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81. SETAC 2003 PW02 wildlife as Ecological Receptors at Hazardous Waste Sites Exhibit Hall Key words dioxinlike toxicity, PCBs, mink, wildlife risk assessment http://abstracts.co.allenpress.com/pweb/setac2003/document/?ID=30043 |
82. Wildlife Watching Boat Trips From Oban, Argyll - Sealife Adventures Cruises, Sco wildlife watching boat trips and cruises on the West Coast of Scotland, the otter may benefit other wildlife by reducing the number of naturalised mink. http://www.sealife-adventures.com/otter.htm | |
83. Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources They harvested mainly beaver, but also otter, mink and other fur that Wolves,wolverine, coyotes, bobcats, fox, mink and other predatory wildlife were http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/furbearer/furbearer_info.html | |
84. Our Beautiful World: Kamchatka, Animals - Wildlife American mink (Mustela vison), muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) and Part of extabove from Arctic wildlife, By Fred J. Kane Arctic Fox (Alopex lagopus) http://www.vulkaner.no/t/kamchat/animals.html | |
85. Wildlife Viewing Nulhegan Gateway Association Silvio O. Conte National Fish and wildlife Refuge Nulhegan Basin Division mink, river otter, beaver, and muskrat frequent the watercourses. http://www.nulhegan.com/nulhegan/What_to_Do/Outdoor_Activities/Wildlife_Viewing |
86. Kent Wildlife Trust Securing a better future for the native wildlife and Kent and Medway mink areoften mistaken for otters but are much smaller. As a rule of thumb, http://www.kentwildlife.org.uk/usefulinfo/wildlife/ispages/is_otters_&_water_vol | |
87. Environment Agency - Water For Wildlife Project Suffolk wildlife Trust held several workshops for landowners regarding water voleconservation and methods for controlling mink (water vole predators). http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/recreation/345623/631029/796360/82 |
88. World Wildlife Kingdom World wildlife Kingdom (formerly known as wildlife Inc.) has failed to meet minimal A mink bit a wildlife Inc. employee. The mink was later euthanized. http://www.wildlifepimps.com/WorldWildlifeKingdom.htm | |
89. Water & Wetlands Wiltshire wildlife Trust is delighted to report the return of the water vole mink, brought into the UK by the fur trade, have succeeded in breeding in http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/index.php?section=news:water&id=900 |
90. USDA Forest Service - About Us Denuse by mink. Journal of wildlife Management. 33(4) 1025-1026. 27112. 32.Shiflet, Thomas N., ed. 1994. Rangeland cover types of the United States. http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/wildlife/mammal/muvi/all.html | |
91. NERI - Department Of Wildlife Ecology And Biodiversity - Staff Members 1995, M.Sc. in biology with specialism in wildlife biology, Hammershøj,M. Population Ecology of mink Mustela Vison Population Dynamics and Trophic http://www2.dmu.dk/1_Om_DMU/2_afdelinger/3_vibi/medarbejdere2_en.asp?PersonID=mh |
92. Lords Hansard Text For 27 Oct 2004 (241027-09) My noble friend recognises that mink cause a great problem in the wildlife inthe countryside needs to be managed, and one way of doing so is to do http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200304/ldhansrd/vo041027/text/41027-0 | |
93. House Of Commons Hansard Debates For 6 Mar 1998 (pt 6) The Bill is supposed to deal with the protection of our wildlife, among otherthings. If we do not destroy mink, they will destroy our wildlife. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199798/cmhansrd/vo980306/debtext/8030 | |
94. Friends Of The Earth: Press Release: EXTINCT RATTY TO BE CUT FROM WIND IN THE WI A new character, American mink, has joined the stoats, weasels and ferrets The Bill must be amended to protect local wildlife sites, and ensure species http://www.foe.co.uk/pubsinfo/infoteam/pressrel/2000/20000408000139.html | |
95. Satya Aug. 1999: Wild For Mink By Lisa M. Collins the ground will reintroduce the mink to Cape Romain National wildlife Refuge, After an outflux of birds and other wildlife from the sanctuary in the http://www.satyamag.com/august99/sat.61.mink.html | |
96. Fleshing Mink With Deer Bones, Alaska Department Of Fish And Game How to information for preparing mink skins. wildlife Home FAQ Site Index.ADF G - wildlife Conservation. www.wildlife.alaska.gov http://www.wildlife.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=trapping.mink |
97. Minks From Fur Farms Ravage UK Wildlife On the Uists, the balance of wildlife has remained intactÃuntil now. But amink raised on a ranch may have one of many colors of fur from pure white http://www.bigcats.org/esa/mink7.html | |
98. Mink (Mustela Vison) .......mink Order Carnivora Family Mustelidae Mustela vison Schreber. mink (Mustelavison). Photo by Donald F. Hoffmeister, courtesy of Museum http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/mustviso.htm | |
99. Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN): Past Research Projects Funded By OWCN UC Davis, Effect of petroleum oil on immune competence in wildlife Studies withmink as a model for petroleum oil exposure in sea otters. Scott Newman http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/owcn/pastresearch.cfm | |
100. Index 02: Links To Filming Sites wildlife IMAGES FROM VIDEO. IMAGES OF THINGS THAT FLY. Birds Damsels Dragonflies Honey Bee. IMAGES OF THINGS THAT DON T http://www.angelfire.com/wa/minkgi/index2.html | |
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