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101. Confederate Military Manuscripts company, battalion, and brigade records from a variety of Virginia militaryunits. With UPAÂs new confederate military Manuscripts, Series C, http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/2upa/Aacw/ConfederateMilitaryManuscripts.asp | |
102. Missouri Confederate Unit Rosters Missouri confederate Unit Rosters. NOTE The following rosters are initially (How to obtain military Record). Individual soldiers may be listed in more http://missouridivision-scv.org/mounits/rosters.html | |
103. Maine Army National Guard The 20th Maine took 400 prisoners and stopped the confederate threat to the Union The military lineage of this unit remains predominantly in the 133 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/arng-me.htm | |
104. Civil War Research At The NY Military Museum And Veterans Research Center Dornbusch, Charles E. military Bibliography of the Civil War. 4 vol s. A guide to published Union and confederate unit histories. http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/historic/research/civilResearch.htm | |
105. Military Organizations Raised In Alabama During Civil War http://www.archives.state.al.us/referenc/alamilor/mil_org.html |
106. Military Records : Historical Society Of Pennsylvania The Library has a major collection of military unit histories, Confederatemilitary History, Extended Edition General history and individual state http://www.hsp.org/default.aspx?id=124 |
107. Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk Army Of Mississippi Commander Confederate Army confederate Army. polk,l.jpg (3753 bytes) General Polk commanded large militaryunits in the Battles of Belmont, Shiloh, Perryville, Stones River, http://www.civilwarfamilyhistory.com/new_page_148.htm | |
108. Civil War Search Strategies For The Wisconsin Historical Society Library military History Civil War Library Search Strategies When this happens,add a second or third term (such as military unit, or combining a personal http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/military/civil_war/strategies_library.asp | |
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