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61. Reparations Have Already Been Paid For Slavery Of the (overwhelmingly White) men enrolled in military units, Union and confederate (4) In confederate units, deaths approached 19% of the men enrolled, http://www.bluffton.edu/~bergerd/essays/reparations.html | |
62. Confederate National And Bonnie Blue Flags. With the adoption of the 1st National flag military units, Next confederateunits served under a myriad of battle flags some didn t resemble this more http://home.freeuk.com/gazkhan/blank_national.htm | |
63. CONFEDERATE ARMY Term Papers, Research Papers On CONFEDERATE ARMY And Essays At and the establishment of black confederate army units. military servicein combat, support units of cooks and fortification builders, or if military http://www.academon.com/lib/essay/confederate-army.html | |
64. Cherokees Join Confederate Army To Battle Union Forces At Pea Ridge » The Arkan When the confederate States of America was created in 1861, the confederate The Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole military units, however, http://www.oldstatehouse.com/educational_programs/classroom/arkansas_news/detail |
65. Curious Find On Confederate Sub Links North And South The German Light Artillery, which was a military unit of Corporal CF Carlson, The Hunley crew consisted of several diverse confederate units. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/04/0427_hunleyapril27.html | |
66. Antietam On The Web :: Weapons Index of the military leaders and other individuals, and 750 military units present, It was also in wide use in confederate units following capture and http://aotw.org/weapons.php?weapon_id=all |
67. Louisiana Secretary Of State/State Archives/Index The book, Guide to Louisiana confederate military units 18611865, by Arthur W.Bergeron,Jr., published by Louisiana State Press, Baton Rouge and London, http://www.sec.state.la.us/archives/gen/cpa-index.htm | |
68. Handbook Of Texas Online: CIVIL WAR Lubbock met frequently with confederate political and military leaders in efforts to On occasion, military units were assigned harvesting duties. http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/CC/qdc2.html | |
69. Ancestry.com - Locating Union & Confederate Records Service of military units in Volunteer Union Organizations; Compiled recordsShowing Service of military units in Volunteer confederate Organizations http://www.ancestry.com/learn/library/article.aspx?article=4874 |
70. Illinois During The Civil War: Soldiers' Lives Most states also organized their own military units, which worked with the United Despite these parallel, if rival, mythologies, Union and confederate http://dig.lib.niu.edu/civilwar/soldierslives.html | |
71. The Civil War: Black American Contributions To Union Intelligence Robert E. Lee, commander of the confederate Army of Northern Virginia, did regarding the military contributions of black American Union military units, http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/dispatches/dispatch.html | |
72. Civil War Only a few blacks actually served alongside whites in confederate units and received Union officers also organized freedmen into military units, http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/cabildo/cab10.htm | |
73. Confederate Penision Applications - York County Information includes veteran s name and residence; military unit and rank; including military units and the term Blacks, confederate Service are http://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/search/authorityterms/S_Descriptions/L46117.asp | |
74. 24.24A. Armed Forces At The National Level For forms of component branches, command districts, and military units of When establishing either Union or confederate fighting units of the US Civil http://www.itsmarc.com/crs/LCRI0362.htm | |
75. Firstmom's Genealogy Resources - Military Resources Guide to Cherokee confederate military units, 18611865 Regimental HistoryBooks Page Lists books available with regimental history, also has links to http://khuish.tripod.com/military.htm | |
76. AllAboutIrish - American Civil War Article about Irish units in Union and confederate Armies of the US Civil War . sovereign states, they turned to those states to raise military forces. http://allaboutirish.com/library/diaspora/ia-civilwar.shtm | |
77. Electronic Resources Fiche 1 79 (Union units) Fiche 80 - 113 (confederate units) Service recordsare arranged by state and within state by military unit. http://www.win.org/library/services/lhgen/MICROmilrecCV.html | |
78. Military Records Some military records for early wars and some records for confederate soldiers confederate Organizations Officers and Posts 18611865, Missouri units. http://www.win.org/library/services/lhgen/military.htm | |
79. Confederate Yankee posted by confederate Yankee at August 12, 2005 0205 PM Becuase of this,Iraqi military and police units continue to attract more recruits than they http://confederateyankee.mu.nu/ | |
80. Find A Grave Cemetery Records- 1st Minnesota Infantry Monument ever suffered by an American military unit in any single engagement. The force of the bayonet attack into the confederate units surprised them, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=6935558&pt= 1st Minnesota |
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