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61. Burroughs Community School Home Burroughs PTA, along with the other Southwest Minneapolis ptas/ptos and ECFE, will be sponsoring a special meeting on Thursday, November 11, at 630 pm. http://www.burroughspta.org/ | |
62. The Role Of The PTA - Alabama - GreatSchools.net clubs. These clubs serve many of the same functions as ptas, but operate as these groups are sometimes referred to as parentteacher organizations, or ptos. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/al/29/parent | |
63. News Archive Tribune A critical mass seems to be forming in favor of changing the way teachers are assigned to Minneapolis schools Parents abandon ptas, form ptos 10/23 http://www.parentsunitednetwork.org/News_Archive.html?page=13 |
64. News Archive Tribune A critical mass seems to be forming in favor of changing the way teachers are assigned to Minneapolis schools. Parents abandon ptas, form ptos 10/23 http://www.parentsunitednetwork.org/printview/News_Archive.html?page=5 |
65. Search Results PTO Today Site devoted to the work of volunteer schoolparent groups (ptos, ptas, etc.) Issues education; education; media Location Mankato, MN 56001. http://www.macronet.org/cgi-bin/htgrep.cgi/max=250&file=search.html,datafile.htm |
66. Education K-12 Directory Of Iowa Everything from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. Frenchtoast Buy direct from manufacturer of French Toast Official School Wear. http://iowa.uscity.net/Education/K-12/ |
67. Education Directory Of New York PTO today is dedicated to helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas) help their schools with information on fund raising, playgrounds, http://new-york.uscity.net/Education/ |
68. Safersurfersorg Hits Ground Running Reveals Internet Safety Tips Print and promotional materials are available to all schools, educators, ptos and ptas while supplies last. About Safersurfers.org http://www.prnewsnow.com/PR News Releases/Safersurfersorg Hits Ground Running Re |
69. /Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/ - Www.KOL-ISRAEL.com - Web Directory Montana PTAFlorida PTADelaware PTAWyoming PTANew York State PTAPTOtoday Magazine Exclusively focused on the work of school parent groups (ptos, ptas, etc).$/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/ | |
70. Atlantis Resort Results By Radio-atlantis.com www.internationalplayco.com; Playground Information The home of America s 80,000 K8 parent-teacher organizations (ptos, ptas, etc.) has information about http://radio-atlantis.com/result.php?Keywords=atlantis resort&host=radio-atlanti |
71. The American Enterprise: Short News And Commentary Given the way ptas are governed, it is virtually impossible for parents to In the large Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, ptos have http://www.taemag.com/issues/articleid.16123/article_detail.asp | |
72. Jerry Moore's School Talk: Parent-Community Participation when Superintendent Craig Bailey and the school board requested that ptos in the The Night Shift Schools, ptas Create New Ways to Involve Working Parents By http://www.myshortpencil.com/schooltalk/messages/2/911.html?1108484219 |
73. Telecom News Archives Much of the disparity reflects the fact that ptos, used to doing This new facility will enable the company to save 4 billion ptas peryear in rentals. http://www.igigroup.com/news/archives1999/9910-11-15.html | |
74. MotheringDotCommune Forums - PTA Question Some ptas choose to pay dues for their board members With the budget crisis in my state, ptos are being asked to purchase more and more of the things needed for http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=195627 |
75. Bridges4Kids: No Child Left Behind Act Of 2002 Backto-School Resources Help Parents, Students, and ptas - To make getting ready for ptos Court New Members Dads - Carey Heuer gets teased sometimes. http://www.bridges4kids.org/ESEA.html | |
76. Noticias Translate this page por lo que dio minutos a Fotsis (21 ptos) y Salomon (23 ptos) que lo Los minnesota Timberwolves han ganado el duelo de invictos ante los Milwaukee http://www.mundogasol.com/baloncesto/Noticias.htm | |
77. Teacher - Elementary School Teachers Products From A To Z For Teachers, Principals, ptas, ptos And Parents It s Elementary custom products for Teachers, Principals, ptas, Parents! http://www.teacherfaqs.com/elementaryschoolteachers/ | |
78. !Kung Cotton-roll Gingivitides Cotton-roll Gingivitis Locked PTAPT PTAPs ptas PTBD PTBD s PTBDs PTC PTCA PTCA s PTCAF PTCAs PTEN PTFE PTLDs PTMA PTMTGTH PTO PTO s ptos PTP PTP s PTPLP PTPase PTPmu PTPs PTSD http://specialist.nlm.nih.gov/nls/gspell/data/2002LexiconTerms.txt |
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