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61. Mississippi College - School Of Education WELCOME to the mississippi College School of education Website. The Schoolof education provides the general education, professional studies, http://www.mc.edu/academics/education/ | |
62. Edvisors Network : College And University/US Colleges/Mississippi/Two-Year Colle Providing twoyear educational opportunities in Meridian, mississippi. Adult Basic education, general education Diploma (GED), Proprietary Schools, http://www.edvisors.com/College_and_University/US_Colleges/Mississippi/Two-Year_ | |
63. University Information 1000 ASU DRIVE, 300 Â ALCORN STATE, mississippi 390967500 1-800-222-6790 Â (601)877-6147 OR If general education Development (GED), give date and year http://www.alcorn.edu/admissions/adm_app.htm | |
64. WLOX-TV - The News For South Mississippi: *Education Pennsylvania Auditor general Jack Wagner Reveals Missing Computers and MoneyWasted at Pocono Committee Starts Reviewing mississippi School Funding Plan http://www.wlox.com/Global/category.asp?C=48523 |
65. Mississippi Historical Society The mississippi Historical Society has provided programs and produced books, and other materials aimed towards the education of the general public. http://mshistory.k12.ms.us/mshistsociety.html | |
66. NCEE News Education Week Profiles America S Choice Successes Richard tells the story of how mississippi education officials decided to used America s Choice to help in their general school improvement efforts. http://www.ncee.org/ncee/news/detail.jsp?id=72 |
67. The DRM Regional Resource Directory: Mississippi general See also Developmental Disabilities, MultiService Agencies Coalition for education, specific disorders mississippi Children s Home Society http://www.disabilityresources.org/MISSISSIPPI.html | |
68. 50 Years After Brown, Parents And Students Fight For Equality In Mississippi's D general, US Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, a powerful mississippi law With help from the Southern Echo staff and other mississippi education http://www.ruraledu.org/roots/rr501a.htm | |
69. Mississippi Schools, Mississippi University Of mississippi mississippi Department Of education Lutheraneducation Association Friends Council on education - general Conference of http://creekin.net/k21509-n229-mississippi-schools-mississippi.html | |
70. Senate Education Committee mississippi Legislature 2003 Regular Session. Senate education Committee allocated for certain Gordon purposes; divert for general education programs. http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2003/html/Senate_cmtes/ED.htm | |
71. Daily Action Report For 03/25/01 mississippi Legislature 2001 Regular Session State Department of education general Warren Programs, education Reform Act and Vocational education. http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2001/html/daily_action/032501.htm | |
72. Family Crises Services Of Northwest Mississippi, Inc. -- General Info mississippi State Department of Health. Rape Prevention and education for Middleand Junior High School Youth. RESPECT Your Key to the Future http://www.watervalley.net/users/rcs/geninfo.html | |
73. SEIRTEC Survey Results: Mississippi Administrative support and encouragement for use of technology in teacher education . Technology Skills in Teacher education general. http://www.itrc.ucf.edu/other/seirtec/data/ms.html | |
74. EducationGuardian.co.uk | News | Mississippi To Pay For Education Bias The agreement calls for mississippi to spend $246m (£171m) during the next 17 mississippi s attorney general and a key negotiator, Mike Moore, said. http://education.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,5500,478179,00.html | |
75. Linux PR: Open Source Software Institute And North Mississippi Education Consort through the general Public License (GPL) agreement, to alter the program to meet The North mississippi education Consortium is a partnership among http://linuxpr.com/releases/5013.html | |
76. DerKeiler Directory - /Regional/North_America/United_States/Mississippi/Educatio mississippi Higher education Assistance Corporation Affiliated programs arethe Workforce, Adult Basic education, general education Diploma (GED), http://directory.derkeiler.com/Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Mississi | |
77. NOAA Central Library: WINDandSEA: The Oceanic And Atmospheric Sciences Internet http//www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/education.html (general educational and outreachpages Lower mississippi River Forecast Center hydrologic education site. http://www.lib.noaa.gov/docs/wind/education.html | |
78. Mississippi Department Of Education The official site for information on public elementary and secondary educationin mississippi. http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/ | |
79. Mississippi Education Colleges And Universities Our Database Currently Includes 24 mississippi education Colleges and Universities . Additional mississippi education Colleges, College City, State http://www.uscollegesearch.org/mississippi-education-colleges.html | |
80. UMC School Of Health Related Professions Health Careers in mississippi Employment Opportunities Related Professions (SHRP)has provided health related education to more than 2400 students. http://shrp.umc.edu/ | |
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