's largest producer of upholstered furniture." Plus a lot more. - illustrated - From -

28. Ms Politics - Mississippi Government Census Agencies & Political Info
mississippi geography Census. Land Area, 46907. Persons Per Sq Mile, 60.6.Fips Code, 28. City, MS listing. State, MS. What politics do you want to change
  • Blog All Bloggers Conservative Liberal ... Blog
    An ONLINE COURSE for those who are serious about learning the art of Grant Writing from highly qualified instructors that have over a decade of experience
      nothing More People Just because I don't like God doesn't mean I don't love my Country old girlfriend ... MS Mississippi Population Census Population 2003 Perc 2000 2003 Population 2000 Perc 90 2000 Persons Under 5 Persons Under 18 Persons Older 65 Female Persons White Persons African American American Indian Asians Other Race Two Or More Races White Person Non Latino Hispanic Or Latino Origins Living In Same House Foreing Born Persons Other Language Spoken Highschool Graduates Bachelors Degree Person With Disablity Travel Time To Work Housing Units Homeownership Rate Multi Unit Houses Meidan House Value Households Person Per Household Median Household Income Per Capita Income Poverty Level Mississippi Business Census Private Buisnesses Private Buisness Employees Private Percent Change Nonemployer Establishments Manafactuar Shipments Retail Sales Retail Sales Per Capita Minority Owned Firms Women Owned Firms Building Permits Federal Grants Mississippi Geography Census Land Area Persons Per Sq Mile Fips Code City MS listing State MS What politics do you want to change in your area? (Post A Comment)

29. Washington County Ms Politics - Mississippi Government Census Agencies & Politic
Washington County mississippi geography Census. Land Area, 724. Persons Per Sq Mile,87. Metropolitan Areas, None. Fips Code, 151. County, Washington
  • Blog All Bloggers Conservative Liberal ... Blog
    An ONLINE COURSE for those who are serious about learning the art of Grant Writing from highly qualified instructors that have over a decade of experience
      nothing More People Just because I don't like God doesn't mean I don't love my Country old girlfriend ...
      Washington County Mississippi Population Census Population 2003 Perc 2000 2003 Population 2000 Perc 90 2000 Persons Under 5 Persons Under 18 Persons Older 65 Female Persons White Persons African American American Indian Asians Other Race Two Or More Races White Person Non Latino Hispanic Or Latino Origins Living In Same House Foreing Born Persons Other Language Spoken Highschool Graduates Bachelors Degree Person With Disablity Travel Time To Work Housing Units Homeownership Rate Multi Unit Houses Meidan House Value Households Person Per Household Median Household Income Per Capita Income Poverty Level Washington County Mississippi Business Census Private Buisnesses Private Buisness Employees Private Percent Change Nonemployer Establishments Manafactuar Shipments Retail Sales Retail Sales Per Capita Minority Owned Firms Women Owned Firms Building Permits Federal Grants Washington County Mississippi Geography Census Land Area Persons Per Sq Mile Metropolitan Areas None Fips Code County Washington State MS What politics do you want to change in your area? (Post A Comment)

30. Museum Education Trunk Programs
Memories of Mississippi; Mississippi Folk Art; Mississipppi Plants and Animals Mississippi Writers; Mississippi River; mississippi geography
The University of Mississippi Museums traveling trunk program M USEUM E DUCATION Chandra Williams, Museum Educator 915-7205
  • African American Ancient Greece and Rome Animal Adaptation Asia Caribbean Folk Art Civil War Colonial America Dinosaurs Girl Scouts Human Anatomy Art History I (Pre-history-Medieval) Art History II (Renaissance-Realism) Art History III (Impressionism-Contemporary) African Masks Insects Kites Presidents 19th Century Life
  • Trunks for Pre-Kindergarten level:
  • Art Cooking Dramatic Play Manipulatives
      Memories of Mississippi Mississippi Folk Art Mississipppi Plants and Animals Mississippi Soils Mississippi Writers Mississippi River Mississippi Geography Native American Rocks Remote Sensing Shells Space Science World Cultures World War II
  • 31. Participants
    I am also the director for our mississippi geography Alliance. As the directorfor the Mississippi Geographic Alliance, I will return home with
    Meet the Participants Michelle Antunes Donna Cole John Daly Tabby Dionne ... Neuci Espeleta Michelle Antunes
    I teach 7th grade Social Studies and Language Arts for ESL/Bilingual students at Fuller Middle School in Framingham, MA. My Master's degree is in Intercultural Relations. My hobby is cooking and I lovel travelling, especially to foreign countries!
    Looking forward to: Everything except for the small plane rides! I am very excited to see capybaras and all of the other animals so up close! I am truly happy to be able to see what the scientists do first hand, and to be able to contribute to their research. I also cannot wait to bring this back to my students and my friends and family.
    Donna Cole I teach 7/8 Science at Edison School in the Burlington-Edison School District. I have a Masters in Science Ed./Natural Science. My hobby is science, but also camping and geocaching with my family. I was a zookeeper at Point Defiance for a short period of time.
    Looking forward to: The entire experience, a whole new continent and hemisphere, working along scientists, horseback riding, and I really hope I get the opportunity to see the constellation Southern Cross.

    32. Geography And Geology Of The Mississippi River
    mississippi geography Geology The Mississippi drains 1245000 square miles (41%of America). Geographically it is the forth longest river in the world
    Click on the map to go to a specific region. Andrew Birrell and Ray Sterner. Click on Mr. Birrell's name just above and you can view other wonderful maps. by Isaac Angert
    The Mississippi drains 1,245,000 square miles (41% of America). Geographically it is the forth longest river in the world after Africa's Nile, the Amazon of South America, and the Congo in central Africa. Its watershed ranks third among the world's rivers; after that of the Amazon and the Congo. Its discharge into the gulf is again third after the same two rivers, with a volume of 651,000 cubic feet per second at its mouth. Flowing through The Great Plains the Mississippi changes little in elevation, only 1475 ft. from its headwaters in a small Minnesota lake called Itasca. It meanders through pine forests and marsh in northern Minnesota forming the shape of a question mark. The river spills over St. Anthony falls and heads south to flow between towering bluffs in Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. When it drops into Missouri it is met by the Illinois, the Ohio and the Missouri rivers. The Missouri doubles the Mississippi and the Ohio doubles it again. With its flow quadrupled the Mighty Mississippi moves out into the delta. Here the Mississippi finally has the room to meander through cotton fields. There are no hills on the delta until the river changes course and runs up against the bluffs at Vicksburg. At the town of St.Francisville it leaves the bluffs again, this time for good, as it goes off through swamps and bayous to unload its silt at the end.

    33. See America's Byways - Great River Road
    The visitors center includes displays about Upper mississippi geography, ecologyand the lockand-dam system. It is also a designated Great River Road
    Location: Follows the Mississippi River beginning in Louisiana and running through Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
    Length: 2069 miles (3332 km)
    Time To Allow: 10 days
    Description/Highlights/Points of Interest
    Experiencing the mighty Mississippi River for the first time is a memory few will forget. Looking out over the river, it is impossible to comprehend the complex layers of history acted out along its banks. From the Dakota, Chippewa and the Hopewell Indians and early French voyagers to the African- Americans seeking freedom on the Underground Railroad, this corridor has played a major role. Through its charming river towns and metropolitan cities, historic sites and cultural artifacts, the Great River Road links resources, people and history.
    Suggested Itinerary
    John Deere Commons , visitors can catch historic trolleys to other Deere sites, tour the John Deere Pavilion with interactive displays of historic and modern farm equipment and visit the John Deere Store. The Deere Administrative Center, Deere corporate headquarters, lies on the outskirts of Moline. This building, designed by Eero Saarinen, and grounds are widely regarded as master works of architecture and landscape architecture. The Deere-Wiman House and Butterworth Center are mansions built in the late 1800s by Charles Deere. Guided tours of the homes and gardens are available.

    34. Intro!
    A student organization operated by the Bangladeshi student body, to create awareness and appreciation of Bangladesh, her people, culture, geography, and history.

    35. Free Blank Outline Map Of Mississippi
    A free blank outline map of the state of mississippi to print out for educational,school, or classroom use. Subscribe to the geography Newsletter
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    36. Mississippi River - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    geography. The source of the mississippi River on the edge of Lake Itasca Enlarge. The source of the mississippi River on the edge of Lake Itasca
    Mississippi River
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Mississippi Length km Elevation of the source m Average discharge Saint Louis m³ s ... s Area watershed km² Origin Lake Itasca Mouth Gulf of Mexico Basin countries United States

    This page is about the river in the United States; there is also a Canadian Mississippi River (Ontario)
    The Mississippi River , derived from the Algonquin missi sipi meaning 'great river' literally 'Father of waters', is the second-longest river in the United States ; the longest is the Missouri River , which flows into the Mississippi. Taken together, they form the largest river system in North America . If measured from the head of the Missouri, the length of the Missouri/Mississippi combination is approximately 3,895 miles (6,270 km) long.

    37. - Mississippi Web Directory
    Geographic Center, The geographic center of mississippi is located in LeakeCounty, 9 miles WNW of Carthage. Longitude 89° 43.0 W Latitude 32° 48.9 N
    Mississippi United States Business Directory for Mississippi State. Popular Cities of Mississippi
    Gulfport Hattiesburg Jackson ... Mississippi Mississippi Geography
    Longitude / Latitude Longitude: 88? 7' W to 91? 41' W
    Latitude: 30? 13' N to 35? N Length x Width Mississippi is 340 miles long and 170 miles wide. Geographic Center The geographic center of Mississippi is located in Leake County, 9 miles WNW of Carthage.
    Borders Mississippi is bordered by Tennessee on the north and the Gulf of Mexico on the south. On the east, Mississippi borders Alabama and on the west, Mississippi borders Arkansas and Louisiana. Total Area Mississippi covers 48, 434 square miles, making it the 32nd largest of the 50 states. Land Area 46,914 square miles of Mississippi are land areas. Water Area 1,520 square miles of Mississippi are covered by water. Highest Point The highest point in Mississippi is Woodall Mountain. Hardly a mountain, Woodall Mountain is only 806 feet above sea level. Lowest Point The lowest point in Mississippi is along the shore at the Gulf of Mexico; sea level.

    38. USGS Biology Programs
    geography, Geologic History, and Human Development. Headwaters The MississippiRiver valley expands to a width of about 80 kilometers where it meets the t/SNT/noframe/ms137.htm
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    39. Mississippi, State, United States: Geography
    geography. mississippi s generally hilly landscape reaches its highest point (806ft/246 m) in the northeastern corner of the state along the Tennessee
    • Home U.S. People Word Wise ... Homework Center Fact Monster Favorites Reference Desk Sponsored Links TripAdvisor Encyclopedia Mississippi, state, United States
      Mississippi's generally hilly landscape reaches its highest point (806 ft/246 m) in the northeastern corner of the state along the Tennessee River. The most distinctive region in the state's varied topography is the Mississippi Delta, a flat alluvial plain between the Mississippi and the Yazoo rivers in the western part of the state. A wide belt of longleaf yellow pine (the piney woods) covers most of southern Mississippi to within a few miles of the coastal-plain grasslands. Important there are lumbering and allied industries. Most of the state's rivers belong to either the Mississippi or the Alabama river systems, with the Pontoctoc Ridge the divide. The climate of Mississippi is subtropical in the southern part of the state and temperate in the northern part; the average annual rainfall is more than 50 in. (127 cm). The state, in the path of waterfowl migration routes down the Mississippi valley and home to many species of birds, is noted for its duck and quail hunting. Along the Gulf Coast, a favorite fishing area, are several resort cities and part of Gulf Islands National Seashore. Historical sites in Mississippi include Old Spanish Fort, the oldest house on the Mississippi River, near Pascagoula, as well as Vicksburg National Military Park, Brices Cross Roads National Battlefield Site, and Tupelo National Battlefield (see

    40. U.S. Geography: The South - Geography Lesson Plan (grades 3-5) - DiscoverySchool
    Begin the lesson by reviewing the US geography The South video. ContextThe mississippi River s tributaries are important for transporting food,
    postionList = "compscreen,hedthick,admedia,tower,nuiad,interstitial"; OAS_RICH("interstitial"); OAS_RICH("admedia");
    Grades K-5
    Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12
    ... Health History
    Ancient History
    U.S. History World History Life Science Animals Ecology Human Body The Microscopic World ... Weather
    Grade level: 3-5 Subject: Geography Duration: Two to three class periods
    Materials Procedures Evaluation ... DVD
    Use our free online Teaching Tools to create custom worksheets, puzzles and quizzes on this topic! Objectives
    Students will
    • learn about the South and its many geographic features;
    • find and use media sources to research information on a specific physical feature of the South; and
    • present information about the South's physical feature in a well-organized and well-researched oral report.
    • Paper, pencils, and colored markers or crayons
    • Posterboard
    • Encyclopedias, atlases, and other library resources
    • Computer with Internet access (optional)
    • U.S. Geography: The South video and VCR
  • Begin the lesson by reviewing the U.S. Geography: The South
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