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         Mississippi Education Regulations:     more detail
  1. Leaders are those who will put it all on the line.(As I See It)(Education Reform Act in 1982)(Mississippi Association of Partners in Education)(William ... article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Joe D. Jones, 2007-04-02
  2. '120 hour' proposal could mean a faster degree, less expense.(Professionals: law & accounting): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Julie Whitehead, 2004-06-14
  3. Mississippi Academy of Sciences constitution.: An article from: Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences
  4. Tulane on the Coast forges ahead with gaming courses: state universities' efforts mired in court.(Focus: casinos & gaming): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Becky Gillette, 2005-01-10
  5. Health underwriters provide education, consumer advocacy: association has 100 members in Mississippi.(Focus Insurance & Employee Benefits): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Lynn Lofton, 2005-11-21
  6. Reinvent retirement with employment on your terms. (Portfolio).(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Gary N. Garner, 2002-06-17
  7. Mississippi Protection and Advocacy System, Inc.(information on the Ticket to Work Incentives Act of 1999): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal
  8. Mississippi Protection and Advocacy System, Inc.(assists individuals with disabilities to obtain information and advice on vocational rehabilitation and ... article from: Mississippi Business Journal
  9. Rules and regulations for the certification of the instructional personnel (Mississippi school bulletin) by James T Coleman, 1952

21. The University Of Mississippi - Continuing Legal Education
STATE OF mississippi RULES AND regulations FOR MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL 3.10 No credit will be allowed for teaching a continuing legal education
(revised August 1, 1994)
Each attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Mississippi shall attend, or complete an approved substitute for attendance, a minimum of twelve (12) actual hours of approved Continuing Legal Education ("CLE") during each successive twelve (12) month period (the "CLE year") from and after August 1 of each year, of which one hour shall be in the area of legal ethics, professional responsibility or malpractice prevention (the "ethics hour").
The number of hours required means that the attorney must actually attend twelve (12) instruction hours of CLE per CLE year, with no credit given for introductory remarks, breaks, meal breaks, keynote or luncheon speakers or business meetings. CLE hours shall be computed by the following formula:
Total minutes of actual instruction = Total hours 60 (rounded to nearest 1/10 of an hour) No attorney shall be permitted to claim more than six (6) hours of CLE credit through the use of satellite-transmitted or electronically recorded or reproduced material, even though same is presented by an accredited sponsor. As part of the six (6) hours, an attorney may claim up to three (3) hours of CLE credit for telephone seminars. Credit for the ethics hour may not be claimed as part of an activity offered by satellite-transmittal, electronic reproduction or telephone. Seminars offered by satellite-transmittal, electronic reproduction, or telephone must be approved by the Commission and must comply with Regulation 4.9.

22. The University Of Mississippi - Continuing Legal Education
STATE OF mississippi RULES AND regulations FOR MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL 4.14 Continuing legal education activities sponsored by the following
(revised August 1, 1994)
Credit will be given only for CLE programs approved by the Commission. Such approval normally must be sought and granted prior to the occurrence of the activity, but may be given retroactively.
The following standards will govern the approval of continuing legal education activities by the Commission. The activity must be effectively open to all attorneys licensed to practice law in the State of Mississippi, unless offered by a governmental department or agency for employees of the governmental department or agency. By making an application for approval by the Commission, the seminar sponsor consents to the seminar being listed on the calendar of upcoming CLE events disseminated by the Commission. The activity must have significant intellectual or practical content and its primary objective must be to increase the participant's professional competence as an attorney. The activity must deal primarily with matters related to the practice of law, professional responsibility or ethical obligations of attorneys.

23. Educational Technology Cooperative
Read the administrative regulations of the Kentucky Board of education relating to advanced placement courses mississippi Department of education. 2002.
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K-12 Online Learning
Policies and Regulations
SREB States
Florida In 2001, Florida Bill 1533 created the governance of the Florida Virtual School and established the mission for the Florida Virtual School. A new funding mechanism provided in Florida K-20 Education Code, 1002.37 in 2003, was established to bring stability and add additional accountability measures to FLVS. Under the new law, FLVS is now included in the statewide funding formula for K-12 education instead of relying on a line-item appropriation in the state's annual budget.
Georgia The Development Of The Virtual High School In The State Of Georgia
This document reports data gathered and recommendations made for creating a state virtual high school in Georgia.
Questions the Committee Should Ask

Survey questions committee used to gather information for the report, The Development of the Virtual High School in the State of Georgia.
Kentucky The first ever statewide virtual high school was created in Kentucky by executive order in 1999. The Kentucky Virtual High School began operation in January 2000, with a blend of licensed and self-developed online courses, taught by Kentucky teachers. Read the administrative regulations of the Kentucky Board of Education relating to advanced placement courses.

24. Legislative Action - Past Years
Legislatures in Alabama, Arkansas, mississippi, and Texas also addressed state Reform legislation in Texas reduces state education regulations by an
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The 1995 Legislative Briefing
Actions to downsize government and increase efficiency dominated the legislative agendas of SREB states in 1995, and schools and colleges in many states found themselves accepting more freedom and flexibility in return for more accountability.
It was also a belt-tightening year across the region. In most states, education budgets grew less than they did one year ago. Increases to elementary and secondary education budgets for 1995-96 are lower in nearly every SREB state, while higher education budget increases are lower in two-thirds of the states. Pay raises for school teachers and college faculty are also generally lower.
Despite the slowdown in the growth of public college and university budgets across the region, tuition increases for in-state students were generally modest. A few states saw increases as high as 7 percent, but more states held tuition steady.
Three SREB states passed charter school bills designed to encourage more educational innovation. Most other states considered such bills or agreed to study the concept further.
Higher education budgets
Higher education budget increases in the SREB states ranged from about 1 percent to 9 percent. Increases of less than 4 percent were approved in Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Virginia. Four-year colleges in North Carolina and Tennessee institutions will operate at about last year's funding level. Colleges in Georgia will see the greatest boost at 9 percent. Budgets in Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and West Virginia are up 6 to 8 percent. Funding in Alabama will decline 7.6 percent.

25. Boating Regulations By State
Laws, Boating education regulations, Reciprocity accepts boating safety certificates from Home study is accepted - mississippi boating regulations.
Boating Courses Boating Tips Boating Contest Safety Links ... Contact Us Boating Regulations by State
Boating Education Requirements
Laws Boating Education Regulations Reciprocity
accepts boating safety certificates from other states and/or NASBLA-approved courses. Alabama Minimum age to operate 12. Boating license required - proctored exam required to obtain license. Non-residents may operate up to 45 days without a license. Alaska No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A Arizona No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A Arkansas No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A California No mandatory boating education laws. Minimum age to operate is 16. California boating information. Yes Colorado Colorado residents - age 14-15 - who operate PWCs required to complete boating safety course. Home study is not accepted for this age group. Yes Connecticut All operators of vessels registered in, or who own property in, CT must successfully complete an approved boating course or pass the CT challenge exam. PWC operators must take proctored, state-approved PWC classroom course regardless of residency. Other vessel operators may take the CT challenge exam. No Delaware Delaware residents born after 1/1/78 must complete an 8 hour boating course.

26. Mississippi Boating Safety Course - Boater Education Courses Online
mississippi safe boating course online earn your mississippi safe boating This section contains information on mississippi Boating regulations that
Boating Safety Course
The Nautical Know How Basic Boating Course is a NASBLA approved course. Successful completion of this course meets Mississippi's requirement for boating safety education. This section contains information on Mississippi Boating Regulations that are in addition to the Federal Requirements covered in the Basic Boating Course . If you have not reviewed the course material, please do so now. All Federal Requirements in the basic boating course apply to Mississippi; this section lists Mississippi Boating Requirements that are above and beyond Federal Requirements. The Nautical Know How Boating Safety ID card is recognized in the State of Mississippi as proof of successful completion of a Boating Safety Course . You may also get a Mississippi boater safety card by mailing a copy of your Nautical Know How ID card to the state. Contact Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, PO Box 451, Jackson, MS 39205-0451 for more information. Age Restrictions: Persons less than 12 years of age shall not operate a motor boat unless accompanied by an adult of 21 years of age and having taken a boating safety course. Proof of completion of the course must be carried onboard while the vessel is operating.

27. Mississippi Medicare Providers
CMS and Provider education Tools. . mississippi Medicare Home Mammography Services – Content includes Coding, Policies/ regulations,
Skip Navigation Search ANY word Search ALL words Search EXACT phrase HIPAA CMS and HIPAA
CMS and Provider Education Tools

Mississippi Medicare Home
... National Medicare CMS and Provider Education Tools ). CMS wants to ensure providers and health care practitioners have quick access to accurate Medicare program information. In keeping with this goal, the provider and supplier-specific Web pages listed below are a one-stop resource focused on the informational needs and interests of Medicare providers, including physicians and other practitioners. Provider and supplier-specific Web pages can be accessed from or . From the CMS Home page, click on Providers from the left navigation bar under Topics or search under the Professionals tab or drop-down menu. Specialized information on these one-stop resource pages includes links to Federal Regulations and Notices, Transmittals/ Change Requests, and Frequently Asked Questions. General information includes links for Coverage, Coding, Program Integrity/ Medical Review and a wealth of other subjects that would be of interest to all audiences. Each page also has a Highlights section to emphasize important and timely information such as pertinent regulations, instructions, or conferences. Providers, physicians, and suppliers can now go to

28. Rules And Regulations Of Procedure
1.21 Adoption of Rules and regulations The Board shall promulgate and Professional Surveyor - education Based in accordance with mississippi law and
Rules and Regulations of Procedure
Effective March 1, 2005
BE AWARE that the rules and regulations are subject to changes as the Board deems necessary. If you have any questions about the status of a rule, please contact the Board office.
Rules and Regulations of Procedure
Rule No. Organization, Purpose and Operation of the Board Definitions Applications Comity Licensure Fees Roster Retired Licensees Curricula Approved By The Board Experience References Examinations Classifications Licensure Or Enrollment Seals Expirations And Renewals Certificate of Authority; use of terms Code of Professional Conduct Disciplinary Actions Reinstatement Of Licensure Or Certification After Revocation Severability Minimum Standards For Surveying Changes Or Amendments To Rules Continuing Professional Competency Foreword These Rules and Regulations are issued under the authority of Title 73,Chapter 13, Sections 1-105 inclusive of the Mississippi Code of 1972,as amended. They cover specific requirements and procedures necessary for the proper administration of the Mississippi Law regulating the practice of engineering and surveying. They supersede all previous administrative Rules and Regulations. The Rules and Regulations shall be binding upon every person holding a certificate of licensure as professional engineer or surveyor and on all partnerships or corporations or other legal entities authorized to offer or perform engineering or surveying services in this State.

29. Mississippi State Board Of Public Accountancy - About
Please refer to Chapter 4 of the Board’s Rules and regulations for information on the continuing professional education (CPE) compliance requirements
5 Old River Place, Suite 104
Jackson, MS 39202-3449
Phone: (601) 354-7320
Fax: (601) 354-7290
View Map

About MSBPA ...
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
This section of the MSBPA website is currently under development. Please refer to Chapter 4 of the Rules and Regulations or contact the MSBPA office for CPE information. A current copy of the Rules and Regulations may be downloaded from this site. Please click button on the navigation bar located on the left of this page.
CPE Requirements
CPE reporting forms were due from all CPAs August 1, 2005 for the twelve month compliance period ending June 30, 2005.
If you have not submitted your completed and signed form, do so immediately. A blank 2005 CPE reporting form can be found at the MSBPA Forms and Documents link. Current Board Approved Ethics Disallowed CPE Programs/Sponsors Please refer to Chapter 4 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations for information on the continuing professional education (CPE) compliance requirements (modified effective March 1, 2004). Some of the 2004 amendments include:
• a requirement for a minimum three CPE credit hours in Board approved Ethics, Professional Conduct, Public Accountancy Law and Regulations course(s) triennially - initial period: July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2007 [4.1.3.(b) and 4.3.2.];

30. Boating Safety And License Online - Boat Mississippi Official Boating License An
mississippi Boating regulations and Boat Safety Course Online You can be certain that the official mississippi Boating education Certificate you receive
Mississippi Boating Regulations and Boat Safety Course Online
Welcome to the official site for Mississippi boating safety courses and PWC (jet ski) safety courses approved by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources . The courses found on this site satisfy Mississippi boater education law requiring certain operators to have a Mississippi Boating Education Certificate. Taking a boat safety course will teach you about boater safety and Mississippi boating laws, and may also make you eligible for a discount on your personal watercraft (jet ski) or boat insurance! Below you'll find options for an online Mississippi boating safety course with an online boater certification test and Mississippi classroom boat safety courses.

31. Bilingual Education State Laws
mississippi. Contact Dr. Ada Belton, Coordinator, Bilingual education, (601) 3593513. Transitional Bilingual education regulations. 603 CMR.



The READ Institute
Read Abstracts
A 50 State Survey of Requirements for the Education of Language Minority Children
November 1997
By Anita Garcia and Cynthia Morgan Ms. Garcia and Ms. Morgan are Adjunct Fellows at the Center for Equal Opportunity in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Garcia is also a scholar at the University of California at Berkeley for the Foundation for Teaching Economics.
Ms. Morgan is also an Ashbrook scholar at Ashland University. Introduction Schools around the United States are now faced with education a growing number of children who lack basic English skills. According to the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education , there are 2,437,723 Limited English Proficiency students in the U.S.1 Only a few years ago, many schools had never dealt with a language minority child. Today, an increasing number do. The challenge of providing a quality education to all students is doubled when schools must also teach a child an entire new language as well as academic courses. Over the last 30 years, elected officials, education agencies, and the courts have established guidelines for the education of these students. Federal requirements allow states a wide deal of latitude in selecting the most effective programs for their limited-English-proficient (LEP) students. Many states have enacted their own laws governing the management and style of programs for LEPs. These laws have been developed in cooperation with, or under coercion from, federal agencies and/or activist organizations. The result has been a patchwork of laws and regulations that can vary greatly from state to state.

32. Mississippi Physician Assistant Regulations
regulations GOVERNING THE PRACTICE OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS “CAAHEP” Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health education Programs
Current Regulations
1. The following regulations pertain to Physician Assistants practicing medicine with physician supervision. Physician Assistants may perform those duties and responsibilities, including diagnosing and the ordering, prescribing, dispensing of prepackaged drugs, and administration of drugs and medical devices as delegated by their supervising physician(s). 2. Physician Assistants may provide any medical service which is delegated by the supervising physician when the service is within the Physician Assistant's training and skills; forms a component of the physician's scope of practice; and is provided with supervision. 3. Physician Assistants shall be considered the agents of their supervising physicians in the performance of all practice-related activities including, but not limited to, the ordering of diagnostic, therapeutic, and other medical services. B. DEFINITIONS 1. The following terms have the meanings indicated: a. “Board” means the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure.

33. The Official Site Of The Mississippi Supreme Court And Court Of
The Official Site of the mississippi Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. RULES AND regulations FOR MANDATORY CONTINUING JUDICIAL education

34. The Official Site Of The Mississippi Supreme Court And Court Of
RULES AND regulations FOR. CERTIFICATION AND CONTINUING education FOR request to the mississippi Court Administrators Association s education Committee

35. Rules And Regulations For Mandatory Continuing Legal Education - Rule 4
STATE OF mississippi. RULES AND regulations FOR MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL education University of mississippi Center for Continuing Legal education
(revised August 1, 1994) RULE 4. ACCREDITATION
Credit will be given only for CLE programs approved by the Commission. Such approval normally must be sought and granted prior to the occurrence of the activity but may be given retroactively. Regulations
4.1 The following standards will govern the approval of continuing legal education activities by the Commission.
4.2 The activity must be effectively open to all attorneys licensed to practice law in the State of Mississippi, unless offered by a governmental department or agency for employees of the governmental department or agency. By making an application for approval by the Commission, the seminar sponsor consents to the seminar being listed on the calendar of upcoming CLE events disseminated by the Commission.
4.3 The activity must have significant intellectual or practical content and its primary objective must be to increase the participant's professional competence as an attorney.
4.4 The activity must deal primarily with matters related to the practice of law, professional responsibility or ethical obligations of attorneys.

36. Rules And Regulations For Mandatory Continuing Judicial Education - Rule 8
RULES AND regulations FOR MANDATORY CONTINUING JUDICIAL education A. The mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal education, PO Box 362, Jackson,
[Effective August 1, 1994] [Amended by order June 7, 1994] RULE 8 SUNSET REVIEW
The Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi shall review the Mandatory Continuing Judicial Education Program five years from and after January 1, 2001. However, the Supreme Court is not precluded from considering the rules, organization and agenda, or any other matter of this program during this time period. [Amended January 11, 1996] Appendix
The Commissioners approved on September 1, 1987, the following sponsors for credit toward Mandatory Continuing Judicial Education requirements from any approved course of:
A. The Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education, P.O. Box 362, Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0369, or another similar authority of any state;
B. The National Judicial College, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, 89557;
C. The Appellate Course, New York University, New York, New York;
D. The ABA Judicial Administration Division, Appellate Judges' Conference, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611;
E. The American Academy of Judicial Education, 2025 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 903, Washington, D.C. 20006;

37. Mississippi -- Sources [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ]
See also links to all mississippi lawreview web sites as well as links to web sites of Rules and regulations for Mandatory Continuing Legal education

38. Home Based Business
The mississippi State University Extension Service has been working with homebased electronic services, taxpayer help and education, tax regulations,
Current Situation
Frequently Asked Questions

Newsletters ...
home page
Business Assistance:
Current Situation
The way we work is changingwe are in the middle of a tremendous workforce pattern change. Since the early 1980s, there has been a resurgence in entrepreneurial spirit. The 'new entrepreneurism' is different from the past - this time we are working from home. Changes in the economy and the family have precipitated changes in attitudes toward the separation of the home from the work place, resulting in the rapid growth of home-based businesses. In addition, the change from an industrial based economy to an information and service based economy, and new communication technologies have dramatically increased work-at-home opportunities. Home-based businesses are now recognized as a viable source of new jobs and economic growth. People are choosing to create their own jobs at home rather than seek employment elsewhere. Self employment, including home-based business opportunities, offer flexibility and adaptability to the rural economy and adds diversity not only to employment choices but to the mix of services and products available in rural areas. Helping small, entrepreneurial home-based businesses to start or expand is a community development strategy that many people either dismiss or don't think of because it lacks the impact of recruiting a major employer. But, the cumulative effect of many home businesses can make a difference. [1]

39. State FBA Stats & Regs
California Department of education regulations are located in Title 5. mississippi Department of education Missouri Department of Elementary and


State Statutes and Regulations Requiring
Functional Behavioral Assessment
NOTE: The information included herein has not been reviewed by, and therefore has neither been endorsed nor denied endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education. Thus, this information should be considered the opinion of the authors only, and not that of the Department of Education. Some of the links on this page require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Click here to download the latest version if you do not have it. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), 20 U.S.C.  1400 et seq., provides federal funds to assist state and local agencies in educating disabled children. IDEA 2004 conditions the receipt of such funds upon a state's compliance with certain goals and procedures. State legislatures and departments of education have enacted statutes and promulgated regulations respectively to ensure compliance with IDEA 2004 requirements. IDEA 2004 and its implementing regulations require schools to conduct functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) but provide little to no guideance on what an FBA is or how to conduct one. State laws and regulations are filling the gap. To learn about your state's FBA requirements, follow the links below and contact your State Department of Education directly. Click here to view a summary of state FBA laws (18.0KB Excel format).

40. Mississippi Safe Boating Regulations And Requirements
Mandatory education for all boaters in mississippi. REQUIREMENT. Boater education is required for all persons born after June 30, 1980 who operate a powered
Boater Exam Canada Boater Exam USA Site Map
Please contact the state marine board to take an exam in your area.
Law Enforcement Division
1505 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS 39211
Phone: (601) 432-2070 There is currently
Mandatory Education
for all boaters in Mississippi. REQUIREMENT Boater Education is required for all persons born after June 30, 1980 who operate a powered watercraft on Mississippi waters.
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Site Map is a registered trademark of Skipper Online Services (SOS) Inc. BoaterExam America, Inc. is a licensed user of the trademark, Your use of this site constitutes acceptance of the

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