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61. Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge - Recreation And Education School groups interested in conducting environmental education on the refuge Each division has its own specific regulations, and some seasons are closed http://www.fws.gov/refuges/profiles/recEdMore.cfm?ID=33660 |
62. Hunting And Fishing Licenses Online Includes information on seasons, regulations, licenses, hunter education Hunting in mississippi Information about seasons, habitats and game species http://huntingsociety.org/HuntFishLic.html | |
63. Continuing Education Rules and regulations Continuing education Filing a Complaint Continuing education Sponsored by the mississippi Psychological Association (MPA) http://www.psychologyboard.state.ms.us/msbp/msbp.nsf/webpages/7?OpenDocument |
64. HB1366 (As Sent To Governor) - 2004 Regular Session mississippi LEGISLATURE. 2004 Regular Session. To education; Appropriations The State Board of education may promulgate regulations that are necessary http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2004/html/HB/1300-1399/HB1366SG.htm | |
65. NCSL: StateVote 2003 Repeal of Ergonomics regulations In Washington, voters approved a Two states, Maine and mississippi, had educationrelated measures on the ballot. http://www.ncsl.org/programs/legman/elect/statevote2003.htm | |
66. The Mississippi Library Commission - State Government Publications Hospice regulations. mississippi. Health Facilities Licensure and Certification. mississippi s education of the visually and hearing impaired a http://www.mlc.lib.ms.us/reference/state-docs/indexes/2001/3q2001title.htm |
67. Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries And Parks - Careers All are dedicated to, or support, the conservation of mississippiÂs natural resources and These jobs require varied levels of education and experience. http://www.mdwfp.com/Level2/Administration/careers.asp | |
68. About Powerboating - Boating Education By U.S. State The official site for boating education and regulations in the state of Alabama. Includes information for personal watercraft operators. http://powerboat.about.com/od/boat_ed_usstates/ | |
69. TeachersFirst - E-READY Special Education: Gifted Resources Source ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted education Reston VA. Be informed about local and state rules, regulations, and laws, http://www.teachersfirst.com/sped/gt/415590-gt-legal.html | |
70. Know Your Legal Rights In Gifted Education Parents, educators, and other concerned adults involved with gifted children should know Be informed about local and state rules, regulations, and laws, http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content4/legal.rights.gifted.ed.html | |
71. Mississippi State Board Of Public Accountancy - About The board shall adopt rules and regulations governing times and places for meetings, RULES AND regulations mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy http://www.msbpa.state.ms.us/rules.html | |
72. Know Your Legal Rights In Gifted Education ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted education Be informed about local and state rules, regulations, and laws, and do not depend on hearsay. http://ericec.org/digests/e541.html | |
74. Continuing Education @ Mississippi State University Continuing education Safety Environmental Training WeÂll not only help you understand the regulation but weÂll provide you with a comprehensive http://www.ce.msstate.edu/envr/safety.html | |
75. Continuing Education @ Mississippi State University The Division of Academic Outreach Continuing education is an academic/service arm of mississippi State University and extends educational opportunities, http://www.ce.msstate.edu/envr/asbestos.html | |
76. Education Law - MegaLaw.com education law cases, codes, regulations, and web links and resources, at MegaLaw.com. Office of Special education Programs Features news, regulations, http://www.megalaw.com/top/education.php | |
77. Youth Hunter Education Challenge Hunter education Challenge 2005 Official Rules and regulations (MS Word) (SPECIAL NOTE This regulation is still under review and may be subject to http://www.nrahq.org/hunting/youthed.asp | |
78. Ford Foundation: Collaborations That Count - 015 Critics of corporal punishment  which is legal in mississippi  say young The other partners include Citizens for Quality education/Holmes County, http://www.fordfound.org/elibrary/documents/5018/015.cfm | |
79. Training Office - Mississippi Department Of Health Educational materials on Bioterrrorism preparedness were distributed to hospital IATA regulations require recurrent training every 24 months and DOT http://www.msdh.state.ms.us/msdhsite/_static/14,0,188,130.html | |
80. The Outlook: Mississippi And The Nation - Poole Speech - St. Louis Fed education. The difference of educational attainment in mississippi relative Low tax rates and the absence of excessive labor market regulation are only http://stlouisfed.org/news/speeches/2005/1_20_05.html | |
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