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Missing Adults: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
61. Y.E.S. Youth Educated In Safety YES Home Missing Children Is Your Child Missing Missing Children National Center For missing adults Help Find Wisconsin s Missing Children http://www.yeswi.org/htdocs/missing_adults.html | |
62. Project Jason - Internet Resources (NMCO) Center for missing adults (CMA) provides assistance to families of missing missing adultsMissing Children is dedicated to missing adults and http://www.projectjason.org/resources.html | |
63. Missing Adult Checklist Notify other nonÂprofit organizations that assist with missing adults. Circulatemissing person posters of the missing adult except in locations http://www.thecolumbiastar.com/news/2005/0722/Front_Page/005.html | |
64. SFPD: Juvenile & Family Services: Missing Person missing adults/Juveniles The Missing Persons Unit of the Juvenile and FamilyServices Division investigates all adults. Questions http://www.sfgov.org/site/police_index.asp?id=21641 |
65. USATODAY.com - Groups Spotlight Others Missing emergence of groups such as the missing adults center and Project Jason. so little attention that the National Center for missing adults recently http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-07-14-missing-persons_x.htm | |
66. USATODAY.com - Man Charged With Murder In Tamika Huston Case The FBI has nearly 50000 active cases involving missing adults. Those stories Âon National Public Radio and in USA TODAY Â and sharply critical http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-08-12-huston-arrest_x.htm | |
67. The Times Leader: Statewide Tip Line, Web Site To Help Find Missing Adults - - E Sometimes the end result with a missing adult is just as tragic as that of a Petro reminded families of missing adults about Project LINK (Linking http://www.reviewonline.com/edit/story/0724202005_edt01statewidetip.asp | |
68. Untitled Document Yuba County Sheriff s Office actively locates missing adults. Please checkback often to view any new photos of missing adults. http://www.co.yuba.ca.us/sheriff/ycso/LocalMissAdults.htm | |
69. Web To Aid Hunt For Missing Adults Renee ModlinSims called her son s cell phone almost daily. And Phillip JasonModlin almost always answered her call. When the 26-year-old Dayton resident s http://www.daytondailynews.com/localnews/content/localnews/daily/0808missing.htm |
70. HR513.html WHEREAS, creating a national alert system for missing adults who suffer fromAlzheimer´s disease, Autism, dementia, and other cognitive and mental http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2005_06/fulltext/hr513.htm | |
71. Some Say Missing Minority Cases Ignored - Boston.com - Nation - News Most of the missing adults tracked by the FBI are men. More than onein-five ofthose abducted or kidnapped are black. But you might not get that impression http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2005/06/15/some_say_missing_minority_ | |
72. -CITE- 42 USC CHAPTER 140A - JENNIFER S LAW 01/06/03 -EXPCITE Grants for the assistance of organizations to find missing adults. (a) In general.(b) Regulations. End- -CITE- 42 USC Sec. 14661 01/06/03 -EXPCITE- TITLE http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/42C140A.txt | |
73. Missing Persons: System, Attitudes Need Fixing Exploited Children, but provided no such resource for missing adults. In 2001Congress provided $1.6 million to help finance an adult resource component http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/110826_notatraced.shtml | |
74. Part 8: Woman Clings To Faint Hope Of Finding Her Missing Sister But honestly, the public is less sensitive to missing adults, Pasquilini said.The center also is collecting data and building a registry, providing secure http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/108886_missingfamily25.shtml | |
75. Ninn.org - Web Links Angelsmissing is Dedicated tomissing adults and Missing Children. We provide Updated News, Amber Alerts,......missing adults Missing Children http://newscenter.ninn.org/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlink&cid=90 |
76. Calendarlive.com Not Only Natalee Is Missing Erin Bruno, the lead case manager for the National Center for missing adults in releases daily on the 47828 cases of missing adults they are tracking. http://www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-et-aruba5aug05,0,5379236.story |
77. Missing & Exploited Children Clearinghouse - State, National And International A Link to the Center for missing adults Center for missing adults 2432 West PeoriaAve, Suite 1286 Phoenix, AZ 85029 1800-690-FIND http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/missing/aware/links.htm | |
78. My August 2004 Journal By Robert Cooke I mailed some information to the National Center for missing adults today. The final walkthrough for the missing adult training class is next week in http://www.rachelcookesearch.org/journal_aug2004.html | |
79. National Missing Persons Helpline (0500 700 700) - Fact File Very little general information exists on missing adults. 28% of the samplesof adults go missing sleep rough, as do two fifths of young runaways. http://www.missingpersons.org/factfile.asp | |
80. ESSENCE.com National Center for missing adults A division of the NationÂs Missing ChildrenOrganization, Inc., this nonprofit organization works with the US Department http://www.essence.com/essence/lifestyle/voices/0,16109,1071711,00.html | |
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